Faculty Evaluation Plan SNAP-ED

Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Instructions for SNAP-Ed Faculty Evaluation
Statement of the evaluation or research question and the outcomes/indicators being
Direct Education Adults and Youth:
Do adults and youth who participate in a SNAP-Ed class series increase their consumption
of fruits and vegetables?
Do adults and youth who participate in a SNAP-Ed class series increase their levels of
physical activity, reduce levels of sedentary behavior, and/or increase their utilization of
recommended strategies for achieving calorie balance?
Do adults who participate in a SNAP-Ed class series increase their utilization of
recommended food resource management strategies?
Grades 1-2 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Who is the Teacher? What is the Date? What Grade am I in? Am I a Boy or a Girl?
Time frame is the present. Survey has a total of 9 Questions.
Circle me if I am a…
Vegetable - pictures.
Grain - pictures.
Dairy Food - pictures.
Healthy Drink - pictures.
Circle 1 answer…Everyday, how many times do you…
Drink water?
Eat fruits and vegetables?
Try new fruits and vegetables?
Play and be active?
Watch TV and play video games?
Grades 3-5 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Time frame is yesterday. Survey has a total of 12 Questions.
Think back to Yesterday, from the time you woke up to the time you went to bed.
Circle one answer that best applies to you.
1. I ate breakfast?
2. I ate sweetened, fried, or salty food?
3. I ate a healthy snack?
4. I ate a vegetable?
5. I ate a fruit, not counting fruit juice?
6. I read the nutrition label?
7. I felt too full after eating a meal or a snack?
8. I washed my hands before eating?
9. I was physically active for ___ hours?
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
10. I played so hard for ___ minutes?
11. When I was not at school or not doing school work, I looked at a screen (like TV or
video games) for ___ hours and I did not get up to move around?
12. Was yesterday like most other school days for how you ate and spent your time?
Grades 6-8 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Who is the Teacher? What is the Date? What Grade am I in? Am I a Boy or a Girl?
Think back to Yesterday and past 7 days. Circle one answer that best describes you.
Food You Ate or Drank. Time frame is yesterday. Survey has a total of 22 Questions.
1. I ate breakfast?
2. I ate sweetened, fried, or salty food?
3. I drank sweetened drinks like soda, fruit-flavored drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks
and vitamin water (not counting 100% fruit juice)?
4. I ate a vegetable, not counting French fries or chips?
5. I ate a fruit, not counting fruit juice?
6. I ate a whole grain product.
7. I was physically active for ___ Hours?
8. I exercised so hard for ____ minutes that my heart beat fast and I breathed hard
most of the time?
9. When I was not at school or not doing school work, I looked at a screen (like TV or
video games) for ____ hours and I did not get up to move around?
10. I knew my calorie needs for my age, gender, and physical activity level?
11. I ate a healthy meal or snack at a restaurant or fast food place?
12. I ate or drank a lower calorie food or beverage instead of a higher calorie one (for
example, I did not eat the chicken skin and I drank skim milk instead of whole milk)?
13. I paid attention to how much I ate or drank?
14. I read the nutrition label?
15. I planned meals and snacks that included vegetables and fruits?
16. I prepared meals and snacks that included vegetables and fruits?
17. I washed my hands before eating?
18. When I took foods out of the refrigerator, I put them back within 2 hours.
19. I was physically active for 1 hour or more?
20. How confident are you in using measuring cups and measuring spoons?
21. How confident are you in following directions in making an easy recipe?
22. Was yesterday like most other school days for how you ate and spent your time?
Grades 9-12 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Who is the Teacher? What is the Date? What Grade am I in? Am I a Male or a Female?
Think back to Yesterday and past 7 days. Circle one answer that best describes you.
Food You Ate or Drank (If you ate 2 different foods in a meal or snack, count them as 2
Time frame is yesterday. Survey has a total of 25 Questions.
1. I ate breakfast?
2. I ate sweetened, fried, or salty food?
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
3. I drank sweetened drinks like soda, fruit-flavored drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks
and vitamin water (not counting 100% fruit juice)?
4. I ate a vegetable (fresh, cooked or canned, not counting French fries or chips)?
5. I ate a fruit (fresh, frozen, canned, dried or cooked, not counting fruit juice)?
6. I ate a whole grain product?
7. I was physically active for ___ hours?
8. I exercised so hard for ____ minutes that my heart beat fast and I breathed hard
most of the time?
9. When I was not at school or not doing school work, I looked at a screen (like TV or
video games) for ____ hours and I did not get up to move around?
