The Role of Anthropogenic Fire and Livestock Grazing in Sustaining Avian Diversity in East African Savannas Nathan Gregory1 and Ryan Sensenig2 1. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University. Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA. Email: 2. Plant Sciences Department, University of California at Davis. One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, USA Control 10 Burned 8 6 4 2 0 •What are the mechanisms driving these changes? As land use change has been identified as the most important factor threatening global biodiversity, particularly in savanna ecosystems (Sala et al. 2000), it is essential to develop an understanding of how savannas function and how human impacts can be used to good advantage. Determining the manner in which anthropogenic disturbance influences community dynamics has important management implications and can shed light on the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of diversity. 9 81 Plot Size (Ha) Figure 4: 9 and 81 hectare sites host greater densities of birds relative to controls Number of Individuals per 100 •How do the effects of these disturbances compare? 1 Burned plots also host a slightly more diverse bird community than controls. While species-area curves indicate that richness in controls and burned plots do not differ significantly, abundance influences diversity measures. The abundance-based coverage estimator indicates that burned plots are more diverse for both 81 hectare plots (Figure 5) and 9 hectare sites (Figure 9). A similar pattern is observed in the winter. Species Accumulation Curve: 81 Ha Burn vs. Control 70 60 Number of Species •In a system where normal disturbance regimes have been altered, how do the practices of controlled burning and livestock grazing (bomas) affect avian diversity, community composition, and abundance? Figure 3: An example of a controlled burn plot with transects appearing in red. 50 81 Burn 40 81 Control 81 Burn ACE 30 81 Control ACE 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Number of Individuals Boma vs Postburn vs Control Figure 5: Species accumulation curves for 81 hectare burned and control sites indicate no significant difference in species richness. ACE values (large diamonds) show that burns are more diverse. Number of Species 9 Control 9 Burn 40 Boma ACE 30 Control ACE Burn ACE 20 0 Percent Occurence of Bird Species Detected in All Burned vs. Control Areas 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Number of Individuals Figure 9: Species accumulation curves for bomas, 9 hectare burns, and control sites. Large diamonds are ACE values. Bomas are the most diverse of the three treatments. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Summer: Percent Occurence of Bird Species in Burns, Bomas, and Controls 100 90 80 Species Figure 6: Percent occurrence of species observed at least 10 times on burned vs. control sites during the summer. 70 Boma Burn Control 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Control Burn Boma Species Figure 11: Preferences of species observed at least 10 times during the winter for all three habitats. Bars outlined in yellow indicate palearctic migrants. Mechanisms Arthropod Biomass by Treatment and Collection Method 2.5 2 1.5 Pitfall 1 Sweepnet 0.5 0 Boma Burn Unburn -0.5 Treatment Figure 12: Arthropod biomass by treatment. Disturbance appears to negatively impact food resources such as arthropod abundance (Figure 12) which suggests that habitat characteristics may be key to structuring avian communities. However, further experiments are underway to disentangle the confounding effects of predation by birds on arthropod communities. Conclusions •Avian abundance and diversity increase on burned plots, and these areas attract a unique assemblage of birds. These effects vary with the size of the disturbance. •Bird species richness in bomas is higher than in burns of similar size, and some species show strong preferences for bomas over other habitats. •In general, most of the species observed show strong preferences for disturbed habitats, and only some Ploceus weaver species, queleas, rattling cisticolas, and some shrub-loving species are specifically attracted to undisturbed sites. •The prevalence of undisturbed habitat may be a relatively recent phenomenon resulting from post-colonial human impacts on fire and grazing regimes. The lack of birds specializing in these areas points to the key role of disturbance in maintaining avian diversity in East African savannas. •Conservation of bird diversity will require the incorporation of both types of disturbance into management strategies. Acknowledgements Burn Control 70 60 Boma 50 Burn 40 Control 30 20 10 0 AFGL WAST NWCS GRPI BEGS YNSP PAFL RNDO CSBA PBPI BNMO CAWO SPWE SUST CHSP COBU CODR YRSE RBQU RACI RUSP CRPL WESP PPCI ETSW Methodology This part of the study is a component of the Scale and Fire Ecology Project (S.A.F.E.), a collaboration that includes Ryan Sensenig of the University of California at Davis and Isaac Kimathe of the University of Nairobi. Experimental plots are organized into treatments that combine burns of three sizes (81 hectares, 9 hectares, and 1 hectare) with control plots of equal area. This design is replicated four times. To measure bird diversity and abundance, we employ the fixed-width transect method (Bibby 2000). Each plot has two transects that begin in the center, run to the corners, and extend 300 meters into the matrix (Figure 3). Observers record the locations of every bird detected within 50 meters