Paper Template NC-GET-2016

Paper Title (Arial 20 size, Centre Text)
Author 1 Name* (Italic12 Bold)
Author 2 Name(Italic12 Bold)
Line 1 Designation (10)
Line 2 Name of Organization(10)
Line 3 City, COUNTRY(10)
Line 4 E-mail ID (10)
Line 1 Designation (10)
Line 2 Name of Organization(10)
Line 3 City, COUNTRY(10)
Line 4 E-mail ID (10)
Abstract: Should be in brief with salient features and important conclusion, not exceeding 250
words. No references should be quoted in the abstract. Do not use any symbols, abbreviations,
characters, etc either in the title or abstract. For quick preparation, select the template abstract with
format painter and apply it to your paper abstract.
Keywords: Affiliation, character, format, modeling, solar, zeal (Not more than seven keywords reflecting the
contents of the manuscript. Arrange key words in alphabetical order, separated by commas).
T his part of the paper should cover the introductory
part of the topic precisely & clearly. The objectives of
the research work. Should be brief and specific. No
sub headings in the introduction part. Avoid
elaboration of details of earlier works [1]. Wherever
necessary use the relevant results [2], [3], data,
materials, similar methods, other methods,
applications [4], [5], [6], [7] from previously published
work in journals, text books, proceedings, thesis,
websites, etc [8]. The references should be cited in
the numbered form as showed. At the end of the
paper references should be listed in the numeral
sequence. From the introduction part, the entire
paper is to be typed in two columns per page. Side
margins, font type and size, line spacing are
specified. Authors are to be followed the same
strictly. Authors are advised to read information on
submission guidelines thoroughly and follow the
instructions by referring author’s guidelines Download the electronic file from the
template download page so as to prepare your
manuscript easily.
The objective of the paper is to be
mentioned at the end of introduction part. All the
main headings should be in the “UPPERCASE”
represent with 1.0. 2.0, 3.0 etc., sub headings in the
“Title Case (First Letter of the Each Word Capital) ”
and represent with 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc. In the similar
manner, sub-sub-headings must be showed with
capitalize only the first letter of the title and
represent the titles as 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, etc.
Information related to the present topic may
be collected from various sources of standard
publications including the journals, seminar or
proceedings, text books, news articles, web sites,
etc. The important points, controlling parameters,
operating conditions, results obtained, etc to be
mentioned [9]. Do not include the review contents
which are irrelevant. Normally this literature review
section is limited to a maximum of one or two
columns length unless it is a review paper. The
extract of one or more papers collected from various
publications can be covered in a single or few
sentences and references used be cited in square
brackets separated with comma. If the information
collected from sources to be presented is lengthy, it
can be presented, one paragraph for each
reference. At the end of each paragraph, cite the
reference number in square brackets [10].
In case authors names are to be cited at the
beginning of a sentence, use the author name/s
instead of “Reference [11],” e.g., “Guggul and Mart
chemicals, software, questionnaire, used is
described in this section. Standard formats used to
collect the information may be presented as an
annexure. The procedure followed to collect the
information, data, experimental procedure, etc are
briefed. Various standard formulae, mathematical
equations, procedure followed can also be
supported with references [12].
Present the views/report in appropriate and
results/observations/readings/data obtained during
the studies and represent in a tabular form, graphical
form, photographs, charts, etc as may be required
and limited to minimum. Discuss the results in
appropriate and precise manner and can be
supported the obtained results or output with the
help of results obtained by the earlier rearchers or
investigators or surveyors by citing the reference/s in
the square brackets [13]. Avoid repeated discussion
of the same. Use proper heading and cite in text as
Table 1, 2 etc. In case the table is collected from any
published source, indicate the same as “source
[no.]” and list in references. Show the relevant
table/s in the text/contents where it is mentioned. In
case of large size table/s, merge the two columns of
the page into one column and fix the table. Show the
Table no. and title above the figure with bold. In the
similar manner present the figures or graphs.
Mention the Fig. no. and title below the figure with
Fig. 1 Poulation growth
Table 1- Population and coastline length in
various countries
Although a conclusion may review the main
points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as
the conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the
importance of the work or suggest applications and
extensions. Authors are strongly encouraged not to
call out multiple figures or tables in the conclusion
these should be referenced in the body of the paper.
We advise the autors to use this template for
preparing the complete manuscript as per the
requirement ijrests. The simplest way is “copy part
of the manuscipt contents and paste on this
template. Use ‘paint brush’ for easy settings
The author/s may thank the person/s who supported
the research work to help to prepare this paper. Also
thanks can be extended to the agencies provided
financial support by way of grant.
