Interest Groups

Interest Groups
The Role and Reputation of
Interest Groups
► Defining
Interest Groups
 An organization of people with shared policy
goals entering the policy process at several
points to try to achieve those goals. Interest
groups pursue their goals in many arenas.
 Political Parties fight election battles, Interest
Groups don’t - but they may choose sides.
 Interest Groups are policy specialists, Political
Parties are policy generalists.
Understanding Interest Groups
► Interest
Groups and Democracy
 James Madison’s solution to the problems posed
by interest groups was to create a wide-open
system in which groups compete.
 Elite theorists point to the proliferation of
business PACs as evidence of interest group
Understanding Interest Groups
► Interest
Groups and the Scope of
 Interest groups seek to maintain policies and
programs that benefit them.
 Interest groups continue to pressure
government to do more things.
 But as the government does more things, does
that cause the formation of more groups?
What Makes an Interest Group
What Makes an Interest Group
► The
Surprising Ineffectiveness of Large
 Potential group: All the people who might be
interest group members because they share a
common interest.
 Actual group: The part of the potential group
consisting of members who actually join.
 Collective good: Something of value that cannot
be withheld from a group member
What Makes an Interest Group
 Free-Rider problem: Some people don’t join
interest groups because they benefit from the
group’s activities without officially joining.
 The bigger the group, the larger the free-rider
problem. (Olson’s law of large groups)
 Large groups are difficult to keep organized.
What Makes an Interest Group
 Small groups are better organized and more
focused on the group’s goals.
 Consumer groups have a difficult time getting
significant policy gains - the benefits are spread
over the entire population.
 Groups that can provide selective benefits can
overcome this problem.
What Makes an Interest Group
The Benefits of Membership in the AARP (Figure 11.2)
What Makes an Interest Group
► Intensity
 Single-Issue groups: Groups that focus on a
narrow interest and dislike compromise.
 Groups may focus on an emotional issue,
providing them with a psychological advantage.
 May be more likely to use protests and other
means of political participation than traditional
interest groups that use lobbyists.
What Makes an Interest Group
► Financial
 Not all groups have equal amounts of money.
 Monetary donations usually translate into access
to the politicians - a phone call, a meeting, etc.
 There is a bias towards the wealthier groups.
 The wealthier groups don’t always win in the
policy arena.
Types of Interest Groups
► Economic
 Labor
 Agriculture
 Business
► Environmental
► Equality Interests
► Consumer and Public Interest Lobbies
The Interest Group Explosion
Figure 11.3
How Groups Try to Shape Policy
► Lobbying
 “communication by someone other than a
citizen acting on his own behalf, directed to a
governmental decisionmaker with the hope of
influencing his decision.” (Lester Milbrath)
 Two basic types: Those that are employed by a
group, and those that are hired temporarily.
How Groups Try to Shape Policy
► Electioneering
 Direct group involvement in the election
 Political Action Committee (PAC): Used by
interest groups to donate money to candidates.
 PACs help pay the bill for increasing campaign
 Most PAC money goes to incumbents.
How Groups Try to Shape Policy
► Litigation
 If an interest group fails in one arena, the
courts may be able to provide a remedy.
 Interest groups can file amicus curiae briefs in
court cases to support their position.
 Class Action lawsuits permit small groups of
people to try and correct a situation on behalf
of a much larger group.
How Groups Try to Shape Policy
► Going
 Groups try and cultivate a good public image.
 Groups use marketing strategies to influence
public opinion of the group and its issues.
 Groups will purchase advertising to motivate the
public about an issue.