RR Grade Expectation Sheet

2015- 2016
Department: Special Education
Teacher: Mr. Georgatos
Course: Resource Room
Student’s Name; ____________________________________________
Classroom Rules:
Be seated before bell.
Come prepared.
Raise hand before speaking.
Show respect to your classmates, teachers, and administrators.
The student must bring the following to class each day:
Binder with paper
Textbooks when needed
Grade Policy: There are no grades for resource room; however, students must come
prepared everyday.
Extra help hours will be posted in the departmental offices and parent contact will
be made when needed.
The Department phone number is: 539-9432
The best time to call __________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the above and have received a copy of same.
Guardian/ Parent Signature
Mother (cell phone)
Home Phone
Father (cell phone)