Aim: How do interest groups influence U. S. government and politics? • What is an interest group? • Why do we have so many interest groups in the United States? • What do you know about PACs? • What do you already know about Super PACs? • What is the difference between an institutional interest group and a membership interest group? Aim: How do interest groups influence U. S. government and politics? What has contributed to the “rise” of interest groups in the United States? • • • • Broad economic developments Government policy helps Individuals More government involvement leads to the formation of more interest groups Aim: How do interest groups influence U. S. government and politics? • What incentives are there for joining an interest group? • What is a public interest lobby? • How do social movements give rise to interest groups? • Are all environmental groups the same? • What are some feminist groups? What’s their ideology? Aim: How do interest groups influence U. S. government and politics? • How do interest groups raise funds? • Who gets more PAC money – incumbents or challengers? • How large is the typical PAC contribution? • Corporate PACs make up ____% of all PACs. • Labor PACs give to which party? • Corporate PACs give to which party? • Who gets more PAC $ - Democrats or Republicans? Aim: How do interest groups influence U.S. government and politics? INTEREST GROUPS AND BIAS??? • Upper-class bias – why? • Yeah, but cleavages exist within upper class – effect? Aim: How do interest groups influence U.S. government and politics? What activities do interest groups engage in? • Information • Money and PACs • Litigation (lawsuits) • Public Support • INSIDER VS. OUTSIDER APPROACH Aim: How do interest groups influence U.S. government and politics? • How are interest groups (lobbying) regulated?…problems? • What is meant by the “revolving door”? (see text) • How do interest groups “make trouble”? Why is this a “win,win” for interest groups? (And, a “lose,lose” for government officials?) Peaceful Protests: “Making Trouble” Peaceful Protests: “Making Trouble” Peaceful Protests: “Making Trouble” Aim: How do interest groups influence U.S. government and politics? • What has happened to union membership since 1960s? • Ideological PACs raise more, but spend less. Why? Aim: How do interest groups influence U.S. government and politics? • How are interest groups helpful to American politics? • How are interest groups harmful to American politics? • On balance…more helpful or harmful? • Reforms?? • Outlawing PACs? • Public financing of campaigns? SUMMARY • Why are there so many interest groups in the U.S.? • What are the two basic types of interest groups? • What is the trend in regard to interest groups since the 1960s? How does it relate to the trend regarding the strength of political parties? • What is a PAC? SUMMARY • How have social movements impacted the development of interest groups? • What activities do interest groups use to affect public policy? • What is the difference between an insider strategy and an outsider strategy? • What is meant by the “revolving door”? • How are interest groups regulated?