10. I knew my calorie needs for my age, gender, and physical activity level?
11. I ate a healthy meal or snack at a restaurant or fast food place?
12. I ate or drank a lower calorie food or beverage instead of a higher calorie one (for
example, I did not eat the chicken skin and I drank skim milk instead of whole milk)?
13. I paid attention to how much I ate or drank?
14. I read the nutrition label?
15. I planned meals and snacks that included vegetables and fruits?
16. I prepared meals and snacks that included vegetables and fruits?
17. I washed my hands before eating?
18. I washed my hands before preparing something to eat?
19. When I took foods out of the refrigerator, I put them back within 2 hours?
20. I checked the expiration date before eating or drinking foods?
21. I was physically active for 1 hour or more?
22. How confident are you in using measuring cups and measuring spoons?
23. How confident are you in preparing quick and easy healthy snacks?
24. How confident are you in preparing quick and easy healthy meals?
Adults – Behavior Checklist
Participants are asked to fill in Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Age category, Pregnant,
Breastfeeding, Family Size, and Date.
Please circle one answer that best describes you.
If the question does not relate to you, cross out the question number like this 16.
Participants are asked about “Foods you ate or drank” (If you eat 2 different foods in a meal or
snack, count them as 2 times)
I ate breakfast.
I ate a vegetable (fresh, cooked or canned, not counting French fries or chips).
I ate a fruit (fresh, frozen, canned, dried or cooked, not counting fruit juice).
I drank sweetened drinks like soda, fruit-flavored drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks
and vitamin water (not counting 100% fruit juice).
5. I ate sweetened, fried, or salty food.
6. Was yesterday like most other days for how you eat and spend your time?
7. I knew my calorie needs for my age, sex, and physical activity level.
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
8. I planned meals ahead of time.
9. I ate breakfast.
10. My children ate breakfast in the morning within 2 hours of waking up.
11. I ate meals or snacks with 1 or more family members.
12. I did not feel too full after eating a meal or a snack.
13. I ate a whole grain food like whole wheat bread.
14. I ate a healthy meal or snack at a restaurant or fast food place.
15. I ate or drank a lower calorie food or beverage instead of a higher calorie one (for
example, I did not eat the chicken skin and I drank skim milk instead of whole milk).
16. I used the nutrition label to make food choices.
17. I chose healthy food choices when deciding what to feed my family.
18. I planned meals and snacks that included vegetables and fruits.
19. I prepared meals and snacks that included vegetables and fruits.
20. I made main dishes from scratch at home.
21. I shopped with a grocery list.
22. I compared prices before I bought food.
23. I washed my hands before eating.
24. I washed my hands before preparing food to eat.
25. I let cooked food sit out in room temperature for more than 2 hours.
26. I thawed frozen food at room temperature.
27. I planned time for my family to be physically active.
DURING THE PAST 7 DAYS…Physical Activity.
28. I was physically active for 30 minutes or more in a day.
29. I moved so hard that my heart beat fast for at least 20 minutes. I breathed hard
most of the time.
30. Outside of work, I looked at a screen (like TV or video games) for more than 2
hours and did not get up to move around.
31. I ran out of food before the end of the month.
Parent/Guardian Survey measurement:
Did the child talk with primary adult caregiver about healthy eating?
Did the child talk with primary adult caregiver about tasting recipes in class?
Did the adult make any changes in the foods their family eats as a result of the child talking
about healthy eating?
Did the adult make any of the recipes that their child brought home?
Did the adult have to buy new types of foods to make any of the take-home recipes?
Parent/Guardian Survey Questions:
1. Does your child talk about what he or she has learned about healthy eating in
class? (Check one) If yes, have you made any changes in foods your family eats as
a result?
2. Does your child talk about tasting recipes in class?
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Did you receive the recipes sent home with your child?
Has your child asked you to make any of the recipes at home?
Are you this child’s “Parent”, “Grandparent”, “Foster parent”, or “Other (please describe)”.
Are you? “Female”, “Male”.
What language(s) do you speak at home? “English”, “Spanish”, or “Other” with a
blank line to fill in.
8. Have you made any of these recipes at home?
9. If you have prepared any of the recipes in question 8, did you have to buy foods that
were different from what you usually buy?
10. Is there anything you’d like us to know about your child’s participation in the nutrition
lessons? If yes, please describe below. If more space is needed, please use
another sheet of paper.
Food Hero, a social marketing campaign
What are the best ways to deliver the Food Hero campaign in a local community?
How effective is the use of elementary schools as the central focal points for the campaign?
What is the awareness level of target audience members regarding the campaign during
and after its delivery?
What do target audience members learn from the campaign? How much do they pay
attention to the campaign messages?
