Federalists Republicans (Democratic Republicans) (Jeffersonians) 1. Rule by the best people Rule by the informed masses 2. Hostile to the extension democracy Friendly to the extension of democracy 3. Powerful central government at the expense of states rights Weak central government so as to conserve states rights 4. Loose interpretation of the Constitution Strict interpretation of the Constitution 5. Government should promote business: Protective tariff No special favors for business and agriculture was preferred 6. Pro-British (Conservative) Pro-French (Pro Revolution) 7. Expanding bureaucracy Reduction in Federal offices 8. For the National Bank Relatively unrestricted speech and press 9. Restrictions on free speech and press Relatively unrestricted speech and press 10. Strong Navy – to protect shipping interests Weak navy – only for coastal defense 11. Concentrated in New England – especially in the coastal areas Concentrated in the agricultural South – and especially in the back country and frontier