Research Proposal [DOC]

Research proposal approval form
Faculty of Arts
For coursework doctoral students
To be completed by the student for submission to the Associate Dean (Research) via the Principal Supervisor.
Prior to completion of this form, the student and Principal Supervisor should ensure familiarity with the
Faculty of Arts policy regarding approval of the research proposal.
The completed proposal evaluation forms must be attached to this form.
Approval of the research proposal must be obtained prior to beginning the research.
Student details
ID number
Dissertation title
The precise wording of the title of your dissertation is required. The title will be recorded on your file.
Research proposal
Please attach to this form a copy of your research proposal, which can be up to 15 pages in length. The proposal
must have an abstract of no more than 200 words summarising the proposed research. The proposal will provide a
justification for the proposed research. The justification should demonstrate that you are familiar with the key
literature in the area and that you can critically evaluate it and use it to build an argument to justify the research
question. In addition, the proposal should demonstrate that you have the methodological knowledge and skills to
carry out the research.
Intellectual property (please tick)
Is there a possibility of intellectual property of potential commercial value being
developed during the course of the project?
If yes, have you consulted the Research Office about assigning intellectual property
rights to the University?
Ethics approval (please tick)
Is the research likely to involve animal experimentation and/or human participants
or human biological materials?
If yes, please note that you may not start your data collection until ethics approval has been obtained.
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Commercial in confidence (please tick)
Is your research in an area in which the Faculty has a ‘commercial in confidence’
agreement with third parties?
If yes, have you completed a confidentiality agreement?
Timetable for completion
Please attach to this form an outline of the major activities required to complete your research and write your
dissertation (including activities already completed or partially completed) and indicate the date by which you would
expect to complete each activity.
Approvals and authorisations
I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of the Research Code of Conduct and undertake to conduct
my research in accordance with the code.
Signed: _________________________________________________________ Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Principal Supervisor
I attest that the ideas contained in this proposal have the potential to meet the requirements of the research
component of the course and that the methods outlined are appropriate.
I am prepared to supervise this research project with the student.
The student has appropriately addressed all the feedback obtained from the proposal reviewers and at the
seminar presentation.
Signed: _________________________________________________________ Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Head of School
I certify that the minimum resources are available and that the student has been made aware of how to
access these resources.
Signed: _________________________________________________________ Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Associate Dean (Research)
I attest that the ideas contained in this proposal have the potential to meet the requirements of the research
component of the course and that the methods outlined are appropriate.
Signed: _________________________________________________________ Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
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