MRI and MEG Project Application Form

Study Details Submission Form for SPMIC facilities
Please fill out all sections on the form that are applicable and give reasons for any blanks, e.g. N/A or ‘in progress’. Return
via email to
Select one or more. Class teaching should be
booked directly with Facility Manager.
Commercial Study
PhD. Teaching
MSc. Teaching
Short name (8 char max)
Brief Description (up to 200 char)
PI Name
Responsible School
Main Contact
Other people involved
Name, involvement & responsibility.
e.g. Dr XXXX, paradigm design & writing paper
Number of hours and funding for
each facility required
Expected price
per hour
Split hours requested into development and
full study hours if it helps explain the
Total Income (Also give % of fully funded
cost if less than 100%)
Justification for any deviation from
full funding. Priority is given to fully funded
projects. Development time will be scrutinized
by ExCo. Highlight cross cutting factors e.g.
sequence development or validation,
development of cohorts.
Funding Source
Give date of grant submitted and exact
funding requested
Account Code
Activity Code
Cost Centre
Contact Name(s)/email for all
invoicing and financial queries
Split of funding across financial years Aug15-Jul16 :
e.g. project from Jun16-Aug17. £14k might
Jun16-Jul16 = £2k Aug16-Jul17 £12k.
Details of funding constraints
e.g. deadlines within the financial year that
money should be spent
Start/End Date of scanning
End date cannot exceed 3 years. May be
renewed but cost may not be guaranteed
Volunteer/Booking details
e.g. 20 volunteers scanned twice. 5 hr sessions
scanning 4 subjects in each. Total hours
required = 50
Aug16-Jul17 :
Aug17-Jul18 :
Number of hours
Price per hour if less than
fully funded
Ethics code(s)
Please confirm that safety form and
information about incidental findings is taken
from information on SPMIC website.
Data sharing arrangement
What does ethics approval say?
Other approvals/agreements
obtained e.g. R&D, contract with industrial
partner etc.
Indicate any project-specific safety
issues that you foresee.
Additional risk assessments may be required
before the project starts
For MRI, please indicate which field
strength and platform you want to
use and whether another field would
be acceptable i.e. 1.5T/3T/7T; GE/Philips
Equipment required
e.g. RF coils / button response kit / EEG etc.
Project Details
MRI sequences to be used or developed, fMRI
paradigms (including timing diagram
indication number of repetitions of cycle, total
length of scan and number of repeats of the
whole scan). This can be attached separately.
Include references.
Post Project Aims
(PhD thesis, papers, further funding etc)
Relevant prior work particularly using
SPMIC or predecessor facilities
e.g. Previous project 2012-2013 XXX on 3T,XX
hours, funding 10k. Published in…
Select the user group most
appropriate to review your project:
1. Acquisition and data analysis (sequence development and areas not
covered below)
2. Clinical and commercial trials (including multicentre trials)
3. Molecular Imaging (including cancer imaging)
4. Neuroimaging (clinical neurology and basic neuroscience)
5. MSK Imaging
6. Obesity, GI and liver imaging
7. Lung Imaging
SPMIC use only: Do not complete this page.
For scientific and commercial projects
SPMIC project number
What is your usergroup’s opinion of
the proposed science, in particular
the imaging aspects? Please justify.
How does this project interact with
others going on in the UoN?
Do the project team propose to
provide appropriate staffing for the
level of complexity of the study?
Do you think the project team will
require particular support from SPMIC
(consider both imaging and other
Is this study fully funded ?
Do you support the funding level
(please justify your response)?
Do you have any other concerns
about this study?
Are there any particular SPMIC risks?
(e.g. Does the study require lots of
early morning slots? Does the study
require an exceptionally large amount
of scanner time?)
15% of scanner time is allocated to
unfunded development work
(strategic innovation, maintaining
imaging and associated protocols at
the state of the art, some validation
or normative data). Please explain
whether or not you believe this
project falls into this category, and
highlight potential benefits to other
teams and usergroups.
For Teachings projects
School considering the project
MSc or PhD project?
Name of student
Time previously given to this student
Is this externally peer reviewed?
What the expertise of the usergroup to judge this?