COLLEGE CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Monday, July 14, 2008 5:30 p.m. – Campus Center, Room 4 DRAFT MINUTES MEMBERSHIP PRESENT: MEMBERSHIP ABSENT: Bonnie Bernard Edward Woods Irwin Silon Tom Brown Dr. Yvonne Chan ASO Student Rep FACILITATOR PRESENT: GUESTS: Judith Valles, LAMC Dr. Karen Hoefel, LAMC Nick Quintanilla, GSE Michele Walters (GSE) Nitin Bandi (GSE) WELCOME/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The meeting came to order at 5:45p.m. in Campus Center, Room 4. The minutes of the March 10, 2008 meeting were approved as written. MSP (Brown/Silon). The minutes of the May 12, 2008 meeting were approved with one correction, with the date to read May 12, 2008, not May 10. MSP (Quintanilla/Walters). REPORT FROM PROJECT DIRECTOR: Nick Quintanilla, College Project Manager, distributed the Construction Oversight Report, and discussed the status of projects. Child Development Center is scheduled to open by Fall 2008. They are estimating a August 14 date. They are working diligently, and need about two weeks to be certified by the state. The oversight committee stated their desire to tour the CDC building during their September 8 meeting. Health, Fitness & PE building is 60% done, and we are optimistic about a Spring 2009 opening. There is framing and finish work left to complete. Ed Woods asked about community involvement. President Valles reported that LAMC is working on a plan. The committee would like a tour of the building, possibly in November or January. Nick relayed that the Family & Consumer Studies building had to be rebid due to bid protests, and the next bid is due to open August 12. Construction will start sometime in September. There was considerable discussion regarding the reasons for re-bidding and the low bid process. Nick discussed the Faculty Office Remodel, which will provide 38 private faculty offices. The relocation of faculty offices into leased bungalows mobilized today. Regarding the Entrance Monument, it was noted that we are waiting for MTA funding to be finalized. We expect this project to be completed by the end of the year. Nick reported that the Sheriff’s Office and Facilities Department have been relocated into the new bungalows. We have added 8,000sf of warehouse space, a 2,000sf Media Arts classroom and restroom trailer, two new classroom restroom trailers, and leased space for faculty. Nitin Bandi presented the Budget-Cost Statement. In reviewing the main projects, he explained the difference between budget and cost. Bonnie requested that a start and end date and the percent completed on projects be included in this report. Ed asked about naming buildings after benefactors. President Valles stated that she is working through the Foundation and learning who the benefactors are in the community. The committee asked whether RWGPL (for roads, walkways, grounds, parking lots) could be spelled out. Bonnie asked where the cost of the land acquisition for Harding Street was listed. Bandr stated that the District Build LACCD accounting does not have a G/L account for land acquisition. Instead the costs are listed as Construction under Other Consulting Services, which is under Program/Project 490. Nick relayed that for future reporting, they will be more specific with land acquision details and 495 projects. Bonnie also asked about election costs. It was explained that these costs include establishing the wording for the ballot and printing the ballots. Nick mentioned that the Prop A/AA bond program costs to date are $111,572,481.88, with a current budget of $223,373,404.12. REPORT FROM COLLEGE PRESIDENT: President Valles reported that the faculty move into the trailers went very smooth, and she thanked Gateway and the team for the good work. She mentioned that each college president was asked to raise $100,000 for Measure J. Mission has met the goal with the support of our contractors. The president would like to meet with The Sylmar Neightborhood Council to discuss the importance of Measure J. The next council meeting was July 24 at 6:30p.m. at Sylmar Elementary School. The president said the enrollment is still increasing, and we are working on marketing. She is also visiting the feeder high schools. REPORT FROM DISTRICT CCOC REPRESENTATIVE: No report REPORT FROM ASO REPRESENTATIVE: No report. MEETING CALENDAR 2007/08 The next meeting will be Monday, September 8, 2008 in CC4. Michelle will send new parking passes to all members. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:15p.m.