Meeting Minutes: October 6, 2009

Advisory Council Minutes
October 6, 2009
Attending: Jon Wall, Chase Tobin, Janille Bayne, Ashley Roseno, Thelma Toodle, Nance Mize,
Ann Bogey, Mel Markowski, Dannon Mulle, Thelma Toodle.
Dave Kemble was introduced as seeking alternate status to represent faculty/staff. The motion
was made to suspend the rules and immediately accept Dave in the alternate position. This
motion was seconded and unanimously passed by those present.
The minutes were presented from the September 15 meeting and unanimously accepted by
those present.
Old Business
Constitution and Disciplinary Committee Changes were presented at the September 15
meeting. Mel Markowski and Pat Cox refined the changes presenting the final documents to
the Council for approval. After some discussion and refinement, a motion was made to accept
the changes to both the Constitution and the Disciplinary Committee Process documents. These
documents are being placed on the CRW web site for routine access.
New Business
A. North Recreational Complex Transportation Discussion
John Wall, representing intramural sports, spoke to the issue of bus transportation to and from
the North Recreational Complex. Currently, the ECU Transit busses operate until 10:00 pm
Monday through Thursday. The last intramural games are scheduled at 10:30 pm and end at
11:30 pm generally. These busses provide access to the North Campus Crossing apartments
forcing student intramural participants to walk to and from NCC to access the NRC or the
busses after playing games. There have been some complaints primarily regarding freshmen
who have had trouble accessing the NRC due to a lack of transportation both from the
standpoint of getting to the venue and getting back to the residence halls following games held
late at night. The intramural staff will be discussing the bus routes with the Transit Office to
determine what if any alternatives exist to remedy this situation.
B. Intramural League Structure Discussion (Residence Halls, Faculty/Staff)
John Wall also discussed the intramural league structure with specific reference to the
residence halls and faculty/staff participation. Currently residence halls and faculty/staff
participants/teams are placed in an open league. Numerous teams with varying levels of skill
participate together in this league. Quite often, residence hall teams and faculty/staff teams are
overmatched by independent teams in this league resulting in significantly lopsided winning
scores. This can be demoralizing for many participants. The concept of creating separate
leagues for the residence halls has been discussed. Nance Mize pointed out the fact that
separate residence hall and f/s leagues existed quite some time ago but were combined into
the open league based on departmental observation an individual participant requests.
Requiring participants in a residence hall league to be limited to those living in the residence
halls created limitations on who could play. Eventually, limited numbers of team members
outside of the residence halls were allowed on each team leading to the demise of the
residence hall league structure. No detrimental impact was experienced in participation
statistics leading the department to believe individuals were comfortable in choosing who they
wanted to be on their teams without respect to residence hall status. The intramural staff will
continue to monitor this situation and return with recommendations as the need arises. In
addition, it was requested that the students on the advisory council continue to discuss this
situation with their counterparts to help determine the best way to proceed.
C. Refrigerated Food Items-Grab and Go at the Center Court Juice Bar
The concept of Grab and Go food items was presented to the AC both to make the council
aware of the availability and location of this food service and to help determine products to
provide. Discussion seemed to indicate that while this is a great service, people come to the
SRC to recreate and not to eat. In general, the AC did not think the service would support a
significant amount of food sales. Several items were mentioned as being desirable in this
situation. These included yogurt with granola, bananas, apples, jello, and nutritious parfaits.
The Wellness Department within CRW will continue to monitor this offering and would
welcome any ongoing comments with regard to this level of food service.
A. Cooperative Agreement With City for 9 Hole Disc Golf Course
The old disc golf holes will be utilized to develop a 9 hole course at the Green
Springs Park. This will be a cooperative venture between the City of Greenville
and Campus Recreation and Wellness. It is likely that this project will be
completed and ready to service students and Greenville citizens by next
B. University and CRW Swine Flu Precautions/Plan
CRW has developed a practice for dealing with a significant outbreak of the swine
flu. In summary, as the flu contagion increases significantly, the SRC as well as our
programs and services, not deemed “vital” will be temporarily phased out or shut
down. The facilities will reopen as the university deems appropriate. In addition,
CRW has developed medical and common sense approaches to help lessen the
spread of any flu or other contagious virus. This information has been placed on
signs spread around the facility and appears on our web site.
C. Lock-In Request
A church group has requested consideration for the use of the SRC for a
multidenominational “lock-In” activity to take place on New Year’s Eve. We will be
working with the group to finalize plans. Let us know now if you would like to work
on New Year’s Eve!
D. Alpine Tower Visit/Introduction
An offer was made to host the advisory council at the Alpine Tower to participate on
the tower for fun and to help get an understanding of how this facility fits into the
Team Leadership Training Initiatives provided by our department.
E. State Workshop Summary
CRW just completed hosting the North Carolina Recreation Sports Association state
meeting. About 75 people registered with Institutions represented included ECU,
NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC-Greensboro, UNC-Charlotte, Johnson & Wales
University, Greenville Parks & Recreation, UNC-Wilmington, NC Central University,
Elon University, and NC Wesleyan College. We had one person (NIRSA Region 2 VP
David Bowles) from the University of Florida. The event was professionally hosted
and judged to be a huge success.
F. North Recreational Complex Time Line
Improvements to the lake area constituting the Phase II project, are expected to be
completed by the end of fall semester 2010. We are working to expedite this process
with the hopes that this portion of the facility will be available for use by med
semester. Stay tuned!
Closing-we closed a few minutes late so thank you for your patience.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 17.
Model Agenda To Make a Motion
1. Opening
1. Obtain the floor
2. Roll Call
2. Identify yourself
3. Minutes
3. State motion: Say, "I move..."
4. Officer Reports
4. President asks for a second
5. Committee Reports
5. President restates a motion
6. Old Business
6. Debate: direct comments to president
7. New Business
7. Vote
8. Announcements
9. Closing