Course Description and Requirements Algebra I 2009 - 2010

Course Description and Requirements
Algebra I 2009 - 2010
Instructor Information
Instructor: Dr. Danielle Sherwood
Office: N-102 (Science/English Office) and E 114 (Math Office)
Telephone : 718-423-8810 ext. 231
Email: (preferred method of contact)
Course Objectives
To create a foundation and become proficient with mathematical skills.
To develop an expanded understanding of mathematical concepts.
To develop critical thinking, reasoning, and time management skills.
To gain the necessary knowledge required to pass a cumulative departmental final
and the New York State Algebra Regents.
5. To practice maintaining notes and data in an organized fashion.
1. Mutual respect must be present at all times
2. Please use the bathroom before/after class or at lunch time. Leaving the
classroom during lecture to use the bathroom should be reserved for emergency
3. Class begins when the bell rings, if you are not in your seat at this time you are
late. After your second late, you will be required to serve a 7:30 am teacher
4. Disruptions in class will not be tolerated.
5. Students must always be prepared and neat (books and other items go under your
6. Cutting class is not acceptable and will be subject to a phone call home. Ten (10)
points will be deducted from your quarter average (for example, an average of
90% becomes 80%).
7. The dress code and honor codes of SFP will be strictly enforced at all times.
8. In case of an absence YOU are responsible for getting the notes and assignments
for the day. Being absent is not an excuse for missing due dates and not handing
in assignments.
*Any violation of the above behavior code of conduct may result in detention, grade
deductions or both.
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Class Supplies
1. Barron Review Course Series, Let’s Review: Integrated Algebra (purchased at
book sale)
2. (1) 1-1 ½ inch 3 ring binder* (must contain loose leaf at all times and must be
brought to each class) to be used as “Class Binder.”
3. (1) 4 in. binder- “Master Binder” to be kept at home, with
notes/handouts/assignments from previous quarters.
4. (2) sets of at least 5 binder dividers that will be used to organize your Master
5. (1) Red pen to be used to check homework
6. Pencils, pens (black or blue only for homework, tests, and quizzes), erasers, etc.
7. Calculator
8. Hole Punch (must be available at home at least)
9. College Ruled Loose-leaf for Homework Assignments and notes
* None of these supplies should be shared with other subjects.
Class Binder
An important skill necessary to be a mathematician (as well as many other fields)
is the ability to maintain notes, data, and paper in an organized fashion. With this in
mind, your class binder must be kept neat at all times, and it must be with you at all
times. If you have Algebra I during a certain period you can expect that you must have
your class binder with you. You will divide your class binder into the following 5
1) Notes and Handouts
2) Homework
3) Exams and Quizzes
4) Loose leaf
Within the “Notes” section you will keep all of the notes for each quarter. Please
date your notes and keep them in chronological order starting with the oldest material
first. The same applies for the Homework and Exam/Quizzes sections. The lab section of
your portfolio will contain the notes for each lab activity written down in the graph paper
notebook. In this notebook keep your scrap work and data, and any handouts given.
Please keep this section in chronological order, just as the others. In the last section of
your portfolio please keep enough fresh loose leaf so that you do not run out.
At the end of every quarter portfolios will be collected, checked, graded, and
returned. Once your portfolio has been graded you will be instructed to transfer each of
the sections to the 4-inch “Master” binder kept at home.
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Master Binder
You will divide your Master Binder into the following 4 sections:
1) Notes and Handouts
2) Homework
3) Exams and Quizzes
Once your portfolio has been graded you will be instructed to transfer each of the
sections to the 4-inch “Master” binder kept at home. With each passing quarter you will
add material to the master binder. At the end of the school year you will have a master
binder containing all notes, homework assignments, exams and labs in separate sections,
chronologically ordered by topic. DO NOT LOSE THIS BINDER. You will need this to
study for the end of the year final and will find it to be a useful reference as you go on in
your studies.
