TALKING CIRCLES APPLICATION FOR STUDENT PARTICIPATION The Talking Circles on Race and Racism are candid, facilitated dialogues that give people the opportunity for self-reflection and sharing of experiences through sustained dialogue. The Diversity Awareness Committee, Ithaca College Office of Human Resources, Center for Faculty Excellence and the Multicultural Resource Center hope to bring approximately 14-16 racially and ethnically diverse participants together beginning Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM to discuss their personal experiences with racial identity, race issues, and racism. In order to develop trust and confidentiality, we ask that participants commit to the once per week sessions over five consecutive weeks (September 23, 2014 through October 21, 2014), dinner will be provided at all five sessions. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING FORM & RETURN BY September 12th, 2014 VIA EMAIL TO Michelle Rios-Dominguez – Name: ________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ School year: ________________ Major/Minor: _____________________________________________ M/F: _______ Race/ Ethnicity: _________________________ Hometown: ____________________ Are you willing to provide feedback via survey regarding your experience: Y / N Please list any leadership roles and other involvement in organizations on campus: Please explain your interest in participating in the Talking Circles: Due to the complex nature of these conversations, I agree to keep confidential and will not disclose any other participants’ identities, opinions, or experiences. X_____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ For more information contact: Kerry Spitze at