Location: Oregon State Fairgrounds, Salem, OR Team Registration Fee is $20 Register by June 16th For more information call: Mike Knutz 503-434-8913, OSU Extension Service In this competition teams compete in head to head battles to find out whose cuisine will reign supreme in a battle involving a secret ingredient. Contestants will be interviewed throughout the competition. 1. Participants will have 60 minutes to complete two dishes (i.e. appetizer, soup, salad, main entrée, dessert). 2. The contest kitchen will provide the mystery ingredient, range, microwave oven and refrigerator. Participants must provide all other ingredients, recipes, individual serving dishes for judges and equipment. 3. Each course should emphasize/showcase the mystery ingredient. 4. Team should prepare and plate 4 servings of each dish for the 4 judges. Samples will not be served to the public unless there is extra. Pay special attention to portion sizes; judges will be eating multiple dishes so portions should be petite. 5. The names of two possible mystery ingredients will be given to the team two weeks prior to the contest. The actual mystery ingredient will be announced to the judges and team just prior to entering the kitchen. 6. The food prepared must be plated for the four judges and served to each at the same time. The second food must be served on a separate plate for each judge. 7. The order in which teams serve the judges will be decided prior to the contest start. It is acceptable (and advisable) for teams serving their dishes second to take measures to preserve the temperature of their creations. 8. Participants are expected to leave the kitchen clean. This will be part of the judge’s evaluation. 10 Each of the four judges will award up to a maximum of 50 points to each team 20 points maximum for taste 15 points maximum for plating (appearance of presentation) 10 points maximum for food safety 5 points maximum for originality 9. Open to all 4-H Members (not just Food Project Members)Two to three members per team Entries may be limited by contest space. This contest is not judged by the Merit Method of judging. Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Family and Community Health, 4-H Youth, Forestry & Natural Resources, and Extension Sea Grant programs. Oregon State University, United States Department of Agriculture, and Yamhill County cooperating. The Extension Service offers its programs and materials equally to all people. Registration Due by June 16th Team Entry Form Team Name: _________________________ _ Team Contact Person _____________________ ____Phone: __________ Address ___________________________________ City _________________ ______ _ Zip _______________ County of 4-H Membership _____________________ Club _________________ Email _______________________________ (Int. or Sr.) Name Email Payment Information Cash ________ Check ___________ Ch#___________ Note:______________________________ Make checks payable to: YC 4H Leaders Association $25 fee on all returned checks __________________________________ Mail entries to: OSU Extension Office, 2050 Lafayette Ave. McMinnville, OR 97128