11 March 2015 – Woods Family Classroom – 1:00 PM
Jessica Abbott, Randi Ashton-Pritting, Judy Denny, Barbara Dessureau, Meagan
Fazio, Valerie Gilleran, Ben Ide, Sue Landolina, Anita Marchant, Cindy
Oppenheimer, Catherine Rose, Gina Signorello, Bonnie Taylor, Connie Yoczik.
In the absence of Cheryl MacMath, the Staff Association Chair, the meeting was
conducted by Jessica Abbott, Vice Chair.
I. Presentation: Invisible Student Network (ISN)
Suzanne Anderson-McNeil, Assistant V.P., Student Health/Wellness,
Department of Student Affairs
Michael Malone
Assistant V.P. for Residential Life
Department of Residential Life
The presentation on the Invisible Student Network to the Staff Association was
similar to that made previously to the Board of Regents, which was at that time
very well received. A handout diagram showing the network of services available
to a troubled student showed those services which were in place to diagnose and
analyze for ways in which help can be offered, and then as those services
designed to carry out that help. Students can be in need of help for such issues as
non-attendance, substance abuse, and acting out in class, as well as a host of
others. Individuals identified as needing help would be discussed at the weekly
meeting of the Invisible Support Network, with representatives from Academic
Affairs, CAPS, SSC, Residential Life, Public Safety, as well as other connections. At
these meetings there is always an action plan put in place for the student, and a
weekly follow-up to see if the student’s issues are being met. Sometimes it only
needs a little interaction with a student leader. If necessary there may be a
partnership with Public Safety.
Federal regulations (FERPA) insure an individual’s privacy, and only the full-time
experienced professionals in ISN share information, and even with each other
only on the “need to know” basis. The record-keeping system is also protected.
There is a second level, that of elevated risk, known as the Behavioral Threat
Assessment Team, which includes Lee Peters, Tom Dorer (as needed), Mike
Malone, Lisa Belanger, Christy Severino, and Suzanne Anderson-McNeil.
The Invisible Support Network’s focus is on letting students know they matter,
and is an important part of retention effort at the University. It deals with many
situations and causes, from strange and usual behavior to stress and panic attacks
around midterms. February can be a month with as many as twelve new students
every week. Faculty is always kept involved if it is in their interest as well as the
If there is a suspected need for intervention with an individual by the ISN,
Suzanne Anderson-McNeil should be contacted. She will assess the situation and
route it properly.
II. Discussion/Approval of Minutes of the 11 February 2015 meeting.
In the original summary of the HRD report in the 11 February minutes, there had
been two erroneous statements which had been already corrected prior to the
March meeting. They were as follows:
“As part of this analysis, there might also be changes coming with job description
pay grades” was changed to “HRD will be initiating a full-scale review of all staff
job descriptions within the next several months. The University wants to make
sure our salaries meet market.”
and –
“Due to the high staff turnover” was an erroneous statement and was deleted.
(The University typically averages less than 10% staff turnover, which can occur
due to voluntary resignations, retirements and a number of other factors.)
Approval of the minutes as corrected was moved by Cindy Oppenheimer and
seconded by Valerie Gilleran.
III. University Committee Reports
Budget Advisory Team – Valerie Gilleran reported that as of the 5 March,
official census total count was down by 66. Full-time and part-time
undergraduate count was down in a Spring to Spring comparison, while full-time
graduates were up, with an explosion in CETA Graduate enrollment due to a
partnership in India and China. Part time graduate numbers are down. The
Common Application is working well, and an outside contractor is targeting
students with electronic communication. Federal pre-application numbers are
Utility costs continue to be lower due to successful energy savings
initiatives. There is a 3% increase in tuition from $32,758 to $33,740. Room rates
are flat, and finding a way to refit housing is a strategic goal and priority.
Wellness Committee: Barbara Dessureau reported on Wellness activities,
which included a March Webinar on Fad Diets and the Biometrics processing
problem. Exercise classes are continuing and include Yoga, Kickboxing, Pilates
and Weight Watchers. The CSA Partnership will resume on campus this spring,
with an increase in both the half and full share price. ‘Lunch and Learnings’
events coming up will include Nutrition and Grocery Shopping, Ergonomics and
Self-Massage and Personal Finance.
Benefits Task Force: The Task Force has not met recently. Cindy
Oppenheimer will replace Chris DuPuis, the Staff Association’s former
representative, who has left the University.
IV. Staff Association Reports
Web Advisory Committee: Barbara Dessureau. The pages for staff and
those for faculty will be fairly similar and will contain PDF’s of vitas submitted.
Departments will be encouraged to put items of interest on the web site.
Faculty Senate : Ben Ide. This report reflects Faculty Senate meetings in
January and February. Just as he did with the Staff Association, Sebby presented
to the Faculty Senate on ITS changes. There were also the regular presentations
by President Harrison, who spoke about pending projects with real estate
adjacent to UIH, concerns about impacts on UH from the federal government
(free community college, rating colleges) and state government (phasing out
Governor’s Scholarship for private CT colleges); and Provost Vasquez, who gave a
progress update on Faculty Compensation. Faculty must each have their policy on
weather related class cancellations in their syllabi. Concerns in the Faculty Senate
were expressed about salary stagnation in the past ten years for both faculty and
staff but not for upper administrators and athletics. These are in a fact-finding
stage and there is hope to get some feedback and concerns from the Staff
Association as well. The last time there was a discussion of the work the task
force on annual faculty evaluations has been doing was in January.
Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Oppenheimer. The current balance is $541.65.
This reflects the accidental reversion referencing the October rather than the
December funds when preparing the report. The August barbecue will still be
able to be held because attendees normally are asked to contribute to the cost
when they sign up.
Membership Director Report: Jessica Abbott, for Anne-Marie Cirullo:
There is no change in the number of members. It stands at 159.
IV. Old Business
Nominating Committee/Elections update. Jessica reported that there
would be a Survey Monkey sent out to the Staff Association members by the end
of March, followed by a two-week voting period to elect a new slate of officers.
The April Staff Association meeting would be a transition meeting both to install
the newly-elected Board, and to hold an annual meeting review.
V. New Business:
 The next offering of UH 101, a meeting for new employees of the
University, designed to familiarize them with the University’s
organization, offerings and culture, will be held on Thursday, 2 April.
A Staff Association Board member customarily makes a short
presentation about the Staff Association and its activities.
 The next Staff Association meeting will be on April 8, not April 9, and
will be held in GSU 335, not GSU 345. Those present agreed that
they liked the opportunity to alternate meeting sites between FCLD
and GSU 335.
 The 20th Anniversary Faculty/Staff Softball Game will be held on April
16 on Gengras Lawn from noon to 2:00 PM. Hotdogs and
hamburgers will be available. To sign up, call Maria Marques, X 4475.
 Future potential meeting topics under discussion are:
-Etiquette Luncheon
-How to reserve rooms on campus
-Tours of PAC, University High School, taking the University shuttle
-Purchasing protocols
 Daffodil Days: There was a discussion of resuming the offering for
purchase of bunches of daffodils, which had at one time been an
annual Staff Association event, benefitting the American Cancer
Society. It was generally agreed that it was too late at this point to
try to find a coordinator for this year, but that it was a worthwhile
program and should be continued next year. This would mean
finding someone to be the point person on campus.
The meeting adjourned at 2:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Anita Marchant