2016 Assessment Report Feedback Form – Tier 3 Programs University Assessment Coordinators Committee Department/Program: Reader(s): Criteria Met (Met/Partially Met/Not Met/Unclear/Not Applicable) Please reflect on your program’s assessment process and feedback provided by the University Assessment Coordinators Committee last year. What did you change or do differently with regards to your assessment processes? Provide at least two concrete examples. (If you did not submit a report last year, please indicate this.) Criteria: Narrative acknowledges last year’s feedback. At least two clear examples of changes to the assessment process are described. Do you have student learning outcomes for your degree/program? If yes, please list them here. (Please note that student learning outcomes for your graduate program should be different from those you may have for your undergraduate program since a higher level of learning would be expected.) Criteria: Student learning outcomes are provided. Student learning outcomes are different at Tier 3 Feedback Form – 2015-2016 Specific Comments graduate and undergraduate levels. What discussions have taken place with the faculty regarding assessment of student learning outcomes? Please provide details of the meeting(s) and who was involved. Criteria: There has been discussion among the faculty with regard to assessment. Specific details of people and meetings involving assessment were provided. The department/program discovered something concrete either about student learning or the assessment process in general. What steps have your department/program taken over the last year to implement your assessment plans (if plans were in place)? Include specific examples such as curriculum mapping or developing tools such as rubrics, development of test questions, surveys, etc. and indicate which student learning outcomes were assessed. Criteria: The department/program has worked on assessment since last year. There are concrete examples of forward progress. There is an example of at least one assessment tool or completed assessment activity Do you have any assessment of student learning results to share? If so, please include. What are the plans for your program to improve from Tier 3 to Tier 2 status? What concrete steps will you take next year to improve? Provide timeline and who will be involved. Tier 3 Feedback Form – 2015-2016 Criteria: There has been discussion among the faculty with regard to assessment. The department/program discovered something concrete either about student learning or the assessment process in general. Some results (even preliminary results) are available and included in report. There is a concrete plan in place to move assessment forward. The plan and a vision are clearly articulated. Tier Status The program should maintain its Tier 3 status. The program’s tier status should change (please specify). Comments: Tier 3 Feedback Form – 2015-2016 Recommended Tier Status at End of 2015-2016