Which components of the campaign are most successful in reaching the target audience
(e.g., community billboards, public events, the school website, school newsletter, school
banners, SNAP-Ed educator gear, the Food Hero monthly newsletter, links to the Food
Hero website on school menus, etc.)?
Height Weight Assessments, administered at targeted schools.
Description of the planned evaluation design/protocol.
The design for Adult and Youth audiences attending a series of direct education sessions
will be pre-post, with the data analysis focusing on potential gains in targeted outcomes
over the time period of the class series, as measured by the questionnaires. In most
cases, data will be collected through administering group questionnaires at the start of the
series (pretests) and at the end of the series (posttests). In some cases, based on timing
and logistics in the local setting, a retrospective pretest design may be used
Youth Audiences - Direct Education
Process evaluation - Data collected and entered into Online System: number of youth
attending, ages, gender, and racial/ethnic characteristics
Outcome evaluation - Youth participating in a series of SNAP-Ed classes will complete
pre/post written surveys.
Adult Audiences - Direct Education
Process Evaluation - Data collected and entered into Online System: number of adults
attending, names, addresses, ages, gender, racial/ethnic characteristics, and participation
in public assistance programs.
Outcome Evaluation - Adults participating in a series of SNAP-Ed classes will complete
pre/post written surveys.
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Parent/Guardian Survey - Assessment Procedure:
1st and 2nd grade school children learn about healthy food choices. They try new foods.
To engage adult primary caregivers, children bring home recipes of food they prepare or
taste in EFNEP classes. To assess the impact of take-home recipes, adult primary
caregivers are asked to complete a 10-question take-home survey in English or Spanish. 5
of the questions measure outcome behaviors that occur as a result of participating in the
Food Hero – Assessment Procedure:
The evaluation will be conducted using school communities as the units of program delivery.
Based on factors such as funding, staff resources and unit availability, the evaluation will
probably be implemented at somewhere between 15 and 60 school sites. It is expected that
the evaluation will take place during a campaign period of January-June 2014.
The design includes two components for two different groups. First, for the Food Hero
target audience, a survey will be administered in a pre-post format, to determine audience
members’ awareness levels and opinions about the campaign, and their changes in
awareness between the launch of the campaign and its completion. Second, SNAP-Ed
units will be surveyed periodically during the campaign, to determine their use of various
communication channels and to track how the campaign is being delivered locally.
Process Evaluation - Data collected and entered into Online System. Educators enter use
of Food Hero items within education delivery both direct and indirect.
Outcome Evaluation - SNAP-Ed Units will set up events, handouts, and newsletter articles
at campaign schools in an attempt to reach parents to complete a written survey or an
online survey. During the survey, parents will be asked questions about whether they have
ever seen or heard about the Food Hero campaign.
Balanced Energy Physical Activity Toolkit (BEPAT)
Outcome Questions:
Do children who participate in SNAP-Ed classes that utilize the BEPAT spend more time in
light, moderate and vigorous activity and less time in sedentary activity than children who
participate in SNAP-Ed classes that do not utilize the BEPAT?
Do children who participate in SNAP-Ed classes that utilize the BEPAT increase their
understanding of energy-balance more than children who participate in SNAP-Ed classes
that do not utilize the BEPAT?
Process Questions:
How effectively are SNAP-Ed educators able to utilize the BEPAT with SNAP-Ed approved
What is the level of engagement in the BEPAT activities among members of the target audience?
Comprehensive and multi-level approaches
What changes have been made to practices or capacities of community-level
organizations, institutions, or businesses to promote healthy food choices?
What changes have been made to policies or capacities at school sites to promote healthy
food choices and/or increased physical activity?
What changes have been made in community sites resulting in improved access or
infrastructure to promote physical activity?
What community-level partnerships, collaborations, or coalitions have operated, with
SNAP-Ed participation, to implement initiatives aimed at improving dietary quality or
physical activity?
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Height Weight Assessments, administered at targeted schools.
Description of the instruments to be used.
To the extent appropriate, there are several evaluation questions and/or scales that will be
used broadly, across curricula, to measure outcome change. In other cases, the evaluation
measures will be specifically geared to the lessons that are delivered to the participants in
the local setting.
Youth instruments – SNAP-Ed series of classes:
Youth surveys are tailored to various grade groups with multiple indicators and multiple
responses. (New 2014) See below.
Grades 1-2 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Fill in Teacher, Date, Grade, and Gender.
Circle pictures identifying foods and healthy drink. Correct responses are tallied.
Circle 1 answer…Everyday, how many times do you do the five different behaviors.
Response possibilities are: Many times, 1 to 2 times, and Never.
Each behavior has a picture of the activity.
