APHG Course Overview and Grade Expectations

Student Name ______________________________
Miss Canone
AP Human Geography (APHG) Syllabus 2015-2016
“Geography is in everything and everything is in geography.” This is what is said to
students on the first day of class at the beginning of the school year. This course is one
of the most relevant courses that students have the opportunity to enroll in. By taking
this course students will truly get a clear sense of how humans use this space we call
earth and why the events they see and hear on the news and observe around them every
day turn out the way they do. This course interconnects a variety of content areas
subjects such as culture, demographics, land use, and economics. The design of the
course allows the teacher to take his/her students on an exciting and engaging look at
spatial diffusion and man’s imprint on our environment. Likewise, the opportunities
this course offers with regard to utilizing state of the art technology and the Internet
along with discussion, debate and field studies creates an extremely rewarding
experience for students. Obviously, with the benefit of scoring well on the AP exam and
gaining the advantages of what AP credit will offer students in their post high school
experience, schools and students alike should be encouraged to embrace this course.
Course Requirements:
For this course, students will be required to read the textbook and take notes. Students
will be applying this knowledge in creating their own maps, looking at case studies,
participating in field studies, and engaging in outside research projects. The curriculum
for AP Human Geography consists of material from seven interrelated units of study.
For each unit that is covered, students receive an outline, which includes information on
the key questions, terms, people, and models/theories that students will be required to
know. Likewise, students will be given supplementary readings. Students are required
to keep a vocabulary notebook where they will keep definitions of terms and concepts
that are covered in their text and class throughout the year. Along with definitions, they
are also asked to note examples. Throughout the course of each unit there will be
homework assignments, quizzes, debates/discussions, computer labs, and at the end of
each unit a test that will follow the format of the AP exam. The AP Human Geography
Exam will be given on Friday, May 13 at 7:30 am.
Primary Text:
Rubenstein, James M. An Introduction to Human Geography: The Cultural
Unit Sequencing:
1. Nature & Perspectives
2. Population
3. Culture
4. Political Geography
5. Agricultural & Rural Land Use
6. Economics & Industrialization
7. Urban Land Use
Format of APHG Exam
1. 75 Multiple Choice Questions (60 minutes)
2. 3 Constructed Response Questions (75 minutes)
AP Human Geography
E-mail: scanone@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us
Office phone: 516-488-9331 ext. 6542
Extra help period: before school and after school, by appointment
 Tests/Projects (55%) + Quizzes (20%) = 75%
1. If the student is legally absent for a test, the student is responsible for making up the
test during his/her free periods in a timely manner. If the student does not make up the
test within the prescribed time, the student will receive a zero for the test.
2. Students are expected to come to class each day fully prepared. This includes a
notebook binder, agenda book, working pen or pencil, textbook, and their previous
night's homework (when applicable).
3. A student is considered "on time" only if they are in their seats with their notebook
open when the bell rings.
5. Document analysis, debates/discussions, geographic models/theories will be
emphasized in this (human geography) college-level course. Tests similar to advanced
placement tests will be administered on a regular basis.
I have read and understand the requirements for AP Human Geography.
Student signature ___________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________