Biology Curriculum Overview

Updated July 1, 2016
Which degree is right for me?
 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree
 35 hours of upper-division biology courses, including 3 labs
 More courses in other sciences (4 semesters)
 Statistics course (also required for some B.A. concentrations)
 Senior Inquiry project
 Recommended for students who are interested in attending graduate
school (M.S. or Ph.D. programs)
 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree
 25 hours of upper-division biology courses, including 1 lab
 More humanities courses (additional required core courses in theology,
philosophy, literature, and language)
 Recommended for students who are pursuing a double major
July 1, 2016
Five B.S. Degree
in Biology
1. Biological Science
Provides students a foundation in
contemporary fields in biology. It
allows maximum flexibility in
selecting upper division courses that
prepare students for professional
degree programs (pre-med, predental etc…) as well as entry level
employment in life science and
health professions.
2. Molecular Biology
5. Plant Science
Provides more in depth knowledge
of biochemistry, molecular & cell
biology. Emphasis on lab
experiences, including an
internship, provides students with
skills for careers in biomedical
research and at biotechnology
Faculty Coordinators:
Drs. Downes & Kennell
Designed for students interested in
various aspects of plant biology.
Good choice for students planning
careers in agricultural research,
botanical museums as well as
graduate programs in plant biology,
conservation, ecology and
evolutionary biology.
3. Cell Biology &
Provides students with a strong
foundation in the structure and function
of organ systems and tissues that
comprise them. Good choice for
students planning careers as academic,
biomedical, and/or biotechnology
researchers, health professionals or K12 teachers.
Faculty Coordinators: Dr Warren & Ogilvie
4. Ecology, Evolutionary &
Organismal Biology
Faculty Coordinators:
Dr. Miller & Barber
Provides students a strong foundation
in organismal biology with
specialization in ecology and
evolution. Good choice for students
planning careers as a research
biologist at local, state, federal
agencies or NGOs; Environmental
consultants, or K-12 teachers.
Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Valone & Camilo
July 1, 2016
Required Courses for the
Bachelor of Science Degree
Biology Core
BIOL 104 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 106 Principles of Biology II
CHEM 163 General Chemistry I Lecture
CHEM 165 General Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 164 General Chemistry II Lecture
CHEM 166 General Chemistry II Laboratory
• BIOL 301: Evolution (3 hours)
• BIOL 302: Molecular Cell Biology I (3 hours)
• BIOL 303: Genetics (3 hours)
July 1, 2016
Required Related Courses for the
Bachelor of Science Degree (All Concentrations)
• MATH 142 Calculus I
• MATH 130 or BIOL 479 (statistics or biometry)
Required B.S.
Related Courses
• Choose four of the following (16 credit hours)
• CHEM 342/344 Organic Chemistry I
• CHEM 343/353 Organic Chemistry II
• PHYS 131/132 Physics I
• PHYS 133/134 Physics II
• EAS 101/102 Earth Systems I
• EAS 103/104 Earth’s Dynamic Environment II
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Science
Biological Science Concentration
Concentration Requirements
• BIOL 304: Molecular Cell Biology II (3 hours)
• Cellular, Molecular, & Developmental Biology (CMDB) Elective Course(s) (4+
• Ecology, Evolutionary, & Organismal Biology (EEOB) Elective Course(s) (4+
• Three lab courses (including at least one lab from the CMDB group and at least
one lab from the EEOB group)
• Plant Course (3-4 hours)
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 35 hours)
• Senior Inquiry (0-4 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Science
Cell Biology & Physiology Concentration
Concentration Requirements
• BIOL 304: Molecular Cell Biology II
• BIOL 454: Human Cellular Physiology I
• Two courses related to cell biology or physiology (BIOL 342, 344, 349, 402, 408,
415, 441, 446, 450, 451, 460, 363, and 464)
• One Cell Biology-Related Lab (BIOL 306, 405, 461, or 465)
• One Physiology-Related Lab (BIOL 342, 457, or 444)
• Ecology, Evolutionary, & Organismal Biology (EEOB) Elective Course with a lab (4+
• Plant Course (3-4 hours)
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 35 hours)
• Senior Inquiry (0-4 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Science
Ecology, Evolutionary, & Organismal Biology Concentration
Concentration Requirements
