•Washakie Center, Rm 22 • 766-3048
Dept 3994, 1000 E University. Laramie, WY 82070 •
Project Proposal Form
Important: Read instructions. Complete each section in detail.
Attach all relevant maps and other pertinent information.
1. Applicant Information
a. Sponsoring Agency:
b. WCC Crew Requestor
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:
Business Phone:
Cell phone:
c. Project Supervisor Contact (if different than above)
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:
Business Phone:
Cell phone:
d. Contracting/Agreements Officer
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:
Business Phone:
e. Site Director
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:
Business Phone:
2. Project Information
a. Project Name:
b. Project Location(s):
Please attach any relevant maps detailing project location
c. Campsite for the crew:
d. Work Site Ownership:
If multiples owners/managers, please list all below and identify management roles.
3. Project Description
a. Description of work to be completed; please be as specific as possible:
b. Approximate number of acres or miles impacted:
c. Project importance/impact (to site, local community, agency management objectives, etc.):
d. Site/Project partners and their roles:
e. Backup work options:
f. Will there be the involvement or training of volunteers on this project?
No If yes, please describe:
4. Project Schedule
a. Preferred range of dates for project:
b. Does this project have the potential to be expanded into the future?
No If yes, please describe:
5. Necessary Tools and Materials
The WCC supplies crews with an eight-passenger, four-wheel drive vehicle, an enclosed trailer,
all gear necessary for outdoor living, and all tools necessary for project completion.
a. Please identify all necessary tools:
b. Please identify necessary materials agency will provide:
c. Will agency provide any special tools and/or trainings necessary for project completion? (if
yes, please explain):
6. Educational Session(s)/ Community Involvement Information
Can you also provide any environmental education or skills training to the team members?
No If yes, please describe:
7. Project Cost
a. Total Cash contribution to WCC: $
b. Estimated Non Cash (In-kind) contribution: $
c. Total Cost Share Required: $