Distribution of Cells expressing 12 ABSTRACT Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) ditandai dengan peradangan kronis, infiltarsi sel-sel, seperti monosit, limfosit dan proliferasi jaringan ikat. Fc reseptor terhadap IgG(FcyR) pada makrofag, granulosit dan limfosit memperlihatkan peranan yang penting pada sel-sel stimulating efektor melalui reseptor ini. Kita telah melakukan penelitian terhadap distribusi sel-sel permukaan FcyR dari 12 jaringan sinovial pasien RA dan 3 orang pasien OA post operasi dengan menggunakan monoklonal anti bodi CD 14, CD 64, CDw32 dan CD 16 pada setiap cryostat section melalui metoda pewarnaan immunohistologi. Densitas sel dan derajat infiltrasi limfosit memperlihatkan nilai yang signifikan tinggi pada Ra di banding OA. Jumlah sel-sel yang mengekspresikan FcyRI, FcYRII, dan FcyRIII di hitung sebagai persentase monosit/makrofag. Range nilai berkisar antara 18 – 61 dan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan ditemukan antara RA dan OA, dan dalam hal ini tidak ada hubungan dengan derajat infiltrasi limfosit. Kita mengamati pola ketiga Fc reseptor, yang menunjukkan perbedaan regulasi dan ekspresi dari molekul ini pada sub populasi yang di pandang mempunyai fungsi yang penting. kata kunci; Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fc Receptors, monoclonal anti body INTRODUCTION Rheumatoid arhtritis (RA) is a chronic inflammation disease that affect synovial tissue (ST) in multiple joints. It is associated with marked inflammatory reaction ivolving the synovial fluid, synovial membranes, and periarticular tissues. This recation is characterized by infiltration of the synovium with mononuclear cells (MNC), and accumulation of leucocytes predominantly neutrophils (PMN).(1.2) The general features of synovitis are common to most inflammatory arthropies, the histological features are increased lining layer cells depth, thougt tobe due the influx of type A macrophage derived lining cells associated with local proliveration pf type B fibroblast–like synovities. The sub lining layer is characterized by a mixed inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly of macrophages and T lymphocytes. Dendritic cells which are spesialized antigen presenting cells althougt to be important in the stimulation of immune responses, are found in this layer, particularly in the perivascular areas. Other cells found include B lymphocytes and plasma cells, mast cells and some nethrophils.(3) The inflammmatory changes in the synovial membranes of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) are almost indistinguishable from those seen in patients with an inflammatory infiltrate, particularly in the end stage sof disease investigated during joint replacement. However, the cellular infiltrat is generally less significant than in the inflammatory arthropies.(4) Monocytes or macrophages are an important component of inflammatory lessions particularly those of a chronic nature, in RA it has veen shown that Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol.22. No. 1. Januari – Juni 1998 Distribution of Cells expressing they are only cells type whose number correlated with the degree of joint erosion. Cytokines are released from activated cells and macrophages have been implicated as mediators of both inflammation and joint destruction.(2.5) Cellular Fc receptoprs and complement receptors are molecules that mediated between in the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system and the are important molecules for the effector punctions of macrophages. Obviously, macrophages and complement belong to the innate arm of the immune system, while antibodies are produced bt B cells of the adaptive immune system. Fc receptors cand bind Fc portion of particularly antibody subclasses. Three separates FcR for IgG (IgG is mostly antibody subclasses in RA) have been identified in macrophages which are specific for different IgG. These receptors are also designated FcRI, FcRII, and FcRIII (fig I). FcRI and FcRII can be independently modulated when macrophages are attached to surface coated with the appropriate sub class of antibody. The FcRIII molecule of macrophages mediates internalization pf antibody – coated particles.(6) The pathogenesis of RA remain unknown despite advances in the understanding of disease mechanism. One hypothesis proposes that RA is a T lymphocyte–mediated respon to unidentified antigen. Other have emphasized the relative importance of macrophages abd fibroblast in the rheumatoid arhtritis.