CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: EXTERIOR LIGHTS AND LIGHT POLES I. 100-0051 GENERAL The purpose of this COSP is to identify responsibilities and requirements for exterior lights and light poles. II. PARKING LOT LIGHTS A. Responsibilities 1. 2. 3. Parking & Transportation responsibilities: Services has the following a. Initial cost for lighting including spares b. Cost of additions or operational upgrades (i.e. higher lighting levels) c. Cost for temporary lighting d. Operating in an energy efficient manner to minimize utility costs Facilities Services has the following responsibilities: a. Ongoing maintenance including major repairs and maintenance upgrades (not to be confused with operational upgrades). Installed lighting is considered part of the utility infrastructure and is eligible for R&R funding. b. Project management of construction and approval of lighting systems including coordination of operational impact. c. Giving next workday priority to out-of-service lights in nonredundant systems. Have lights leased from GUC repaired by GUC. ECU Police Department has the following responsibilities: a. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH Make recommendations for new or improved lighting and coordinate with Parking & Transportation Services to determine fiscal priorities. DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 05/26/06 PAGE: 1 of 3 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: EXTERIOR LIGHTS AND LIGHT POLES b. B. 100-0051 Report out-of-service lights in a timely manner. This is done routinely by entering a work order to Facilities Services, Utilities Services - Electrical Shop or Facilities Maintenance, Health Sciences Campus, Electrical Shop. General Funding for some areas may come from Auxiliaries. It is Facilities Services’ and Parking & Transportation Services’ responsibility to obtain those funds for their areas. C. Requirements Out-of-service lights in non-redundant systems (e.g. pole with single luminaire is considered non-redundant, one with two luminaires is redundant) shall be repaired on the same work day if possible. All lights out-of-service shall be repaired as soon as possible. If a light is anticipated to be out-of-service overnight, the Electrical Supervisor shall notify the ECU Police. The Electrical Supervisor shall be responsible for reporting out-ofservice lights leased from GUC to GUC for repairs by GUC. III. LIGHT POLES A. General Light poles owned by University shall be uniquely identified to facilitate repairs. B. Procedures 1. Every University owned light pole shall be assigned a unique alphanumeric identifier (ID). 2. Every University owned light pole on each campus shall be labeled with the assigned ID. 3. The ID lettering (e.g. H-42) shall be white one inch high on black background. 4. ID shall normally be printed horizontally. Two lines may be used, if necessary. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 05/26/06 PAGE: 2 of 3 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03 CAMPUS OPERATIONS STANDARD PRACTICE TITLE: INSTRUCTION NUMBER: EXTERIOR LIGHTS AND LIGHT POLES C. 100-0051 5. ID shall be placed approximately five feet above ground level. 6. When view of the bottom five feet of the pole is obstructed, the ID may be placed up to one foot above the obstruction. 7. Place the ID on the side of the pole most visible. Facing a nearby street is preferable so University Police on patrol can observe the ID from their vehicle. Responsibility Electric Shop shall be responsible for establishing the identification system, installing ID on each light pole, and maintaining the ID system. PREPARED BY: KSK/HRB APPROVED BY: GWH DATE OF ISSUE: 01/29/07 SUPERSEDES: 05/26/06 PAGE: 3 of 3 ORIGINAL ISSUE: 03/18/03