OSU Extension Staff: ____________________

Program Delivery Record
Revised: 10/27/10
Nutrition Education Program
Volunteers/Staff assisting - name(s)
OSU Extension Staff: ____________________
School, Teacher, Grade: ____________________
Enrollment: Girls _____ Boys _____ Total _____
Regular Participant(s)
Number of Hours contributed
Subject/Topic/Lesson Description
Power of Choice – suggested for 7th grade
Sequence: Use as is for 10 lessons. For 8 lessons, start with 3, 2, 4 and
continue; combine lessons 5 and 8.
Before you start: Make 2 sets of laminated nutrition facts cards: R33-R63
Supplies that need to be ordered are in RED.
All students get a NEP MyPyramid folder
Topic 1 - It’s up to you!
Intro: Mirror Image
Activity: “Roll Play” or Values Charades (draw topics), hand washing
Food Activity: Peanut Butter Fruit-wich
Teacher Delivery: Pg A-38 “It’s a Rap!; Picture This; Review hand washing
Topic 2 – Get Up and Move!
Intro: Getting Started: Untie the Knot! (Optional if you have the space,
otherwise probably best to leave this part out) Discuss roadblocks and use
the $500. notion to identify roadblocks vs. excuses
Activity 1…“Top 10” for Being Physically Active (this one would work good to
do in small groups)
Activity 2…Body Talk (use fitness dice for activities)
Activity 3…Get Vertical!
Wrap Up: What’s Your Choice?
Nutrition Component Idea: Discuss PA as the most variable component of
energy expenditure/output, and use calorie chart on inside cover of 10 Steps
to a Healthier Me! http://www.eatsmart.org/item.asp?id=1860 to see how
much calorie needs and food group amounts change simply by being
more/less PA.
Food Sample Activity: None
Student/Parent Handout: “Move It!” mini-poster in our supplies or free
from: http://teamnutrition.usda.gov/Resources/moveitposter.html
Teacher Delivery: Activity #3 Get Vertical! (If they can use the gym this
would work)
Topic 3 – How Much Do You Eat? (you may wish to start series with this
Intro: Follow up with the calorie requirement discussion (pg 30 POC) from
the PA lesson and ask students these questions..”What happens if you
consume fewer or more calories (food energy) than your body uses?” (pg. 32
POC) Keep this discussion brief and simple! Then ask…”How can we/you
recognize the amounts of food (and calories) we eat?” (pg. 31 POC)
Activity 1…Some or the Whole Thing? Do a quick MyPyramid review.
Measure 1 ounce or 1 cup. 10 Steps to a Healthier Me has an equivalent
reference. Prepare an activity kit in advance. Use Snack Foods: How much is
a “Serving?” worksheet at
For series: 18, 10, 11
45 min
Updated 10-06
Food Sample/Activity 5…Stuffing a Pocket Sandwich (R-14 POC) – White out
calories – have them guess.
Nutrition Reinforcement Idea: Measuring Cups
Teacher Delivery: Activity #3 Visual Cues, #4 Dance Snack Calories Away!
Wrap Up: What’s Your Choice?
Topic 4 – Are You Label Able?
Intro (Ice Breaker) – “How Much” – Have four students demonstrate in front
of the class to save time. Pour the amount of cereal or snack food (with a
nutrition facts label) you would normally eat into a bowl Show them the
Nutrition Facts Label (or laminated cards or real food nutrition facts label)
and show where it says how much a serving is. Compare amounts in bowls
with the serving size on the label. Is it more or less? Then continue on with
the “Challenge their Thinking” section.
10 min. Activity 1 – What’s on a Label? This is a natural progression from the
Intro. Do quick lesson on reading a Nutrition Facts label using the READ IT
before you EAT IT! Poster. Follow lesson as written. 5 min.
Activity 3 – Nutrients – The “5-20% DV” Guide – Most of this is teacher
directed and class discussion. It is important though, because students need
to understand this part of the label in order to make an informed food
decision. Use Nutrition Facts Label Questions handout at
10 min.
Activity 6 – Make a Cereal “Sundae” (R-18 POC) or Super Sundae from
healthyrecipes.oregonstate.edu. Alternative: Fun in the Sun Banana Split
from More Matters Plan Book cookbook (aka Your Plan to Eating More) from
Produce for Better Health
15 min.
Teacher Delivery: Activity #2 Serving Sizes on the Label, #4 Balancing Food
Choices for the Day, or #5 Shake Up the Grocery Bag!
Topic 5 – Tastes Great, Less Solid Fat.
Into (Ice Breaker) – “What’s on Your Popcorn!” – By looking at the nutrition
facts cards, this activity gets them thinking about how much fat (and how
many different fats) they’re actually putting on their potato. Since they are
already familiar with reading Nutrition Facts cards they will know what to do.
10 min. (if time allows discuss some of the questions in “Challenge their
Activity 2 –“Scoop Fat Facts” – This activity creates a really good visual for
fat. By actually scooping shortening to match the amount of fat in their
chosen food, they can see how much it really is. Powerful images. 15 min.
Food Activity: Popcorn. Good culminating activity to do for the kids. It’s a
great way to have them try healthy alternatives for popcorn toppers. Make
air popcorn. Offer salt free seasonings, parmesan cheese. Popcorn &
Toppings Recipe at http://extension.oregonstate.edu/deschutes/nutritioneducation Check out Movie Theater popcorn info at:
deo and http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-11-19popcorncalories19_ST_N.htm 10 min.
Teacher Delivery: Activity #1What do food labels say about solid fats?