(5) The aim of present study was to examine the expression of surface molecules on synovial tissue 13 macrophages and sequestered PMN in RA and OA to ascertain whether different in expression might play a role of inflammatory and their subsequent activation state. MATERIAL AND METHODE Synovial tissue Synovial tissue samples were obtain patients with active rheumatoid arhtritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) while undergoing arthroplasty or synoviectomy in hospital. RA and OA were diagnosed according to the criteria of the American Rheumatism Association (ARA). Synovial tissue was immediatelly processed for frozen sections cell preparation Cells Mononuclear cells were separeted from synovial tissue and isolated by density gradient centrifugation over Fical Hypaque (Pharmacia fine Chemical, sweden). The cells were washed, and 3 x 106 cells were counted for preparation on the slide, then air dried and fixed to examine by immunohistochemistry staining methods. Monoclonal antibodies The following monoclonal antibodies (Mab) (behring werke AG, Marburg) were used : MabCD16 (direct against FcRI) Mab CDw32 (Direct against FcRII) Mab CD 64 (Direct against FcRIII) Mab CD14 (Direct against macrophages) Immunoprexidase technique Cells preparations or section were incubated serially in hummidified Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol.22. No. 1. Januari – Juni 1998 Distribution of Cells expressing 14 Receptor FceRI FcRII (CD32) FcRIII(CD16) FcRI (CD64) Structure 45 kDa 40 kDa 50-70 kDa 33 kDa 9 kDa Bindin g order of affinit y Cells type IgE, 1010 M-1 Mast cells 74 kDa FceRII (CD23) 45 kDa IgG1,2x106M-1 1)IgG1 2)IgG3= IgG4 3)IgG2 Macrophages Neutrophils Eusinophils Platelets B cells IgG1,5x105M1 IgG1 = IgG3 IgG1,106M-1 1)IgG1 2)IgG3 = IgG4 3)IgG2 Natural Killer Macrophages Cells Neutrophils Neutrophils Eusinophils Eusinophils Macrophages IgE affinity low, Eusinophils Activated B cells Follicular dendritic cells Figure 1 : Distinct receptor for the Fc region of the different immunoglobulin isotypes (antibody subclass) are express on differenet accesory cells. chamber, primary Mab (mouse antihuman) diluted in fresh phosfat buffered saline (PBS Sigma) for 30 minutes, and biotinylated anti mouse secondary antibodies followed by horseradish peroxidase–conyugated evidin biotyn complexs for 30 minutes each (Sigma, St. Louis Roma, MO). With five minutes PBS washes between steps. Collor wash develoed which 3.3 diaminobenzidine and 1% hidrogen peroxidase 1% for ten menutes. Cells or section were counterstained with hematoksilin dehydrated and coverslip. Statistical analysis Result are expressed as the mean SD of the mean. Student t’test and mann Whitney U test were used to campare the results. P < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS Sinovial tissues from twelve RA patients (9 female and 3 male) and 3 OA patients (1 female and 2 male) of mean 56.8 years (range 39 – 61), were studied. All of RA patients had severe disease with Larson grade III – IV, 8 of them were RF positive. Comparison of lymphocytes cells number on synovial tissues of RA patients with OA patients is summaryzed in table 1. The Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol.22. No. 1. Januari – Juni 1998 Distribution of Cells expressing 15 Table 1. Mean percentages of lymphocyte of synovial tissue cells from RA patients compared with OA patients. RA (n = 12) OA (n = 3) P Lymphocytes 0.04* 70.3 3.5 40.3 4.3 Value are means SD * Statisticaly significant Limphocytes cells count in RA patients was significantly higher than in OA (p < 0.05). Expression of each the marker was compared on munonuclear cells from the RA and OA samples with the range from 18 to 61% as seen in table 2. There were no significant defferent between tha mean percentages of CD16, CDw32 and CD64 in RA and OA (p > 0.05). The results from subset CDw32 and CD64 were also no significant difference. But the mean percentage of CD16 was significantly lower than the other (p < 0.05 In contrast, with CD14 expression, these mean percentages was significantly higher in RA than OA (p< 0.05). The pattern of expression of differen markers are showed in figure 1.2 and 3. CD14 + cells were predominantly in RA, their distribution within). sinovium were mainly localized to the deeper linning layer (fig. 1). The exprssion of CD 16 and CDw32 were less nomerous than CD14. The distribution of CD 64 mainly in