Class Information
Class time will be spent taking notes and doing activities relating to the topics
being studied. Notes and class activities will be posted on the Saint Francis Prep. website
at the latest by the end of each cycle.
Homework will be assigned daily. Late homework will only be accepted by
handing it in at 7:30 AM with a signed note from your parent or guardian indicating
his/her awareness that the assignment is late.
Students are expected to come prepared for each exam or quiz. This includes
brining in a pen or pencil and your own calculator. THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTLEY
If you forget your calculator you will be sent to your locker to get it (and you will lose
that time on the exam). If it is not in your locker, you will be unable to use a calculator
on the exam or quiz. “Dead Batteries” is not a valid excuse. When your batteries are
going dead the calculator displays a warning message. Replace the batteries.
Each quarter you will have 3-4 tests. The last test of each quarter will be
cumulative. If a student is absent from a test, he/she is responsible for arranging to take a
make up test before the start of school. If you are absent for a second test during the
quarter, your parents or guardians will be notified.
Quizzes may be given at the start of any lecture. You will be given notice of
many quizzes, although some may be unannounced. You should spend time reviewing
the materials from class each day so that you are prepared at all times. Quiz material will
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come from notes that you take during class. You will not be asked questions on
information we have never discussed. Each quarter, your lowest quiz grade will be
dropped. If you have missed a quiz due to absence, this will count as your lowest grade.
Make-up quizzes will only be given in extenuating circumstances at 7:30 AM.
Extra Help
If you feel you are having any problems with the material covered in class, please
see me right away. Many of the topics build on what we did on the previous days and
weeks. So if you do not understand a particular topic, it can affect your understanding for
many other chapters. Make the effort to come to extra help if you need it.
Extra help will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school (7:30) and
any other morning and most afternoons by appointment (please email me to set up a
time). Morning help will be available in E112. You do not need to come in at 7:30 for
extra help. I only offer it that early because some students have class at 7:50. However,
the door closes at 8:00am. No exceptions.
If you have any questions regarding dates of exams/quizzes or homework, you
can reach me by email at
Academic Integrity
All the work you do and/or hand in should reflect your knowledge and
understanding of the material covered. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated.
Academic dishonesty will result in a grade of 0 for that exam or quiz. In addition,
parents will be notified in the event of any incident. The student also risks a school
Honor Code violation.
In the event that you miss a class due to an absence, it is your responsibility to
make up materials that were missed. This includes downloading the notes or coping
them from another student, handing in class activities, and contacting the instructor for a
time to make-up any other materials.
If you will not be in class due to a school event (school trip, retreat, etc.), you
need to inform me at least 24h in advance, preferably by email
( It is your responsibility to make up missed work from class.
If you cut a class, you will receive a 0 for any class work, homework, quizzes or
tests. You will not be able to make up this work. Ten points will be deducted from your
quarter average.
You are expected to be on time to class. If you are late to class, you will be
assigned a 7:30 AM teacher detention.
Make up Policy
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Only one major exam per quarter can be made up. Exceptions are made in
extraordinary circumstances in a process that involves dialogue with parents/guardians
and school officials whenever necessary. In most instances, a doctor’s note or some
verification from the appropriate source that something out of the ordinary is occurring in
the student’s life is required. Additional make-ups beyond the “one exam per quarter”
rule are at the discretion of the teacher.
Students who are absent are responsible for all the work that is missed. Every
student should have the phone numbers and/or email addresses of AT LEAST two other
students from their section who can be contacted in the event of an absence. In the event
of absence, the student should:
 Contact a classmate to inquire about assignments and announcements
made in class.
 Check the class page on the St. Francis Prep website
 Dialogue with the teacher within 48 hours to make arrangements for work
that was missed.
 Keep the assigned appointment for the make-up.
Failure to initiate a conversation with the teacher within two days of the students
return and/or failure to keep the make-up appointment will result in 0% for all work
missed (including exams and quizzes). The responsibility to initiate the make-up
process rides solely on the shoulders of the student involved. Under no circumstances
is it the teacher’s responsibility to contact the student about missed work.
