Natural Resources By:Chris Reveire,Michael Willis,Catorreia Hutto,Tyrone Johnson What is an Natural Resource? Its important to understand the natural resources. Natural resources are formed into three parts: 1 renewable, 2 flow renewable, 3 non-renewable. The natural wealth of a country, Consist of land, forests, mineral deposits, water, etc. Renewable Resources Generally living resources which can restock themselves if they are not over harvested. In other words renewable resources can reform themselves. They can restock themselves and be used indefinely if they are not used sustainably. Flow renewable resources Are much like renewable resources Flow renewable resources include wind, tides, and solar radiation. Non-renewable resources Can’t restock themselves Can’t be formed again. Credits We would like to give thanks to… Chalonda Jasper Jillian Blair Earl Hankerson Dr. Kome Onokpise Dr. Hank Bass The F.A.C.E. program FAMU and FSU The Quincy Farm Mr.Ted Willis Dr. Dreamal Worthern