Review for short answers

Review for short answers
Hoover and his response to the Depression:
 Prosperity just around the corner
 Business cycle would straighten itself
 Trickle down – assisted big businesses
 Federal Farm board – gave money to
help farmers
 Bonus army – sent them away
Main goals of New Deal
 Create 3 R’s – relief, recovery and
 Create a plan to prevent another
 Put people to work
 Restore consumer confidence
 Prevent bank failure
 Fireside chats
Hardships Americans faced during the
 Weren’t able to afford luxuries
 Hoovervilles
 Dustbowl
 Poverty
 People lost heat
 Lost everything/almost everything
 Starvation
 Giving kids up
 Divorce. difficulty with families, tension
 Give up prize possessions to sell
 Work was hard to find
 Death
Government response to Depression
 FDR – grass roots – put people to work
 Hoover – trickle down – help
 Farmers were helped by hoover and fdr
~AAA – paid farmers to produce less
crops so prices would go up
Social Security
 Help elderly, unemployed and disabled
 Employers and employees contributed to
the program
 65 and older receive benefits
 Keep those members of society spending
 Needs to be reformed – we are running
out of money – more people taking out
then those contributing.
Critics of New Deal
Huey Long – Pension at 60 – tax the
wealthy – give every American – car,
house and an income.
Radio Priest – Charles Coughlin
FDR – was getting too powerful. He
wanted to pack the court – so programs
wouldn’t be ruled as unconstitutional.
Still in effect today
SEC – security and exchange to regulate
the stock market
Social Security Act – protect elderly,
unemployed and disabled
FDIC- protect money.
Times change we still can and do change
the new deal programs.