FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2010-2011 GRADE 11 Student’s Name ______________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name______________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: 488-9323 Teacher’s E-mail Address: _________________________________ Teacher’s Productivity Period - 1st Semester____, 2nd Semester ____(English Department Office) TEXTBOOKS: grammar, literature anthology, supplementary novels and plays vocabulary workbook (purchased by each student by the second week of school) NOTEBOOK: Each student must have a GREEN loose-leaf binder with subject dividers and loose-leaf paper, as well as an agenda book. RESPONSIBILITIES: Each student is responsible for: -purchasing an agenda book. -purchasing a vocabulary workbook. -attending class daily unless excused by the health or attendance office. -being punctual to class daily. -being prepared for class with a pen, pencil, notebook and textbook(s) as stipulated by the teacher. -completing homework which will be assigned in accordance with the District Homework Policy and which can be accessed at anytime via the teacher’s website. -seeking extra help when the work is difficult. -completing all assignments and makeup work in a timely manner in accordance with district and teacher policies. -displaying behaviors in class which are respectful to the teacher and other students. -accepting the consequences which will ensue if these responsibilities are not met. -taking the New York State Comprehensive English Regents Examination, which will also be used as the final exam. Summer Reading: All students were required to complete the summer reading assignment distributed by their teacher. The students were asked to read two pieces of literature over the vacation and will take a multiple – choice exam on the required novel. This will take place early in September. In addition, the students will be expected to utilize their knowledge of the second piece of literature in a creative assignment. REPORT CARD GRADE POLICY GUIDELINES: -50% Tests/Quizzes -30% Essays/Projects -20% Homework and Class Participation ___________________________________________________________________________________ I have read the above Grade Expectation Policy and understand what I must do to be successful in English. _________________________ Student Signature ____________________________ Parent Signature