October 28, 2004

Technology Committee
Minutes for October 28, 2004
In attendance: Bonnie Borenstein; John Hinds; Kathleen Kirkpatrick; Mike Lewis; Jim Locke; Deb
Mindel; Ingrid Schreck; Rainer Wachalovsky, Derek Wilson
Agenda and Minutes
a. Agenda items were amended and approved
b. The minutes from the October 21 meeting were amended and approved. Bonnie B will
post them in the Public Folders.
Action Items
a. Completed Items
i. Ingrid will contact Andrew Carothers to ask that he inform the College
community to send requests for global email postings through him.
ii. Derek, Mike Lewis, and Harriet will annotate the Cabinet IT priority list.
iii. Deb will email everyone the list of policies that were previously compiled
iv. Bonnie will identify those recommendations in the Plan that we are able to
implement without new resources.
v. Kathleen will email the security policy recommendations to Committee members.
b. Items to revisit
i. November: SRJC Curriculum system to be revisited if Bond does not pass. Derek
will send link to Committee members.
Potential Revision for Recommendation in Tech Plan
a. While working on the list of Cabinet IT priorities, Mike L and Derek W realized that
Goal IV, Rec E was very specific to ADA compliance issues, but the overall Plan does
not go into more detail on other legal requirements. There was discussion on the
relationship of the Tech Committee and the Tech Plan where legal mandates are
concerned. Determined that business policies and procedures will address legal issues. A
policy to add to the list should ensure that the College is in legal compliance with IT
Review annotations for Cabinet list of IT priorities
a. The list of IT projects was re-ordered to group according to goals and recommendations
in the Tech Plan. It covers the areas of Academic Affairs, Student Development,
Admissions & Records, Marketing and Internet, and Business Services.
b. An additional list of HR priorities were reviewed by Cabinet and emailed to Tech
Committee members on Tuesday. These need to be integrated with other list, but since
almost all the items are covered by a new ERP system, only one paragraph needs to be
added to reflect this.
Mike L to include HR item on existing list
c. Discussion on how this list will help guide Cabinet since the Technology Plan identifies
all these areas. Many points of conversation including identifying the priorities for each
item (as related in the Tech Plan), merging the document that indicates which requires
new vs. existing resources, how to present to Cabinet.
Mike L to email revised list to Michael Beebe, VP of Business Services
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811
Technology Committee
Minutes for October 28, 2004
Impromptu: How the Technology Committee moves forward.
a. Broader discussion on Tech Committee’s role in implementation and immediate next
i. What specific oversight does the committee have over implementing elements in
the Technology Plan?
ii. How will the committee be kept abreast of decisions and projects at the College
that affect information technologies?
iii. What are the communication channels at the College that will enable the
committee to guide information technology decisions?
b. Developing appropriate business policies and procedures can resolve much of the “black
Review and Prioritize Policy Areas.
a. Using the previously compiled list as a foundation:
i. Acceptable Use
ii. Information Access
iii. Security (data deletion, privacy, etc.)
iv. Equipment Roll-over
v. Accessibility
vi. Standard Equipment
vii. Spam
viii. Email
ix. Storage and Archiving
x. Course Development and Ownership
xi. Posting of Class Materials
xii. Rights and Restrictions
xiii. Web Posting
xiv. Purchasing and Licensing
xv. Software Upgrade
b. There was discussion on appropriate ways to approach policy development. It was
acknowledged that this list is not comprehensive, but a good starting point. There was no
consensus on how to tackle the policies. Different ideas included:
i. Prioritizing which ones to work on first
ii. Grouping similar ones together
iii. Grouping them into general areas like legal, equipment, and data. Difficult to
come to agreement on how to qualify some things like software.
iv. Each member should choose a policy and start researching. Concern was
expressed about many not having the expertise to initiate and the amount of work
that involves.
v. General agreement that the College should leverage existing policies from other
institutions. Point was made that the Gold Book has existing policies for the
College. Additionally, the Security Task Force is in the process of sharing its
Security Policy with appropriate groups.
vi. Members should focus on two policies like Email and Acceptable Use.
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811
Technology Committee
Minutes for October 28, 2004
c. Per earlier conversation on legal mandates, all agreed a policy needed to be added for
“Federal and state mandates, and other legal compliance”
Next Meetings
a. The next meeting will be Thursday November 4 at 11:00 am in HC 124
i. Carryover items
1. Review of other Tech Plan recommendations that can be implemented
without additional resources.
2. Report from Academic Senate--request for follow up reports from A & R
and from Cabinet on progress of IT priorities and others?
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811