#3Check It Out: High or Low in Solid Fat?
Topic 6 – Make Drinks Count
Into (Ice Breaker) – “How Much Soda?” – Good portion size activity. Good
discussion starter about why they might drink certain kinds of drinks versus
Updated 10-06
other healthier options. 10 min.
Activity 1 – Make Mine Orange! And 2 – “Which Drink? Check the Facts” –
Great lesson for promoting discussion amongst themselves. Make orange
soda and compare with Peach smoothie (with OJ) from
healthyrecipes.oregonstate.edu. Compare to whole orange nutrition facts
label, too. (#107 on pg R-52 POC) Use Make Mine Orange worksheet at
http://extension.oregonstate.edu/deschutes/nutrition-education 25 min.
Teacher Delivery: Activity #3 Okay to Sweat!
Topic 7 - Snacks: “Chews” for Health, Pg. 81
Getting started –Pg. A-60: Item 4—Ask: Is it important to you to: feel and
look your best? Have strong bones? Have energy to do everything you want
to do? Point out that healthful snacking can help them achieve these.
Activity “It’s Up to You” poster. Decide what you will eat.
Do You Know? Discuss snacking and how you can choose snacks that taste
great & help keep you healthy too.
Activity #1: Which Snack Has More Solid Fat? Use our brown napkins from
recycled materials.
Activity #2: “5-20% DV”, Snack Vision (optional, so that more time can be
spent on Activity #3)
*Hang poster, “Read it Before You Eat it!”
Each group gets 2 snack labels to discuss
--Demo-Will you eat from the package or a bowl?
--Measure serving size in a bowl, hold up package.
--Discuss (use pretzels)
Encourage: check nutrition facts for fat at home on a label.
--Share with family.
Food Sample/Activity:“Roll it up!” recipe in Orange FVMM Snack brochure
from Produce for Better Health.
Activity #3: “Snack Dilemmas” Use easel and post-it flip chart paper to
develop list of Pros and Cons with food models from Activity #2. What are
“sometimes snacks?”
Teacher Delivery: *Writing Topic: R-11 Good for you Snack recipe.
Topic 8—“Your Fast-Food Order?”, Pg. 93
Intro: Before class, read Getting Ready, pg. 95 and pgs. 96 & 97for
background info.
*“Getting Started: Fast-Food for You?” Pg. 98: Ask questions & discuss.
Activity 1: “ Fast-Food Facts”
Show empty containers & ask questions listed.
Discuss Exploring nutrients in fast foods
& check the chart. Use Read It Before You Eat It poster for clarification.
Measure out fat (shortening) amounts for each food. Use easel and post-it
flip chart to make chart. (Could measure fat in additional foods (A62) so
everyone isn’t measuring the same thing) Point out that eating less solid fat
helps keep your heart healthy.
Activity 2: “Fitting Fast Foods In”
Create chart (easel paper) with link to McDonald’s
ml for large McDonald’s meal (Big Mac Large Fry, Large Coke , apple Pie).
This activity can be combined with the Topic 4 Scoop the Fat activity. Let
students know that all fast food restaurants have similar meals. (In small
groups) Using nutrition facts cards & “It’s Up to You” poster, plan more food
groups, less fats.
Updated 10-06
Activity 4: “Pizza—A Fast Snack!”
Wash hands. (Recipe on R15) Make and serve cold.
Nutrition Reinforcement/Support Materials to the Home:
“Eating Colorful Fruits & Vegetables—More Matters” (optional) from
Produce for Better Health
Teacher Delivery: Activity #3 Advertise for Fast Food; compare a full days’
menu with & without fast foods (follow up of Activity #2).
Topic 9—“Urge to Splurge”, pg.105
Intro: ”Get Your Juices Flowing!”
Ask, “What’s the benefit of moving more and sitting
less?”Using poster, “Move It”, have students come up with and do a physical
activity in their classroom.
Activity 1: “How Hungry?” Optional
Don’t have students line up on “hunger continuum”
Activity 2: Listening to “Body Talk”
Ask question and discuss. Students line up again on “hunger continuum” at
exactly 20 mins.
Continue discussing satisfying hunger. Explore reasons people overeat & how
to avoid it.
Activity 3: Emotional “Hunger”
Discuss eating triggers, actions, consequences. The My Food Diary worksheet
may help the discussion:
http://extension.oregonstate.edu/deschutes/nutrition-education or
Activity 4: Coping with Eating Triggers
Discuss keeping control of emotions and eating
Food Sample/Activity: Yogurt & Fruit (Too much sugar in the suggested
Nutrition Reinforcement/Support Materials to the Home: Recipe: Fruit
Dippers Pg. R12, Optional: Balance Your Day With Food & Play pamphlet
from Produce for Better Health
Teacher Delivery: Writing activity: Is it okay to let your emotions control
your eating? Why or why not?
“Your Choice” handout (R-4?) —Goal and 3 steps toward managing hunger
and overeating.
Topic 10 – What’s New?
Intro (Icebreaker) Activity: Getting Started: Pleasure of Trying!
Activity 1…Food Neophobia
Activity 2 /Food Sample …Give Food a Try! (use blind fold ideas if able, and
provide students with worksheets to rate the foods) Use New Food Taste
Test form at http://extension.oregonstate.edu/deschutes/nutritioneducation.
Wrap Up: What’s Your Choice…if time allows you can also review key points
from previous lessons during this time
Teacher Delivery: Puppet Food Play, pg A-37 Optional: Get an assortment
from Food Poems from Glenda Hyde.
Updated 10-06