Quarterly Report Spring 2001

Spring 2001 Quarterly Report From
Implementing Teams From Community
Vision 2000
Linking Economic Development with Access to Education
With Community Teams Consensus
DID YOU KNOW? The September Community Vision 2000 was an outstanding success, representing the
best of our community in establishing its vision for the future! Although all ideas received some votes, we
are working at implementing those receiving the highest totals at this time. We want you to know how the
implementing teams are progressing. We also can give you a good idea of the areas where you can assist.
With more volunteers involved, the process of implementing these goals will be accelerated. Implementing
teams in each category are meeting regularly to make these ideas a reality and we could use your help. It
costs nothing to join, and takes only your time and your desire to improve our community. The dates and
times are routinely published in Little Argus section of the Carlsbad Current Argus.
Vote Ranking
1. Improve playgrounds
2. Build a waterpark
3. Build a skateboard park
4. Offer affordable four-year
degree programs
5. Develop, implement, & fund a
street repair plan
6. Bring in manufacturing/
industrial firms
7. Construct & improve sports
facilities (softball, soccer,
tennis, golf, etc.)
8. Retain good doctors through
community support
9. Re-activate amusement park
rides at beach
10. Restore or remove unoccupied
11. 2000 jobs by 2010
12. Increase pay for teachers
13. Build boot camp for juveniles
14. Create left turning lanes on
Canal Street
15. Attract an Art & Crafts store
16. Support a river restaurant
17. Advertise and use incentives
for regular city & county-wide
18. Remove gross-receipts for
medical services
19. Develop model vocationaltechnical program
20. Build an upscale miniature
golf course
The Voting Results
Current Status
Parks & Rec Board is developing a master plan-requested $30,000 for funding the master plan;
city has requested $50,000 for upgrading existing playground equipment; Project Playgound is
awaiting FEMA recommendations of taking land for the playground out of existing floodplane
Implementing team has been kept apprised of the status of the plans proposed by the group of
private investors who are looking at building a waterpark
Skate/Hockey Complex proposal, unanimously approved by the city council to locate at
Riverwalk Recreational Center, with additional support of county commission & Parks & Rec
Board. This proposal has been presented to the legislature for funding in the future.
Coordinating with NMSU, College of SW, Carlsbad Public Schools and local employers, the
Education team is researching alternatives including distance learning
The Infrastructure Implementing Team discovered that the city and county both have 5 year
street repair plans, which are available for public review at City Municipal Building, County
offices, & public library. The implementation of the plans is dependent upon continued
Economic Development Implementing Team is establishing a sub-team to research and review
the best way to obtain this goal. – needs volunteers
CDOD has requested $100,000 from the state legislature for a feasibility study; Parks & Rec
Board formed 2 subcommittees for needs assessment and siting issues.
Health Implementing Team has developed a survey for health providers directory to be
published quarterly-starting Spring 2001; team is also working with sub-teams in economic
development, have become involved with the expansion of the art center in the hopes that this
will help retain, recruit spouses; hospital administration actively pursuing the recruitment of
doctors based on the needs of the community
No action to date. Volunteers are needed.
Infrastructure team has reviewed ordinances in place which are available for public review at
City Municipal Building & public library, city code enforcement & is prioritizing certain
buildings that need attention.
This goal is related to # 6 which is a a sub-team of Economic Development – needs volunteers
Education Implementing Team is developing ways for “in-kind” compensation
Service to Citizens Implementing Team is in the process of researching what the community
meant by “boot camp” and has a survey circulating among social service providers
Infrastructure Implementing Team reports that the resurfacing and building of turning lanes on
Canal are part of the plan by the State Highway department to be done 2005
This is part of Economic Development which lead a group from the Carlsbad Art Association
to become involved and expand the gallery into the Art Center which will include an expanded
gallery, art courses for youth & adults, and an arts & crafts store
No action to date
Infrastructure is planning to organize a city-wide cleanup; a group called RiverBlitz has
organized a river cleanup on March 3-contact Mark Maciha, 785-2232x372 or Randy Foster,
885-7783 for information; BLM is organizing a cleanup at Dark Canyon March 31 & April 1,
volunteers welcome, contact Jim Goodbar for information – 234-5929
Some discussion by Health Implementing Team; no action to date; requires legislative action
Education Team, working in conjunction with NMSU & Carlsbad Public School system, is
supporting ongoing discussion to implement this goal locally; Carlsbad Public Schools has
hired two people to develop the program
No action to date
Community Development
Develop, maintain & communicate
Master Plan
Build tourist information centers
Train businesses in customer service
Become a college town
Support Mainstreet Program
Enhance communications to the
Build memorial to Eddy County war
CDOD has been asked by the City to prepare a master plan. Community Development team has
offered to support the community involvement & help their efforts
Community Development, working with Civic Center board, is hoping to encourage the
placement of the initial tourist information center at the Civic Center
Some discussion, but no direct action. Needs volunteers to work on this issue
No action to date. Needs volunteers to work on this issue
Community Development & Infrastructure is actively supporting all Mainstreet activities
Community Development is researching how we communicate in the community, both
informally and formally, and developing a communications plan for RCCI; Quarterly Report is
an outcome of this effort
Community Development is in the early stages of researching this goal – needs volunteers
Offer additional master degree
Establish all-day kindergarten
Education Implementing Team is research possible academic partnerships
Enhance & expand medical facilities
Recruit & retain more general
Encourage competitive medical
A plan for expanding the medical facilities exists
The hospital has a plan to recruit & retain more general practitioners and actively engaged in the
The Health team is researching this issues and gathering information
Make it a priority to defend our
water rights
No action to date.
Provide consistent enforcement &
prosecution of all laws
Rehabilitate abandoned buildings
for shelters
Provide additional recreational
facilities & activities for youth
Establish, support, & provide
affordable day facilities for elderly
No action to date, volunteers needed
Discussion in the State of New Mexico Legislative 2001 session
No action to date, volunteers needed
Incorporated into discussion on playgrounds, waterpark, Skate/Hockey Complex proposal; sports
No action to date, volunteers needed
Enhance Public Transportation
City Transportation Program is currently in process of expanding system and needs community
support utilizing the expanded service. Contact Mickey Cooper for more information 887-1191
Team Name
# of Volunteers
For Information Contact:
Community Development
Barbara Smith
Economic Development
Dan Funchess
Cindy Vuk
Service to Citizens
Tom Bearden
Luis Camero
Carolyn Banks
Rural Community College Initiative
New Mexico State University at Carlsbad
1500 University Drive
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220
Rural Community College Initiative
Linda Hawkins, Project Director
Voice: 234-9452 Fax: 885-1515
1500 University Drive, Carlsbad, NM
Email: lhawkins@cavern.nmsu.edu