PE3.1.1 Ladder safety Guidance notes Materials/equipment per candidate Existing materials Expendable materials 1 x 3.6m double extension ladder in safe condition Nil 3m of 0.25mm wire or rope ladder lashing Safety helmets Notes The candidate should: • be allocated an assistant • be told that they are required to control the work and that they must give their assistant all necessary instructions throughout, so that safe working practices are fully implemented Note: Instructor to stop work if unsafe practices are observed. • erect ladder correctly with correct gradient and 5 rungs above landing • secure base of ladder Note: Instructor to ensure that safe conditions exist before allowing the candidate to proceed further. • ascend ladder and secure top, before descending • ascend ladder, free top and then descend • lower the ladder and return to start position (candidate to control). Electrical Installations: NVQ and Technical Certificate Tutor Resource Disk 1 of 3 Candidate name: __________________________________________________________________ Candidate no: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ PE3.1.1 Ladder safety Aim To lift up a double extension ladder and carry it for 5 metres and then erect the ladder to the top of a beam or suitable scaffold. Method 1 Pick up and carry ladder to place of work. 2 Check that warning notices and barriers are installed in suitable positions. 3 Secure the bottom of the ladder (ask assistant for help where required). 4 Ascend the ladder. 5 Secure the top of the ladder. 6 Descend the ladder. 7 Ascend the ladder, and free the top of the ladder. 8 Descend the ladder. 9 Lower the ladder and return the ladder to the store. Time allowance The time allocated in the scheme of work is 2 hours per class. Electrical Installations: NVQ and Technical Certificate Tutor Resource Disk 2 of 3 Candidate name: __________________________________________________________________ Candidate no: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Assessment criteria 1 Displays warning notices in the appropriate positions 2 Visually inspects ladder 3 Lifts and carries ladder correctly 4 Erects ladder correctly 5 Slope of ladder correctly set to gradient 6 Top extends >1.07 m above landing (5 rungs) 7 Safe position of ladder rung adjacent to transom 8 Secures ladder before ascending 9 Ascends and descends ladder in a safe manner 10 Secures top of ladder safely 11 Lowers ladder correctly 12 Returns ladder safely to start position. Y N Totals I confirm that PE3.1.1 was completed exclusively by the candidate named on this record and that I have completed the expected outcomes table as shown above relating to this exercise. Signed (witness): ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Electrical Installations: NVQ and Technical Certificate Tutor Resource Disk 3 of 3