Grades 3-5 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Fill in Teacher, Date, Grade, and Gender.
Think back to Yesterday, from the time you woke up to the time you went to bed.
Circle one answer that best applies to you.
Responses are:
Question 1: “No”, 1 time – check home or school, 2 times – check home or school, If more,
how many times?
Question 2-5: No, 1 time, 2 times, 3 times.
Question 6-8: Never, Sometimes, Most of the time, Always.
Question 9: “½ hour or less”, “1 hour”, “1 ½ hour”, “2 hours”, or “2 ½ hours or more”.
Question 10: “0 minutes”,“10 minutes”, “20 minutes”, “30 minutes”, or “more than 40 minutes”.
Question 11: “less than 1 hour”,“1 hour”, “2 hours”, “3 hours”, or “4 hours or more”.
Question 12: “Yes” or “No”.
Grades 6-8 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Fill in Teacher, Date, Grade, and Gender. Survey has 22 questions.
Think back to Yesterday and past 7 days. Circle one answer that best describes you.
Food You Ate or Drank (If you ate 2 different foods in a meal or snack, count them as 2 times)
Time frame is yesterday.
Responses are:
Question 1: “No”, “1 time” (Home, School, “On the way”), “2 times” (Home, School, “On the way”),
“If more, how many times”?
Question 2-6: “No”, “1 time”, “2 times”, “3 times”.
Question 7 “½ hour or less”, “1 hour”, “1 ½ hour”, “2 hours”, or “2 ½ hours or more”.
Question 8: “0 minutes”,“10 minutes”, “20 minutes”, “30 minutes”, or “more than 40 minutes”.
Question 9: “1 hour or less”, “2 hours”, “3 hours”, “4 hours”, or “5 hours or more”.
Question 10-18: “Never”, “Sometimes”, “Most of the time”, or “Always”.
Question 20-21: “Not confident”, “Somewhat confident”, “Confident”, or “Totally confident”.
Question 22: “Yes” or “No”.
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Grades 9-12 Youth completing SNAP-Ed pre-post surveys are asked:
Fill in Teacher, Date, Grade, and Gender. Survey has 25 questions.
Think back to Yesterday and past 7 days. Circle one answer that best describes you.
Food You Ate or Drank yesterday (If you ate 2 different foods in a meal or snack, count
them as 2 times).
Question 1 responses are “No”, 1 time – check “Home” or “School” or “On the way”, 2 times –
check “Home” or “School” or “On the way”,, If more, how many times? Response is number filled in.
Responses are:
Question 2-6 “No”, “1 time”, “2 times”, “3 times”.
Question 7-“½ hour or less”, “1 hour”, “1 ½ hour”, “2 hours”, “2 ½ hours or more”.
Question 8-“0 minutes”,“10 minutes”, “20 minutes”, “30 minutes”, or “More than 40 minutes”.
Question 9-“1 hour or less”, “2 hours”, “3 hours”, “4 hours”, “5 hours or more”.
Question10-20 “Never”, “Sometimes”, “Most of the time” or “Always”.
Question 21 “0 day”, “1 day”, “2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days”.
Question 22-24 “Not confident”, “Somewhat confident”, “Confident”, or “Totally confident”.
Question 25 “Yes” or “No”.
Adult instruments – SNAP-Ed series of classes:
SNAP-Ed Behavior Checklist Adults pre and post-surveys are tailored to the indicators.
Survey has 31 questions.
Participants fill in Name, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Age category, Pregnant, Breastfeeding,
Family Size, and Date.
Please circle one answer that best describes you.
If the question does not relate to you, cross out the question number like this 16.
Participants are asked about “Foods you ate or drank” (If you ate 2 different foods in a meal or
snack, count them as 2 times)
Question 1 responses are “No”, “1 time” (“Home”, “Work”, “On the way”), “2 times” (“Home”,
“Work”, “On the way”) or “if more times, how many times?”
Questions 2-5 responses are “No”, “1 time”, “2 times”, “3 times”, or “if more times, how
many times?”
Question 6 response is a “Yes” or a “No”.
Questions 7-27 responses are “Never”, “Sometimes”, “Most of the time”, and “Always”.
Questions 28-30 responses indicate the number of days in the week, “0 day”, “1 day”, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 days”.
Question 31 responses are “Never”, “Sometimes”, “Most of the time”, and “Always”.
Parent/Guardian (Recipe Survey) – 10 questions
Question 1 responses are 2 part: “Yes”, “No”, or “Not Sure”.
Question 2 responses are: “Has not talked about tasting recipes”, “Has talked about recipes in
some detail”, “Has talked about recipes in great detail”.