Communication with Dr. Sherwood
In Person
In order to finish the material that we have planned for the day in class, I will be
unable to deal with questions on an individual basis before or after class. If you would
like to speak with me, I will be available most days before school at 7:30 AM and by
Via Email
Allow at least 1 business day for me to respond to your message. If you do not
receive a response from me, this means I did not receive your message. You will need to
resend your email. When corresponding with me via email, students often forget they are
communicating in a professional environment. Please use a business format as well as
proper grammar (including no abbreviations) and correct capitalization and punctuation
in your email messages. Try to always include a subject. Emails that I feel are
unprofessional will be returned unanswered. You must include your first and last
name in all email communications.
An example of a well-written email message:
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Hi Dr. Sherwood,
I was wondering if you had the answers to the homework on your computer. If you do,
would it be possible for you to send them to me?
Katie Grasso
Grading Policy
You will have real-time access to your grades via the school’s grading program
(details to this program will be provided in a separate handout). It is your responsibility
to stay up to date with the grades that I have posted for you.
If you find a discrepancy between the posted grade and the grade you think you
should have, please let me know as soon as possible in writing (this includes resubmitting
the assignment, test, or quiz that is the subject of the discrepancy). Your written
submission will allow me to check out the issue without using class time.
Quarter Grades
Exam scores, quizzes, homework, lab reports, class binder, and participation will
be weighted in your quarter average according to the following chart.
The reason why such a large emphasis is based on exam and quiz performance is
that when students sit to take the NYS Algebra Regents in June (a State Requirement for
Graduation); there are no points for class participation and homework. I do not want any
student having a false sense of confidence because they had inflated quarter grades
during the year due to having high grades in homework and class participation.
Final Grade
Each quarter grade, along with your Final exam counts as 20% of your year-end
course grade. Summer School at St. Francis Prep is mandatory for any student who fails
this course.
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Algebra I Parents/Guardians Information
The best way for your student to be successful in this course is by having a
regular dialogue with your student about the schedule of activities, assignments, as well
as exam dates. The class schedule and notes will be posted online on the St. Francis
Prep. website. Additionally, you will have real-time access to your student’s grades via
the school’s grading program (details to this program will be provided in a separate
Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss your student’s progress or
with any questions or concerns. I teach in both the mathematics and science departments,
so it can be challenging to contact me via phone. With this in mind, my preferred
method of contact is email ( I will respond to your email
within 2 business days. If you do not receive a response after this time, please resend
your email. If you prefer to speak via phone, it would be best to contact me first by email
to set up a time when we are both available.
Instructor Information
Instructor: Dr. Danielle Sherwood
Office: N-102 (Science/English Office) and E 114 (Math Office)
Telephone : 718-423-8810 ext. 231
Email: (preferred method of contact)
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Student & Parent/Guardian Signatures
Print Student Name _________________________________________________
Student ID # ____________________
I have read and discussed the Course Information and Requirements Contract with Dr.
Sherwood. I am aware of my responsibilities. I understand what is expected of me and
how I will be graded for this course. I have shared this information with my
parents/guardians as well.
Student Signature ___________________________________________________
Date ____________________
Parent/ Guardian Signature__________________________________________________
Date ____________________
Please return this portion of the contract to Dr. Sherwood no later than the conclusion of
the first cycle.
Student Reminder: It is a violation of the St. Francis Prep Honor Code for a student to
forge the signature of a parent. The student has a moral responsibility to share pertinent
information regarding his/her progress with the parents/guardians. A student who forges
the signature of a parent or knowingly keeps pertinent information from the parent also
violates the Mission Statement of St. Francis Prep. Any student who makes this
regrettable decision will be dealt with most severely according to the provisions set forth
in our Honor Code.
Note to Parents: Please keep page 7 of these course requirements for your own records.
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