Title POSTER ABSTRACT Name Surname , Namex Surnamex

Name Surname1, Namex Surnamex1
PEM Fuel Cell Research group, School of Chemical Engineering
The University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Email: xyz@bham.ac.uk
One-page A4 abstracts are invited for submission for academic poster presentation. The abstract
should include objectives and methodologies of research as well as the most significant results
in order to allow a scientific assessment of the work by the organising and scientific committees.
The abstract can include any topic on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.[1]
Please note that the word limit for the abstracts is approximately 300 words (excluding
references and title).The format for the same is as follows: Font -- Times Roman 12 pt and line
spacing -- 1.0. You can include figures and images or graphs but each image is equal to approx
90 words.[2]
[1] A.B. Surname, The Journal Name, 104(31) (2005).