Rubric used by Assessment Coordinators to evaluate department/program report


2016 Assessment Report Feedback Form –Tier 2 Programs

University Assessment Coordinators Committee



What program or department-level student learning outcome(s) did you assess this year?


The department/program is clearly assessing at least one of the department/program learning outcomes

Describe your program or department’s assessment activities, tasks, or projects that took place this year to address the student learning outcomes. Provide sufficient detail so that people outside your department can understand your processes.


Assessment activities, tasks, or project are clearly articulated.

The activities, tasks, or projects assess some aspect of student learning.

The linkage between the assessment tasks, projects, and activities and the student learning outcomes are clear.

Adequate detail and background information is provided for the reader to understand the activities, tasks, or projects.

Criteria Met

(Met/Partially Met/Not Met/Unclear)

Specific Comments

Tier 2 Feedback Form – 2015-2016

Provide relevant data resulting from your department/program’s assessment of student learning outcome(s). What are the key findings?


Data was collected and analyzed prior to the writeup of the activities, tasks, or projects.

The writer identifies the primary findings as opposed to simply describing the data.

Interpret the results as they relate to your department/program’s strengths and challenges.

What changes to the process, program, or curriculum are contemplated in the future, are planned, or have been made as a result of these data? If you are not making changes at this time, please explain.


Connections between assessment results and department/program strengths and challenges are described.

The department/program is using the results of the assessment project in a productive way.

The linkage between changes and improvements and the assessment project is clear.

If no changes have been made, a clear explanation has been given.

What are the plans for your department/ program to improve from Tier 2 to Tier 1 status? What actions or steps will your department/program take next year?


The department/program has learning outcomes identified and can report them.

Tier 2 Feedback Form – 2015-2016

There is a concrete plan in place to move assessment forward.

The plan and a vision are clearly articulated.

The changes that will be made are clearly explained.

The reasons for these changes are clearly explained.

Tier Status

The program should maintain its Tier 2 status.

 The program’s tier status should change (please specify).


Recommended Tier Status at End of 2015-2016

Tier 2 Feedback Form – 2015-2016
