Honors College

Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Strategic Action Plan 2010-13
Honors College
ECU Values:
ECU’s Honors College adheres to the established “enduring values” outlined in ECU Tomorrow: A
Vision for Leadership and Service (2007), ECU’s long-range strategic plan and is aligned to the
Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13 and its corresponding Key Performance Indicators that advance
our Mission.
ECU’s values are outlined below:
Teamwork; and
Commitment to Serve.
ECU Mission:
To serve as a national model for public service and regional transformation by:
Preparing our students to compete and succeed in the global economy and multicultural
Distinguishing ourselves by the ability to train and prepare leaders,
Creating a strong, sustainable future for eastern North Carolina through education,
research, innovation, investment, and outreach,
Saving lives, curing diseases, and positively transforming health and health care, and
Providing cultural enrichment and powerful inspiration as we work to sustain and improve
quality of life.
Approved by the UNC Board of Governors - November 13, 2009
Honors College Strategic Plan 10/24/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Key Strategic Planning Principles:
Several key planning principles were established to develop this strategic plan:
Support for student success throughout the continuum of their college learning experience;
Adherence to ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service, 2007 and the ECU
Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13;
Support for effective leadership and professional development;
Purposeful decision-making, moving towards clearly defined goals and measurable
A commitment to institutional effectiveness; and,
Allocation of resources to ensure attainment of established priorities.
Provide and support programs and services that are appropriate to the mission and
scope of the College and are of the highest quality.
The ECU Honors College will become a model for academic excellence in student
engagement, classroom instruction, and research/creative activity.
Attract and Retain High Quality Honors Students.
Encourage the development of moral and responsible leadership through Honors
courses and applied learning experiences.
Create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment where differences are
respected and valued.
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 1:
Provide and support programs and services that are appropriate to the mission
and scope of the College and are of the highest quality.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase student satisfaction of the Honors curriculum
towards fulfilling their career, social, and lifelong learning goals.
 Measure: Development of assessment tool
 Measure: Course and policy development and approval by appropriate University
 Measure: Development of a process to gather feedback from employers
 Measure: Support for the Honors College as evidenced by the proposals submitted
to lead honors seminars
 Measure: Development of a plan, in collaboration with the Office for Faculty
Excellence to ensure faculty professional development is appropriate
Goal 2:
The ECU Honors College will become a model for academic excellence in student
engagement, classroom instruction, and research/creative activity.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase Honors students’ reported satisfaction with
opportunities for student engagement, classroom instruction, and creative activity.
 Measure: Establishment of a survey instrument
 Measure: Design and implementation of a multi-disciplinary colloquium series to
provide an overview of the broad range of disciplines and disciplinary perspectives
 Measure: Number of EC Scholars awards and total dollars allocated for
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase the number of advising opportunities available
to students.
 Measure: Retention rates will be compared annually and benchmarked
 Measure: Advising rates and contact hours will be assessed annually to drive and
inform and guide quality enhancement efforts for advising
 Measure: Number of retention awards secured per year
Goal 3:
Attract and Retain High Quality Honors Students.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase the number of applications for ECU's Honors
 Measure: Number of Honors-eligible students per year
 Measure: Number of Honors College applicants per year
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase the number of student and faculty conference
presentations, committee memberships, and service
 Measure: Number of conference presentations, committee memberships, and
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, partner to increase the number of marketing and
communication efforts to publicize the quality of the ECU Honors College at the local, state,
and national levels.
 Measure: Number of stories that publicize the success of the ECU Honors College
and its outstanding students and faculty (through ECU publications and website)
 Measure: Number of features developed by Admissions to promote the ECU Honors
College in recruitment efforts and publications
 Measure: Creation and assessment of a presence for the Honors College using social
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, partner to increase the number of PK-12 outreach
efforts to promote the ECU Honors College.
 Measure: Number of visits with high school counselors
 Measure: Number of high school visits
Outcome Objective: By 2013, enhance student recruitment, retention and success
strategies via the development and evaluation of an Honors living-learning community.
 Measure: Development of a plan and supporting budget
Goal 4:
Encourage the development of moral and responsible leadership through Honors
courses and applied learning experiences.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, establish courses and applied learning experiences that
focus on leadership development.
 Measure: Evaluate and make improvements and additions to student organizations
and honors societies within the Honors College
 Measure: Monitor to ensure that EC Scholars are engaged in campus and
community leadership experiences
Goal 5:
Create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment where differences are
respected and valued.
Outcome Objective: By Fall 2013, increase the number Honors College colloquia, seminars,
and co-curricular learning opportunities that address cultural competence.
 Measure: Percentage of students who participate in colloquia and seminars,
including Honors offerings through Global classroom curriculum
 Measure: Annual assessment and quality enhancement of curricula
 Measure: Percentage of students who participate in community and experiential
programs, to include international experiences. Annual assessment and quality
enhancement of co-curricula
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