Research Degrees Acceptance form

Research Degrees
Acceptance form
What this form is for
To inform the Research Degrees Office that you wish to accept an offer of
registration for an Open University research degree. By signing this form
you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of registration that
apply to your research degree.
Who should complete it
If you have received a letter offering you registration for an Open University
research degree, or if you have been offered a transfer from full-time to parttime study, you should complete this form
How it should be
You should print and complete a hard copy of this document and send it to
the Research Degrees Office, together with any supplementary documents
required (e.g. sponsorship agreement).
Send your signed copy to: The Research Degrees Office, Research School,
Charles Pinfold Building, The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
Acceptance of
offer of
I confirm that I have read the registration offer letter / email, and I accept the
offer to register for an Open University research degree on the terms outlined in
that letter or email, in the Research Degrees Student Handbook, and on the
basis of the University’s student and relevant award regulations.
Agreement to
assign intellectual
property rights
The Research Degree Award Regulations require all students to assign their
intellectual property rights to the Open University unless they are bound by an
intellectual property agreement with a third party, such as an employer or
Please tick one box:
I agree to assign to The Open University my rights and interests in any
materials, results, discoveries, inventions or other intellectual property arising
from my research degree studies and, if required by The Open University, to
apply and/or assist The Open University or its agents in applying, for letters
patent at the University’s expense where the work is considered to be
patentable. For the avoidance of doubt, if any such patent application is, as a
result of a filing requirement in a particular country, filed in my name, I agree to
assign to The Open University or its nominee, upon request, all my right title and
interest in and to any such patent(s).
I confirm that I am bound by an intellectual property agreement with a third
party and am therefore exempt from assigning my intellectual property rights to
The Open University:
Name of company or organisation:
Fee liability
This section only applies if you are paying your own fees, or a sponsor is
paying them for you. If you are accepting an offer of a funded
studentship, you do not need to complete this section. Please sign the
form below where indicated.
I understand that my acceptance of this offer renders me liable for fees due
during my registration.
Please tick one box below
I have been resident in the European Economic Area for the last three years
I have NOT been resident in the European Economic Area for the last three
Please tick one box below
I expect to be wholly or mainly resident in the UK for the duration of my
studies, except for any temporary and unavoidable periods spent abroad, and to
remain liable for UK tax on my income, or dependent on a person who is
I do NOT expect to be wholly or mainly resident in the UK for the duration of
my studies, except for any temporary and unavoidable periods spent abroad,
and to remain liable for UK tax on my income, or dependent on a person who is
Please confirm how your fees will be paid (you may tick more than one box if
paying by a combination of methods):
I enclose a cheque for £……….. (enter amount) made payable to the Open
I will call the research degrees office on 01908 654882 to make a payment
by credit or debit card
Please call me on …………………………………………. (your phone
number) to take my payment by credit or debit card
UK students only. I wish to charge £…………. (enter amount) to OUSBA
(Open University Student Budget Account) (Subject to credit check)
My sponsor has agreed to pay £………….. (enter amount) towards my fees.
I enclose a completed sponsorship agreement
I am a member of Open University Staff and I have sent my staff fee waiver
form to my line manager
(Line manager’s name:……………………………………………………)
I have been awarded a fee bursary to cover all / part of my fees (delete as
Print your full name
Personal identifier
Department / Faculty