the superficial (fig.2). The count and distribution of positive cells with CD 16 in RA and OA were similar (fig. 3). DISCUSSION A finding in this study was that significantly fewer sinovial cells expressed CD14 in OA compared with RA. In contrast expression of FcR were similar in amount and distribution suggest that there are important fenotipe of macrophage may play important role in articular destruction. Based on the relationship between macrophages and articular demage, this study was undertaken using Mab which recognized anti gen expressed by activated or mature macrophages (CD 14). The observation emerged wich may provide important insight into the pathogenesis of articular destuction. Synovial macrophages alone correlated with the radiologic course and outcome of RA, and Table 2. Mean percentages of mononuclear cells (MNC) isolated from synovial tissues of RA patients and OA Patients expressing CD64, CDw32, Cd16 and CD14 antigens MoAB RA (n = 12) OA (n = 3) CD16 (FcRI) CD32 (FcRII) CD64(FcRIII) CD14 22.7 4.6 35.8 8.3 35.1 13.3 20.6 8 20.7 2.5 35 7 34.7 8.1 14.7 11.6 Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol.22. No. 1. Januari – Juni 1998 P 0.5 0.9 0.0 0.07* Distribution of Cells expressing lining layer macrophages differed in phenotype from those in the sublining layer, supporting the suggestion that they may represent and important subpopulation of synovial macrophages with a role in articular destruction. Many destructive mediators produced by these cells. Some mediators, such as collagenase and interleukin-1, are clearly produced by synovium macrophage. There is good evidence that many other also arise mainly from lining layer cells. At the cartilago-pannus junction, were pannus lead to joint destruction, abundant macrophages and synovium fibroblast are evident, and macrophage–derived cytokines have been demonstrated.(8) The glycoylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)linked FcRIII (CD16) is the domininant Fc receptors for activation via physiological immune complexes in PMN and is released upon in vitro activation of PMN. The expression of FcR, FcRII, and FcRIII were similar on both RA and OA, but the expression of FcRI was lower than FcRII and FcRIII. Althoug antigen shedding may explain the decrease of CD16 on tissue PMN, the regulatory mechanism in vivo are likely to be more complex. There are different in phenotype and also different of cells may lead chronic inflammatory synovium. The central pathology of Rheumatoid synovitis is the interaction of T lymphocyte cells and synovial cells, which drives the production of cytokines. Significant number of activated T lymphocyte are detected in 16 inflammatory synovium in RA. The accummulation of T lymphocyte in RA synovium represent 2 distinct but closely related functions of T lymphocyte mobility: recirculation and recognition. The former is T cell interaction with endothelium, which is important to cell entry into inflammed synovium., and the later is the interaction of T lymphocyte to opposing cells such as antigent presenting cells or fibroblast which leads to stimulation of oppsing partner cells as well as T lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical analysis shows that activated T lymphocyte expressed strongly in active RA. However, in OA synovium this expression is different (9). Synovial microscopic change in OA was considerable variable in the thickness of the synovial lining layer. Most linning layer appeared to have cells continuity, even in the normal synovium, but were present in 37% severe grades of OA synovial membranes, often resembling the synovial membranes from patients with RA.(1) CONCLUSION In RA patients an increased a number of synovial tissue lymphocyte may caused by chronic antigen stimulation. The expression of FcRI, FcRII and FcRIII on the cells is regulated accordinf to the state macrophage activation. The distintive ataining patterns for three Fc receptors, seggesting, that there maybe differential regulation and expression of these molecules on subpopulation Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol.22. No. 1. Januari – Juni 1998 Distribution of Cells expressing which might importance be of 17 KEPUSTAKAAN 1. 2. 45Rbdim, CD27-memory T cells in the peripheral . functional Panayi GS, Lanchbury JS, Kingsley GH. The importance of the cell in initiating and maintaining the chronic synovitis of rheumatoid arthtritis. 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