TALKING CIRCLES APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION The Talking Circles on Race and Racism are frank, facilitated dialogues that give people the opportunity for self-reflection, sharing of experiences, and influencing other’s perspectives and attitudes. The Multicultural Resource Center & Diversity Awareness Committee hope to bring approximately 20 racially diverse participants together over a five week period to discuss their personal experiences with racial identity, race issues, and racism. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FORM & RETURN BY DECEMBER 22nd VIA EMAIL TO FEMI OGUNDELE – Name: ________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ School year: ________________ Major/Minor: _____________________________________________ M/F: _______ Race/ Ethnicity: _________________________ Hometown: ____________________ Are you willing to provide feedback via survey regarding your experience: Y / N Please list any leadership roles and other involvement in organizations on campus: Please explain your interest in participating in the Talking Circles: Due to the complex nature of these conversations, I agree to keep confidential and will not disclose any other participants’ identities, opinions, or experiences. X_____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ For more information contact: Femi Ogundele at