THE TRINITY INTERNATIONAL GROWTH PROGRAMME In partnership with the Bank of Ireland & supported by the British Irish Chamber of Commerce Information & Application Form The Partnership: The ‘Trinity International Growth Programme, in partnership with Bank of Ireland and the British Irish Chamber of Commerce’, is a bespoke executive education programme for senior managers in SMEs across the Republic of Ireland, Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The course is a joint initiative from Bank of Ireland Business and Corporate Banking in the Republic of Ireland and Bank of Ireland UK and the British Irish Chamber of Commerce together with Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin and is designed for senior executives in SMEs. The course is aimed at executives who are looking to scale their business via export. Initially, the programme will run over three years and will involve twenty firms in year one (2016) Programme participants will receive intensive classes, case study sessions, seminars, guest talks and workshops. A key attribute of the programme is the mentored project where participants will be able to translate their learning from the programme into a value added commercial outcome for their business. Each participant will work on an export and scaling based project for their business in a way that would have tangible and measurable benefit for their organisation. The Programme: The programme is designed to facilitate the scaling of SME’s with a focus on export growth. The course will comprise of two three-day lecture and workshop stages and an Export and Scaling project. Topics covered on the course will include: - Approach to Business Analysis and Strategic Planning - Organisational Design Issues for Export and Scaling - Finance for Scaling and Export - In-market Competitor Analysis - In-market Customer Analysis - Scaling and Export Business Modelling - Marketing - Sales (including direct and indirect channel management) Entry requirements: applicants will meet the following criteria – turnover of €500k to €25m; 10-50 employees and engaged in developing new products or entering new markets. We are looking for progressive companies, supportive management, good products and good geographical spread. Selection process: applicants will be selected based on the basis of meeting the criteria as determined by a selection panel chaired by Trinity Business School. Applicants will be selected and informed before the end of 2015 and will receive at this time induction information including dates and details of the course. When the course will run: the course will commence in the second half of Feb 2016 with the second stage in April 2016 and the project running over May / June 2016. Dates will be confirmed in the induction pack sent out in December. Course assessment: the course is non-credit bearing and successful completion will be on the basis of completion and submission of the project. Course fees / price: the cost of the course to participants will be €2,000 When to apply: applications can be made via the Trinity website from Friday 6th November to Friday 4th December APPLICATION FORM Please complete this application form and email it to Name Email Address Telephone Number Role/Position within the Business Company Name Address Web Address Number of Staff Annual Turnover Sector/Industry Is your business currently engaged in export activities across the Irish Sea or engaged in export to Europe or other regions? Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please provide a description of your current export activities Please provide a briefing on your organisations export goals across the Irish Sea and / or to Europe and other regions (approximately 250 words). Applications should provide details on possible routes to market such as; potential export marketing campaigns, export customer groups and distribution channels. Please provide detail of your background, particularly any educational or professional qualifications you may have: What do you hope to get from the course and how will you use it in your business? What does your business want you to get from your participation in this course? What support will you get from your company while you are participating on the course?