Summer 2011 courses

Women’s and Gender Studies Courses Summer 2011
CRLS 4130:101 Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice 3
Meets: TBA
Course Attributes: University Core Course: Individual & Social Behavior; Interdisciplinary Studies:
Women's and Gender Studies; ONLINE Course
Class Notes: Minimum enrollment required for course to be offered. A broadband internet connection
(cable modem/DSL) is strongly recommended. Supported web browsers for D2L, our online course
management system, include Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8 (recommended) or Firefox 2, 3, or 3.5
(recommended) for Windows and Safari 3.1 or 4 (recommended) for Macintosh. Other applications such
as Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader may be necessary to view certain content. Consult your instructor
for details.
ECON 4953 : 101 Seminar in Economics: Sports Economics 3
Meets: MTuWTh 1:15pm - 2:50pm
Course Attributes: Interdisciplinary Studies: International Affairs; Interdisciplinary Studies: Women's and
Gender Studies
Class Notes: It is strongly recommended to have completed ECON 4060 or MATH 4720 or equivalent
prior to enrolling in ECON 4953.
PSYC 3220:101 Human Sexuality 3
de St. Aubin,E.
Meets: MTuWTh 11:30am - 1:05pm
Course Restrictions: Prereq: PSYC 1001 or equiv., or cons. of instr
Course Attributes: University Core Course: Individual & Social Behavior; Interdisciplinary Studies:
Women's and Gender Studies
SOCI 2200:101 The Family 3
Coles,R. Meets: TBA
Course Attributes: University Core Course: Individual & Social Behavior; Interdisciplinary Studies:
Women's and Gender Studies; Interdisciplinary Studies: Family Studies; ONLINE Course
Class Notes: Minimum enrollment required for course to be offered. A broadband internet connection
(cable modem/DSL) is strongly recommended. Supported web browsers for D2L, our online course
management system, include Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8 (recommended) or Firefox 2, 3, or 3.5
(recommended) for Windows and Safari 3.1 or 4 (recommended) for Macintosh. Other applications such
as Microsoft Office and Adobe Reader may be necessary to view certain content. Consult your instructor
for details.