Ms. Cerulli’s classroom is a cell phone-free zone (unless with permission). ?feature=player_embedded&v= OINa46HeWg8 I understand that cell phones/smart phones are a huge part of all of your lives (and, hey, I have one too), but sometimes proper etiquette is thrown out when it comes to these devices. I will not use my cell phone in class while I’m obligated to keep my focus on teaching you and I expect all of you to respectfully leave your cell phones out of our class time too. Ms. Cerulli’s Class Cell Phone Policy: • 1ST OFFENSE*: Cell must immediately be put away and one point deducted from average. If cell is not put away, a referral will be filed which will likely result in a detention and a discussion with your assistant principal. • 2nd OFFENSE*: Cell must immediately be put away and two points deducted from average. If cell is not put away, meeting with assistant principal, parent and teacher will be scheduled. • 3rd OFFENSE*: Really? Still with this! You probably won’t mind the three point deduction at this point... • SUBSEQUENT OFFENCES*: How am I expected to get you to grasp Shakespeare if you can’t follow this? *If you want any of the points back: see website for link to offense assignments. If your cell goes off by accidentī don’t worry about it. It happens. Just leave it alone. If you don’t want to worry about cell phone point deductions and consequences, remember to put your phone on vibrate and leave it away from view the moment you enter my classroom. To recoup any points, these assignment must be handed in ONE FULL WEEK before the end of the marking period. If the assignments are incomplete or unacceptable, no points will be reapplied to your grade. Any similarity of your submission to another student’s past submission will earn you a grade of ZERO averaged in as a test grade and will not redeem you any cell phone average points. Cell Phone Offense 1: Create a poster of an acceptable 10 item Classroom Code of Ethics that would take into account the (hopefully) demanding needs of a positive learning environment. Cell Phone Offense 2: Look through the paper or online to find FIVE full articles concerning the consequences of cell phone use in today’s world. Hand in the articles and a typed ¾ page(minimum) summary of each. Cell Phone Offense 3: Type a THREE PAGE original, modern-day fable with the following moral: Maybe spending all your time staring at a cell phone isn’t a good idea. Cell Phone Offense 4: Create a 12-slide PowerPoint concerning the pros and cons of cell phone use in schools. The presentation must be balanced, allowing for equal consideration of both sides (be sure to cite your sources for all the information on a 13th slide). You will then present the show in a speech to the class or Ms. Cerulli during a common free period.