COLLEGE CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Monday, July 21, 2014 5:30 p.m. – Arroyo Room 1 MINUTES MEMBERSHIP PRESENT: Eugene Hernandez Benjamin Williams Irene Galvan Irwin Silon MEMBERSHIP ABSENT: Donald Neal FACILITATOR PRESENT: GUESTS/RESOURCE MEMBERS: Dr. Monte E. Perez (LAMC) Walter Bortman (LAMC) Daniel Villanueva (LAMC) absent Tara Ward (LAMC) Joe Moreno (Guest) Bill Osborne (LAMC CPM) WELCOME/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The meeting came to order at approximately 5:46 pm in the CAI, Arroyo room. The meeting minutes from March were not available for approval. Dr. Perez chaired the meeting. REPORT FROM THE PROJECT DIRECTOR: Media Arts Center: Kemp Bros. is continuing to repair defective work through construction change documents for the Media Arts Center 3 major documents were submitted for approval to the DSA. It took 6 months for the state to approve the changes. The delay is the state code changes which created a backlog in approvals. The base contract work on the Media Arts center will begin sometime during the start of next year. Campus Modernization The wall partitions in campus center have been put up and now seismic bracing is an issue for the wall partitions. The seismic bracing is going through the approval process with the DSA now. Updating classrooms to smart classrooms had a change order which created another delay and much of the equipment that was purchased or quoted during the original phase of construction was outdated. Accessibility for disabled students has begun on the ramps around campus and most of the work will be completed before the fall semester begins. Restrooms in the LRC are moving forward with repairs as well as the restrooms on the bottom floor of the campus center. Page 1 of 4 COLLEGE CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Monday, July 21, 2014 5:30 p.m. – Arroyo Room 1 Question: What happened to the restrooms in the LRC? They were poorly constructed originally. Answer: The current CPM did not have the previous knowledge of the construction for the restroom but they are aware of the water intrusion and they are investigating the issues to properly make the repairs. Question: Will LAMC offer a student survey about the restrooms and the facilities around the campus? Answer: Yes, we will survey the students in the fall for their opinion of the facility. Question: Do we know the construction company completing the construction in the restrooms Answer: Masters Construction is completing the work around the campus Health Services renovation has begun but a change order has been submitted to DSA The district went through a new procurement process to continue project management around the campuses, but Gateway was not selected to assist LAMC with project management. They created an eligibility pool list to hire from in order to save money. The new list will determine who will help LAMC continue project construction management. LAMC administration should know the names of the new managers in about 30 days. The District is moving toward construction closeout for all nine campuses for 2016, but the LAMC central plant will be completed. Question: We have the funds for the central plant, what is holding it up? Answer: The issue is the design and configuration for the central plant. We need to determine what type of energy we can get for $11 million for the central plant. REPORT FROM COLLEGE PRESIDENT: President’s Update: LAMC was fully reaffirmed by WASC for accreditation. LAMC grew 1000 students this year and we are looking to grow another 1000 students next year and we are in a growth pattern which will increase our base budget. Question: What is your yearly budget and what is our enrollment with this budget? Answer: 28 million for the year with 9500 students LAMC is being asked to work with the Attorney General, Kamala Harris at Pitches Penitentiary on reentry programs for ex-offenders. LAMC has also received funding to begin career pathway programs for high school students in Legal, IT, Bio Technology and Child Development. Question: Are we still working on adding the addiction program back into the curriculum? Answer: Yes, we have faculty working on revising the program to offer it to our students. Page 2 of 4 COLLEGE CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Monday, July 21, 2014 5:30 p.m. – Arroyo Room 1 The technology we ordered for the Media Arts Building is now obsolete. Dr. Perez will be meeting with DO to discuss the possibility of reimbursement or other opportunities to purchase new technology. REPORT FROM ASO REPRESENTATIVE: NONE OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: CCOC nomination and approval of a new CCOC member: The CCOC voted for Joe Moreno as the new committee member. Dr. Perez will work with the ASO and College Council to make sure a student and faculty member participate in the CCOC membership Question: Will it be a conflict of interest if a member’s spouse joins the committee Answer: We will investigate The CCOC membership nominated Benjamin Williams for the DCOC regional membership. Dr. Perez will submit his name to Chancellor’s office and inform the committee of who the Chancellor chose as the Valley-side DCOC regional representative at the next meeting. Dr. Perez discussed the article “Mission College’s Filthy and Boarded Up Bathrooms” and noted that the campus restrooms are highly used, highly accessible areas and the LAMC staff maintain the restrooms properly, however, the Chancellor has made a case that all nine campuses need additional staff and resources to improve the level of cleanliness around all the campuses. The bio-retention pond is filled with plant life to filter the water that comes from the campus before it moves out onto the street. The state requires the campus to have the pond on campus and we are required to capture any water that comes from the campus. Questions: Do we have community service members that can help the maintenance staff? Answer: There are many restrictions with using the community service members. They are paired with the custodial staff, but they cannot work alone or work with certain tools, equipment or chemicals. We can let you know how we use the community service members at the next meeting. The CCOC membership can request any information they need from the District General Counsel office. Kemp Bros. project manager has approved the tour for after hours for the CCOC membership. They date of the tour is determined by the availability of the membership. PUBLIC SPEAKERS: NONE ADJOURNMENT: Page 3 of 4 COLLEGE CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Monday, July 21, 2014 5:30 p.m. – Arroyo Room 1 The meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm with the committee member’s agreeing on the next scheduled meeting date for Monday, September 15, 2014 at 5:30 pm. PROPOSED MEETING CALENDAR FOR 2014: a. b. c. July 21, 2014 September 15, 2014 November 17, 2014 Page 4 of 4