Question 3 responses are: “Yes” – go to question 4, “No” – go to question 5, and “Not sure” –
go to question 5.
Question 4 responses are: “Yes” or “No”
Question 5 responses are: “Parent”, “Grandparent”, “Foster parent”, or “Other (please describe)”.
Question 6 responses are: “Female”, “Male”.
Question 7 responses are: “English”, “Spanish”, or “Other” with a blank line to fill in.
Question 8 Unit fills in recipes prepared in class sessions. Responses are: “Yes” or “No” for
each recipe listed.
Question 9 responses are: “Yes”, “What foods were they?”, or “No”.
Question 10 responses are qualitative with an open text box.
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Food Hero - The measures for the target audience will include pre- and post-campaign
survey questionnaires, to be administered both online and in hard copy, depending on the
venue and the preference of the individual participant (see next paragraph). The measure
for the SNAP-Ed units will be an online survey.
For the target audience survey, there will be pretest and posttest data collection periods
during which opportunities to complete the survey will be available, in accord with the
venue being used. For example, hard copy questionnaires will be distributed at Food Hero
parent sessions and public events, while links to the online survey will be listed on the
Food Hero newsletter, school newsletter, and school lunch menu (which gets sent home to
parents), as well as posted on the school website. Invitations to complete the survey online
will also be sent to SNAP-Ed parents who are on program email lists. For the SNAP-Ed
unit data, the questionnaires will be administered using Oregon State University’s Qualtrics
survey system, through email contacts that provide links to the survey.
Balanced Energy Physical Activity Toolkit (BEPAT)
Questionnaires concerning the process evaluation and the child-level energy-balance
assessment will be developed in fall 2013, prior to evaluation onset in winter 2014.
Physical activity monitors, validated for use with a pediatric population, will be used to
collect child-level activity data during SNAP-Ed and SNAP-Ed+ lessons.
SNAP-Ed educators will be trained and provided assistance in ensuring that each child has
a monitor affixed to their hip at the start of each lesson being evaluated, and that all
monitors are removed at the completion of each evaluated lesson.
Children will complete a brief survey (1-3 questions) about energy-balance at the end of
each evaluated lesson.
Comprehensive and multi-level approaches
Information will be gathered at the unit level, including all units in the state.
A survey design will be used, contacting units to ascertain their progress on achieving
environmental level changes in their communities.
A questionnaire will be developed, for distribution to SNAP-Ed units. This measure will
gather information about community-level changes that have occurred, as well as
background information on the organizations and processes, so that successful strategies
can be replicated in other localities and shared with peers.
Height Weight Assessments, administered at targeted schools.
Description of the participants/subjects.
Youth, attending schools with 50% or more Free and Reduced Meals, Grades 1-2;
Youth, attending schools with 50% or more Free and Reduced Meals, Grades 3-5;
Youth, attending schools with 50% or more Free and Reduced Meals, Grades 6-8;
Youth, attending schools with 50% or more Free and Reduced Meals, Grades 9-12;
Adults, parents, seniors, disabled, 50% or more of the SNAP-Ed group is receiving SNAP
benefits or participates in food assistance programs;
Parent/Guardian Survey - adult primary caregivers of Youth in SNAP-Ed class sessions;
Faculty SNAP-Ed Evaluation Plans 2014 SOARS Plan of Work
Survey Food Hero - at least 18 years old, help shop for food and make meals at home, a
regular Internet user, and receive SNAP (food stamp) benefits.
Growing Healthy Kids, grades 2-3.
Balanced Energy Physical Activity Toolkit (BEPAT), grades K-6.
Comprehensive and multi-level approaches, OSUES staff
Description of the data analysis procedures.
Youth Audiences– SNAP-Ed Outcome Evaluation:
Pre-Post surveys will be sent to campus for data entry and analysis.
Adult Audiences– SNAP-Ed Outcome Evaluation:
Pre-Post surveys will be sent to campus for data entry and analysis.
Parent/Guardian Survey - Surveys will be sent to campus for data entry and analysis.
Food Hero – Participant paper surveys will be sent to campus for data entry and analysis.
For the SNAP-Ed unit data, the questionnaires will be administered using Oregon State
University’s Qualtrics survey system, through email contacts that provide links to the
survey. Direct to campus for data analysis.
Balanced Energy Physical Activity Toolkit (BEPAT) - Educators will fill out process
evaluation questionnaires at the end of winter 2014. These may be completed online or
via paper format. These will be sent to campus for data entry and analysis.
Comprehensive and multi-level approaches, the questionnaire will be delivered online.
Direct to campus for data analysis.
Height Weight Assessments, administered at targeted schools. Data entry and analysis