on either side of the transect. Boma 50 Percent Occurence Fire: Effects on Avian Abundance, Diversity, and Community Composition 60 0 ch W er att Bl ' l ue Pla s S ed -e C in- pa Sta Ye ar he ba rro rl llo ed st ck w- ing w G nu ed la -n lo t P rk ec ss W ip k y e it C Pal ed Staave he e S r r C F p l ar S stn lyc urf ing di u ut a ow p Bl nal er Sp tch l Af ue G Wob S arr er ric -na ra o ta ow an p ss dp rlin e l e Sl C Gr d Mand ck g at r ey o P er e- es F u ip c t l s i R olo ed ycaebir t in ur F tc d g e ra h R R -ne d B nc er Ye ed ufo ck o oli llo -fac us ed ubon G w-ru Ched Sp Dovu m in- Croarr e N rey o p s or th bac C ed po mb w er ke om Se t B ec n W Sd C mo ed atis hi p a n ea te ek m B te -c e ar ul r R C ed N o row 's Wop bul -c ub mm ne e ter he ia o d av a ek n W n S er h R ed oo Dro rik ed C d n e R -bi ord pec go at lle o k tli d n- er ng Q b l W Ci ue eu ea st le ve ico a r s la p_ This study is taking place on three ranches in the Laikipia District of central Kenya (Figures 1 and 2). Since at least the 1950s, fire has been actively suppressed, and in its absence, bomas serve as the major landscape modifier. The experimental plots are located in Acacia drepanolobium-dominated habitat of homogeneous structure and soil type. 70 10 Fi s Study Area Community composition differs between burns and undisturbed areas. For those species encountered at least 10 times, most displayed a strong preference for burned sites (Figure 6). Only red-billed queleas, rattling cisticolas, and some Ploceus weavers show a clear preference for the undisturbed habitat. Percent Occurence Figure 1: Map of Kenya with Laikipia District shown in red Figure 2: Land use map of the Laikipia District. White areas are large, private commercial ranches. The approximate study area is shown in red. 80 Percent Occurence 12 80 W pp att ed led St So a ci N al rlin or g th er We Bl av n ue W er P he -e i e ar at ed d W e he ar G lo ss ate ar y C St ro ar wn lin e g d Su pe Plo ve rb r St Ba ar lin rn Sw g al Sw lo R a w in l l o gw ne sp ck Et _ hi ed op D ia Is ov n ab e S el w lin al lo e w W R h uf ea ou te G s ar R re S a p yttl ar ba in ro g ck w C ed is tic Ca ol m a a C r o om pt er m a on Bu lb ul 14 90 yca 16 100 G re 18 Winter: Percent Occurence of Bird Species in Burns, Bomas, and Controls Weight (g) 20 Fire suppression has made grazing one of the dominant forces structuring the landscape specifically in the form of bomas, thorn-scrub corrals, built by pastoralists. These structures house livestock at night, and once abandoned, these areas, denuded and enriched with dung, become productive grazing lawns with distinct plant communities that persist for decades (Stelfox 1986, Augustine 2003). Recently abandoned bomas have a very distinctive structure and are roughly 9 hectares in size (Figure 7). Methodology Survey methods are the same as for the fire component of the study. Transects begin in the center of the boma and proceed 300 meters into Interior the matrix. 8 bomas are being surveyed. Results Scrub fence Bomas host densities of birds Edge of similar to burned sites (Figure 8) but impacted area are more diverse than both burned sites and controls (Figure 9). This Figure 7: Diagram of a typical boma site pattern holds during the winter. As is the case with burned Bird Density by Treatment areas, some species of birds 20 show strong preferences for 18 bomas (Figure 10). There are 16 14 some size-related differences as 12 well. For instance, northern 10 8 white-crowned shrikes show no 6 preference between 81 hectare 4 2 burned or control sites but show 0 a clear preference for 9 hectare Control Burn Boma Treatment burns relative to controls. In the winter, migrants show strong Figure 8: Comparison of bird density between preferences for disturbance controls, 9 hectare burns, and bomas (Figure 11). 2 Bird Density by Plot Size Bomas and Fire: Comparative Effects on Avian Abundance, Diversity, and Community Composition m +/- Std Dev. In Africa, savanna ecosystems are sustained through the interacting effects of fire and grazing, and these disturbances have long been influenced by humans (Werner 1990, Roques et al. 2001). Land use changes since European settlement have resulted in the suppression of large-scale wildfires, but there is growing interest among land managers in using controlled burning as a tool to improve grazing conditions for livestock and native ungulates. The increased use of prescribed fire is likely to change the savanna landscape and, by extension, its flora and fauna. We are investigating the effects of a modified disturbance regime on avian abundance, diversity, and community composition by asking the following questions: Results Figures summarize results from data obtained from June through August. Significantly higher densities of birds occur on 9 and 81 hectare burned sites (Figure 4). Number of Individuals per 100 m2 +/Std Dev. Introduction and Research Questions Co BBoumrnnt rol a Species Figure 10: Preferences of species observed at least 10 times during the summer for all three habitats. Funding: Princeton University EEB Princeton PEI/ STEP Wildlife Conservation Society Teresa Heinz Scholars for Environmental Research David A. Gardner Magic Project American Museum of Natural History Cooper Ornithological Society Thanks to: David Wilcove Ryan Sensenig Hussein Mohamed Dan Rubenstein Claire Kremen Michaela Hau Andy Dobson Nick Georgiadis Mpala Research Center and staff References •Augustine, D. J. 2003. 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