Student Services Mini-Program Review

Student Services Mini-Program Review
Date: 3/5/12
Program/Service Information: Health Services
Problem/ Needs (i.e. SLO assessment findings, SLO meeting dialogue): SLO Survey
data indicates that students continue to be unaware of Health Services and Community
resources for low cost care. Students lack the funds to go to private providers and
generally will end up in the ER or Urgent Care facilities for untreated medical conditions in
its early stages thereby incurring enormous costs to them. With massive medical bills,
student retention is impacted.
Request for Resources Allocation: Funds are needed to launch a campaign for
publicizing the low to no cost services found at Health Services and Community
organizations. Funds are needed to add online self-care information that are only available
as a program packaged for individual schools
How Resources will Impact the Program: Funds will allow Health Services to become
more visible both physically via posters and brochures and as an on-line presence.
Responsible Person for Completing this Mini-Program Review: June Lee
Signature of Dean/Supervisor
Deadline for submission: March 20th
Please submit your Annual Program-Level SLO Report with your Mini- Program Review
Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Revised 2/27/12
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