Business Communications ½ credit – Semester course Fall 2015 2nd period 8:42 – 9:25 Room 127 Overview Evaluation This half-year course emphasizes the understanding of the language of nonverbal and verbal communication. Through these modes of communication students will learn to develop business skills that emphasize listening skills, speaking skills, voice usage and presentational skills. Students will also refine their problem solving skills in a business environment. Presentational and team-building skills are reinforced throughout the curriculum. Tests/Projects Classroom Work (Includes participation) Quizzes & Homework At the end of this course, you will have achieved the following: Labeled binder with pockets (any color) Pens/pencils Standard 1:Understand basic mechanics of communications Parents Standard 2: Explore various tools of written and speaking communication It is a pleasure to serve as your child’s teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me through Floral Park Memorial’s Business Office at 516-488-9322 or reach me at Standard 3: Prepare speeches and debates for verbal communication exercises Standard 4: Explore team building & problem solving methods Sincerely, Requirements 15% Materials Goals 65% 20% Ms. Rafiq Students are expected to be present, prepared and participate every day. This entails having a pen or pencil, notebook/folder, and assignments due. Cell phones should be away throughout the entire class period. Attendance in this course is a must. Please familiarize yourself with the district attendance policy. 3 lates = 1 absence; up to 24 absences in a full year course, up to 12 absences in a semester course. It is your responsibility upon returning from being absent to find out what work they have missed and to make up the work within 2 days of your return. Respect the right of others, along with the equipment/furniture in the room. Effort goes a long way-always try your best! Participation is key…it is also 20% of your grade! Always do your own work. Complete all weekly homework assignments neatly and on time. Homework averages will be counted as 1 test grade at the end of each quarter. Please stay seated until the bell rings. I have read the preceding information pertaining to the expectations and responsibilities of Ms. Rafiq’s class. Print Student Name: ______________________________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________________________