SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT A National District of Excellence ELMONT FLORAL PARK FRANKLIN SQUARE NEW HYDE PARK NEW HYDE PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL 500 LEONARD BOULEVARD, NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040 Ralph P. Ferrie, Ed.D. Richard J. Faccio Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Principal 516/488-9500 FAX: 516/488-9506 Email: May 2016 Dear Parents/Guardians: Over the years, the English Department has taken great pride in developing a solid summer reading program in grades 7-12 that helps students reach the following goals: --Sharpen reading skills. --Foster life-long reading habits. --Expose students to a broader range of works, both fiction and non-fiction works not covered in our curriculum. --Introduce new works and current writers that address today’s issues. --Prepare students for the English Regents, the English Language Arts Assessments, and the AP examinations. --Enable students to make literary connections with contemporary texts. --Acclimate students to the new Common Core State Standards. The English Department, in conjunction with our school librarians, carefully reviewed our program and decided to offer students book choice for most grades and levels. Every effort has been made to ensure that the choices of books are of a high interest level for all students, and parallel the Common Core State Standards. By making a conscious as well as a conscientious effort to diversify the choices of texts, it is our hope that students will not only be more apt to read the title(s) they choose, but will also enjoy and appreciate the value of the work(s). Students in grade levels 9R, 10R, 11R, and English 101 must choose ONE title to read from the choices offered. Students in grade level 9A will read THREE works; 2 mandated works and a choice from the selection given. Students in grade level 10A will read TWO mandated works. Students in grade 11AP will read TWO mandated works: one work from the fiction category and one work from the non-fiction category. Students in grade 12AP will read THREE mandatory works, one of which will be given to the student before he/she leaves for the summer. Elmont Memorial High School Floral Park Memorial High School H. Frank Carey High School New Hyde Park Memorial High School Sewanhaka High School SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT A National District of Excellence ELMONT FLORAL PARK FRANKLIN SQUARE NEW HYDE PARK NEW HYDE PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL 500 LEONARD BOULEVARD, NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040 Ralph P. Ferrie, Ed.D. Richard J. Faccio Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools Principal 516/488-9500 FAX: 516/488-9506 Email: This year, the summer reading books, both mandated and optional, will be available for purchase using one of two links: Barnes and or Students may purchase the book either in print or in digital form. All summer reading books can be found on both sites and the prices for all books – print or digital – are competitively low on both sites. For your convenience, we have placed both links under each book, so all that needs to be done is simple press ctrl and the site to follow the link or copy and paste into a web browser. The Summer Reading Book List, along with prices and a brief synopsis of each book, will be listed on the New Hyde Park Memorial High School website, as well as the New Hyde Park Memorial library website and the English Department website. Copies of this letter will be in the Main Office and will be sent to the local public libraries. Your role, as a parent, in this summer reading program is invaluable and critical to its success as well as to your child’s success. Begin by perusing the list of titles, along with each title’s synopsis, with your child. Not only should you provide advice as your child makes his/her summer reading book choice(s), but it is our hope that you will read the selections as well and engage your child in discussion about the work. In September, teachers will review the title(s) in class focusing on the skills incorporated within the context of the work(s), and students will be given a written assessment at the conclusion of the review. The assessment will consist of short answer response questions that will test students’ literary skills and their ability to make connections within a work of literature. Teachers of the Advanced/AP classes will be visiting these classes to discuss his/her expectations, and to field any questions students may have regarding the course. I would like to thank you in advance for the time and effort you put into your child’s education and success. I hope that this program will ultimately result in students becoming better readers, writers, thinkers, and learners as they continue their academic journey. Most importantly, it is our goal to provide students with opportunities that will help them develop into successful and productive individuals who are college and career ready. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of this program, please feel free to call my office at 516-4889529. I will be more than happy to address your concerns. Respectfully yours, Mr. Frank V. Geritano Chairperson, New Hyde Park Memorial High School District English Coordinator, Sewanhaka Central High School Literacy Programs Coordinator, Sewanhaka Central High School Elmont Memorial High School Floral Park Memorial High School H. Frank Carey High School New Hyde Park Memorial High School Sewanhaka High School