Corallinales -Heavily calcified thallus -No apical depression (as in things like Galaxaura, etc.) What to look for… •Thin (<5-10 cells thick) or thick crust? •What does it look like in section? -are any cell layers horizontally of vertically elongated? -how thick (# of cell layers) is the “hypothallus” (the bottom tissue layer) as compared to the “perithallus” (the middle tissue layer)? Non-articulated i.e. a crust Is the thallus Articulated •Are there trichocytes (large cells that may produce surface hairs) and if so are they scattered or in groups? •Do conceptacles have a single or multiple pores? •Are tetrasporangia zonately divided or cruciate? •Is the thallus growing on another algae and which one? •Is the crust growing from an originally 4-celled or 8-celled structure? •Are segments uniform or variable in length? •What is the branching pattern? •What do the internodes look like in longitudinal section? -are there multiple tiers of cells or only a single tier? •Where are conceptacles found? -apical segments, scattered, or at dichotomies? Thin crust (<5-10 cells thick) Titanoderma vertically elongated cells vertically elongated cells lateral pit connections lateral pit connections Hydrolithon Crust developing from four-celled structure horizontally elongated cells Fosliella Pneophyllum Crust developing from eight-celled structure Only found growing on Chamaedoris Thick crust Conceptacles with single pore Hydrolithon Lithophyllum Neogoniolithon Porolithon Conceptacles with multiple pores Lithothamnion Mesophyllum Sporolithon Conceptacles with a single pore Trichocytes absent Lithophyllum Trichocytes present Trichocytes in horizontal groups Porolithon Trichocytes single and scattered Multilayered “hypothallus” Neogoniolithon One cell thick “hypothallus” Distinct, one cell thick “hypothallus” Hydrolithon Conceptacles with multiple pores Tetrasporangia cruciate; Multichambered sori Sporolithon cruciate tetrasporangia multichambered sori Tetrasporangia zonate; Multichambered sori? Dimerous thallus construction Lithothamnion Dimerous construction Tetrasporangia zonate; Single-chambered conceptacles; Monomerous thallus construction zonate tetrasporangia Mesophyllum Monomerous construction, “coaxial” Articulated variable length medullary cells Unequal segments; Variable length medullary cells; Multi-tiered genicula; Scattered conceptacles Amphiroa multiple tiers of cells in genicula unequal intergenicula segments conceptacles scattered Articulated Segments nearly equal; Medullary cells of equal length; Single-tiered genicula; Conceptacles in swollen segments that will form branches; Branching dichotomous dichotomous branching Jania Segments nearly equal; Medullary cells of equal length; Single-tiered genicula; Conceptacles in swollen apical segments that may have projections; Branching mostly pinnate Haliptilon pinnate branching conceptacles forming branches single tier of cells in genicula single tier of cells in genicula