(Remember: NO family members, friends, telephone interviews)
NO PERSONAL AGENDAS! Your focus should be learning about your
guest and achieving an objective purpose-not accomplishing hidden personal
needs. (buying a house and interviewing a realtor for bargain; wanting a divorce and
interviewing a lawyer about it; wanting a date and using the interview to achieve this)
A. Determine your purpose-why are you interviewing this person?
1. What do you want to learn from this person that you cannot learn
from other sources?
2. When you finish, what information do you want to have?
B. Set up an appointment-plan on about 30 minutes for the interview
C. Plan
1. gather accurate background information to build your credibility
a. verify correct name
b. verify correct title/department
2. know basic facts about company or organization
3. decide on a general idea to establish rapport (break the ice)
4. formulate a sequence of questions based on your purpose; a balance of:
a. open questions-“why”-opinion; involve more time to answer (caution:
may drift away from the purpose, get off track and be long-winded)
b. closed questions-factual, short answer (caution: may lead to frustrationfeel like an interrogation)
5. additional guidelines for questions:
a. ask a “stupid” question, get a stupid answer (avoid obvious questions)
b. no leading questions (can only be answered one way or assumes
c. no hostile or “loaded” questions-ETHICS! (you are there to gain
information, not entrap an individual; he/she is doing you a favor)
d. be flexible in your questions-be prepared with other questions if your
guest can’t or won’t answer questions about a particular subject
e. phrase questions respectfully (keep in mind their experience)
f. use transition phrases to direct the interview (example: “Your answer
brings up another area I’d like to ask you about…”)
g. gently and tactfully keep the guest focused on your purpose
A. Establish your credibility-professionalism
1. dress appropriately
2. arrive on time
3. state your purpose for the interview
4. be clear about the time for the interview and stick to it unless it is mutually
agreed to extend (or shorten) the time
5. check with the guest for permission to record the interview or take notes
6. convey interest and enthusiasm
B. Guidelines during the interview
1. establish common ground (rapport-break the ice)
2. acknowledge your purpose but be flexible in your questions
a. you control the interview
b. goal is to obtain answers to most of your questions
3. listen ACTIVELY:
a. LADDER (look at the person, be attentive, don’t interrupt too often,
don’t change the subject, control emotions, respond verbally and nonverbally)
b. paraphrase his/her responses to clarify your understanding-especially of
key points or complicated information
c. use non-verbal responses such as head nodding, smiling, facial
d. give appropriate feedback
e. maintain open body posture-EYE CONTACT
f. wait until the person has concluded his/her response before asking
another question
g. use transition phrases and tact to keep the guest focused on your purpose
4. conclude the interview with a brief summary of the information given and a
thank you
A. Immediately review your information
B. Follow up with a thank you-a brief note if appropriate
C. Complete the class evaluation form in detail-use specifics
SKILLS USED (this is not a conclusive list; however these are some basic skills which
will be used):
Increase confidence
Develop organization
Practice paraphrasing
Think quickly
Practice flexibility-able to change topics if guest is uncomfortable with questions
Maintain concentration on questions
Focus attention on guest
Maintain open body language-observe and evaluate guest’s body language
Use transition phrases and tact to gracefully direct the interview
Express appropriate emotions (interest, enthusiasm, compassion etc.)
Respond appropriately both verbally and non-verbally
Listen objectively-control emotional responses so they don’t interfere with questions
Focus on achieving a purpose
Practice formulating questions
Evaluate answers-paraphrase if necessary for understanding
Establish personal credibility through preparation, appearance, posture, rapport,
appropriate questions, and finally appropriate responses to the questions