BIOL 475: Ecology (includes lab)
Ecology Elective (BIOL 409, 420, 436, 440, 445, 448, 467, or 468)
Evolution Elective (BIOL 342, 401, 404, 412, 434, 441, 458, or 477)
Organismal Elective (BIOL 322, 326, 328, 345, 410 , 413, 414, 421, 425, 428, 431, 433,
435, 438, 441, or 464)
• Tools Course (BIOL 405, 478, 417, 418, or 419)
• Cellular, Molecular, & Developmental Biology (CMDB) Elective Course and Lab (4+
• Third lab course (choose from CMDB or EEOB lab courses)
• Plant course
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 35 hours)
• Senior Inquiry (0-4 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Science
Molecular Biology Concentration
Concentration Requirements
• BIOL 304: Molecular Cell Biology II
• BIOL 470: Molecular Biology
• BIOL 407 (Advanced Biochemistry) or BIOL 408 (Advanced Cell Biology)
• Two concentration-related labs (BIOL 306, BIOL 310, BIOL 405, BIOL 465)
• BIOL 481: Bioinformatics Internship
• Ecology, Evolutionary, & Organismal Biology (EEOB) Elective Course with a lab (4+
• Plant course
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 35 hours)
• Senior Inquiry (0-4 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Science
Plant Science Concentration
Concentration Requirements
BIOL 304: Molecular Cell Biology II
BIOL 326: Biology of Plants & Fungi (includes lab)
BIOL 349: Plant Physiology
BIOL 409: Plant Ecology
• BIOL 482: Plant Internship
• Two additional lab courses (one from the CMDB category, one from either CMDB or
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 35 hours)
• Senior Inquiry (0-4 hours)
July 1, 2016
Options for Senior Inquiry
 BIOL 484 Library Project
 BIOL 485 Graduate-Level Biology Course
 BIOL 488 Research Project
 BIOL 489 Comprehensive Examination
July 1, 2016
Required Courses for the
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Biology Core
BIOL 104 Principles of Biology I
BIOL 106 Principles of Biology II
CHEM 163 General Chemistry I Lecture
CHEM 165 General Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 164 General Chemistry II Lecture
CHEM 166 General Chemistry II Laboratory
• BIOL 301: Evolution (3 hours)
• BIOL 302: Molecular Cell Biology I (3 hours)
• BIOL 303: Genetics (3 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Arts
Biological Science Concentration
Concentration Requirements
• MATH 142: Calculus I
• BIOL 304: Molecular Cell Biology II (3 hours)
• Plant Course (3-4 hours)
• One lab course
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 25 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Arts
Plant Science Concentration
Concentration Requirements
• MATH 142: Calculus I
• Statistics Course: MATH 130 or BIOL 479
BIOL 304: Molecular Cell Biology II
BIOL 326: Biology of Plants & Fungi (includes lab)
BIOL 349: Plant Physiology
BIOL 409: Plant Ecology
• BIOL 482: Plant Internship
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 25 hours)
July 1, 2016
Bachelor of Arts
Ecology, Evolutionary, & Organismal Biology Concentration
Concentration Requirements
• MATH 142: Calculus I
• Statistics Course: MATH 130 or BIOL 479
BIOL 475: Ecology (includes lab)
Ecology Elective (BIOL 409, 420, 436, 440, 445, 448, 467, or 468)
Evolution Elective (BIOL 342, 401, 404, 412, 434, 441, 458, or 477)
Organismal Elective (BIOL 322, 326, 328, 345, 410 , 413, 414, 421, 425, 428, 431, 433,
435, 438, 441, or 464)
• Plant course
• Upper-division BIOL Electives (up to a total of at least 25 hours)
July 1, 2016
Courses at SLU - Reis Biological Station
• Take a different kind of class this summer
• 2013 summer session runs from May 20–June 8
• Registration is open now:
- reservations are first-come, first-served
- details on the Reis website (link on Biology Dept. home page)
• 3-week intensive field courses (4-credit lect/lab courses)
- BIOL-420 Aquatic Ecology
- BIOL-432 Cave Biology
- BIOL-433 Spring Flora of the Ozarks (plant course)
• Based at Reis Biological Field Station near Steelville, MO, these courses offer the
opportunity to learn about organisms in the spectacular setting of the Ozark
Region and are consistently among the highest-rated courses in the Biology
• For more information, contact Dr.Valone (
July 1, 2016
Get outside!
Semester at Reis
 Offered every other fall semester
 Next opportunity: Fall 2013
 Courses To Be Offered
BIOL 412 Field Botany (5 credit hours)
BIOL 413 Field Mammalogy (5 credit hours)
BIOL 414 Field Ornithology (5 credit hours)
 Students register for all three courses.
 Courses are taken consecutively.
 Students live at the Reis Biological Station during the week
and return to campus for the weekends.
July 1, 2016