How to Check for Inactive Student Workers, FWS and Graduate Assistants In INB, go to NBIPORG to view positions in your department Enter your department number and go to the next block by either clicking on the keying CTRL + Page Down icon or Scan through the positions and note the position numbers that have a Job FTE of over 1. They should be pooled positions. In the example below there are 6.5 FTE’s in a pooled position, as well as 31 active student worker positions. Make note of the position numbers with multiple FTE’s, in this case 996322 and 997400. Go to NBIPINC (incumbents in position) Enter the position number and use today’s date as the query date. Go to next block. Enter a query by pressing F7 or clicking on the query icon. Enter A in Status and execute query by pressing F8 or the Execute Query icon Now you will only see active employees. If a student has an open position, but has not worked for a while, you can check NBAJOBS to see when they were last paid. If you know they have graduated, please terminate the employee by using the Termination w/o benefits (7TRMNB) EPAF using the last paid date for all dates You can also check NBIJLST to make sure that there are no other jobs. If other jobs have ended after the last paid date, you will need to use the last work date of the other position as your query, term and effective dates. You will then need to use the last paid date as the personnel date and last date worked. If there are 2 assignments then you will need to do an end job for your assignment. You can also coordinate with the other department to do the termination EPAF. Please call the HRIS Associate (72305) if you have any questions or concerns.