Force, kg
Cs mole fraction of NaCl
settling Velocy, m
acceleration due gravity, m.s-2
Hm membrane length, m
Indian Standards
length-averaged permeate flux at the hot
side of the membrane, kg.m-2 .s-1 K membrane
Permeability, m-1 .s Jv local permeate flux at the hot
side of membrane, in vapor phase, kg.m-2 .s-1 Km
mass transfer coefficient, J.m-2 .s-1 .K-1 M molar
mass, kg.mol-1 m mass, kg m  mass flow rate,
kg.s-1 Nu Nusselt number P pressure, Pa Pr Prandlt
number Pv water vapor pressure, Pa Re Reynolds
number of the hot solution channel R Universal gas
constant, J.kmol-1 .K rp membrane pore size, m r1
largest membrane pore , m T temperature, oC Tci
inlet temperature of cold solution, oC Thi inlet
temperature of hot solution, oC T Average
temperature, oC V velocity, m.s-1 Ve velocity of feed
solution, m.s-1 Vr the velocity in radius direction,
m.s-1 r coordinate normal to the solution flow z
coordinate along the solution flow Greek letters ΔP
water vapor pressure difference, Pa δ Thickness or
width, m ε porosity of the membrane γl surface
tension of water, N.m -1 μ dynamic viscosity, kg.m-1
.s-1 ρ density, kg.m-3 tortuosity Subscripts a Air
atm Atmosphere Avg Average c cold solution f
condensate film fp condensate film/cooling plate
interface g vapor/air gap gf air gap/condensate film
interface h hot solution hi inlet of the hot channel hm
hot liquid/membrane interface i inlet of the channel
or ith domain m membrane mc membrane cold side
mg memb
Gilbert R, and Robinson M, A text book on “
Industrial Wastewater Treatment”, 2nd edn, ABC
Australia, Frenchs Forest,
NSW.2011, pp. 32-45 (Book style)
[2] Kauf N.V, Williams A.N and Jonny Lever
H.(2013) “Treatment of Wastewater using RBC A Review” Int. Jour. of Environ. Technol., Vol. 5,
No. 3, pp.115-122 (Journal or magazine citation)
[3] Raju K, Dannis G and and Robert T, “Recent
Advances in Repair and Rehabilitation of
Structures” International Conf. Organized by RR
Research Institute, Delhi, India during 20-23
Feb.2012 pp. 156-162, (Conference proceedings)
[4] Broadman S, “Modelling of Secured Voice
Recognition Based Automatic Control System” ,”
Ph.D dissertation, Dept. of Electrical Eng., Harvard
Univ., Cambridge, 2002 (Thesis or dissertation)
[5] Flemming D, Stephen W and Lemington B (2013)
“Modernisation and widening interventions of
bridge structures on the Highway” Int. Jour of
Bridge Engg., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 876-880, available
otterdam2013_paper.pdf. (URL for Transaction,
journal, or magzine)
[6] Bang J, "Failure of Multistorey Structures Due to
Lightening- A Caes Study” Int. Jour. of Structural
Engg., submitted for publication. (Accepted and
Publication Pending)
[7] Manual on Solid Waste Management, Central
Pollution Control Board, New Delhi, Inda, July 2003
[8] Sanjay Dutta, and Suneetha G,” Laboratory
Studies on the Use of Plastics in Heavy traffic
Road Pavement Construction”, Highway Research
Bulletin 55, 1992, New Delhi
[9] IS 800:2007 Code of practice for general
construction in steel
[10] Download the electronic file from the template
download page so as to prepare manuscript
easily by using cut & paste.
Author 1
Author 2
Dr. Alexander.K obtained PG and
doctoral degrees from Washington
University. His area of specialization is
Disaster management. He has Published
49 research papers in International
Journals & 35 papers in international
conferences. Is a life member of various
professional bodies, Editorial Board
Member of various International Journals.
A recipient of many awards and included
name in Who’s Who & conferred titles by
ABI, USA during the period 2008-2011.
Edison.A obtained
doctoral degrees from Washington
University. His area of specialization is
Disaster management. He has Published
49 research papers in International
Journals & 35 papers in international
conferences. Is a life member of various
professional bodies, Editorial Board
Member of various International Journals.
A recipient of many awards and included
name in Who’s Who & conferred titles by
ABI, USA during the period 2008-2011.