Exploring Maths Scheme of Work Tier 3

Exploring mathematics: Tier 3 NC levels 4ab and 5cb
36 lessons
S3.2 Probability 1
Language of probability
Probability scale
Equally likely outcomes
3 lessons
31 lessons
S3.3 Enquiry 1
Collecting, representing and
interpreting data in bar line
graphs, frequency diagrams for
grouped discrete data, pie charts
Mean, median, mode, range
4/5 lessons
33 lessons
S3.4 Enquiry 2
Collecting, representing and
interpreting data in frequency
diagrams; pie charts; simple
statistics; comparing data sets
Writing report
4/5 lessons
S3.5 Probability 2
Probability scale; comparing
experimental and theoretical
probability in simple cases
3 lessons
N3.3 Fractions and percentages
Equivalent fractions, cancelling, ordering
Adding/subtracting; multiplying fraction by
integer; fraction of a number or quantity
Equivalence of fractions, decimals and
percentages; percentages of quantities
7 lessons
A3.1 Patterns and sequences
Generating integer sequences
Term-to-term and position-to-term rules
Describing a rule in words then symbols
5 lessons
N3.4 Decimals and measures
Measures/estimates of length, area, mass,
capacity and time; conversions of units
Mental and written calculations, including with
Problem solving with a calculator
5/6 lessons
N3.5 Percentages, ratio and proportion
Equivalence of fractions, decimals and
percentages; percentages of quantities
Using percentages for comparisons
Ratio of two parts; direct proportion in simple
contexts, currency conversions
4/5 lessons
G3.2 Angles
Labelling conventions for lines, angles, shapes
Estimating/measuring acute, obtuse and reflex
angles; angles on a straight line; angles at a
point; vertically opposite angles; finding unknown
3 lessons
A3.2 Equations and formulae
Using letters; substituting in simple
expressions, equations and formulae
Using algebra to solve problems
5 lessons
A3.3 Sequences, functions, graphs
Sequences and rules
Finding the general term in simple cases
Coordinates in all four quadrants; simple
linear functions, mappings and graphs
4/5 lessons
R3.1 Revision/support
Number, algebra, geometry
and measures, statistics
5 lessons
R3.2 Revision/support
Number, algebra, geometry
and measures, statistics
5 lessons
A3.4 Functions, equations and graphs
Simplification of and substitution in linear
expressions and formulae
Linear equations with integer coefficients
(unknown on one side )
Graphs of simple linear functions
Simple graphs of real situations
7/8 lessons
N3.6 Solving number problems
Equivalent fractions, decimals, percentages
Mental and written calculations with whole
numbers and decimals
Comparing fractions; adding/subtracting
fractions; multiplying a fraction by an integer
Fractions and percentages of quantities
4/5 lessons
100 lessons
1 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
G3.1 Area and perimeter
Formulae for perimeter and area of rectangle;
perimeter and area of shapes made from
rectangles; word problems
Visualising 3-D shapes from 2-D representations
Surface area of cuboids
4 lessons
G3.3 Transformations
Line and rotation symmetry
Reflection; rotation; translation
Exploring symmetry and transformations with ICT
4/5 lessons
G3.4 Properties of shapes
Recognising parallel and perpendicular lines
Angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles
and quadrilaterals; angle sum of triangle and
quadrilateral; finding unknown angles
5/6 lessons
G3.5 Constructions
Measuring and drawing lines to nearest mm
Using ruler, set square, protractor to construct
parallel/perpendicular lines; rectangles/squares;
triangles (SAS, ASA); nets of 3-D shapes
Exploring constructions with ICT
5/6 lessons
Mathematical processes and applications are integrated into each unit
S3.1 Grouped data and simple
Bar charts, including grouped
discrete data, and pie charts
3 lessons
N3.1 Properties of numbers
Adding/subtracting integers
Order of operations, brackets
Squares and roots to 12 × 12; multiples,
divisibility, factors, primes, prime factors,
simple HCF/LCM
5 lessons
N3.2 Whole numbers and decimals
Decimal place value, ordering, rounding
Mental calculations; adding/subtracting
decimals; multiplying/dividing 3-digit by 2-digit
whole numbers and decimals by 1-digit
number; using a calculator
6 lessons
Number 1:
Properties of numbers
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• calculate a temperature rise and fall across 0C
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
• recognise multiples up to 10  10, and larger
multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Integers, powers and roots
• identify factors of 2-digit numbers.
• represent problems making correct use of numbers, words or diagrams
• classify and visualise number properties and patterns
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• understand the significance of a counter-example
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• understand negative numbers as positions on a number line
• order, add and subtract positive and negative integers in context
• use the order of operations, including brackets.
• recognise square numbers to at least 12  12, and corresponding roots,
and use the square and square root keys of a calculator
• recognise and use multiples, factors, primes (less than 100), common
factors, highest common factors and lowest common multiples in simple
• use simple tests of divisibility
• use the bracket, square, square root and sign change keys of a
2 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Number 2:
Whole numbers and decimals
(6 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• read and write whole numbers in figures and
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
• use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths,
Place value
understanding what each digit represents
• add and subtract mentally pairs of 2-digit numbers
• use written methods to:
• break calculations or problems into simpler steps
• manipulate numbers and apply routine algorithms
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as
(88–91, 102–105)
– add and subtract whole numbers
• check the accuracy of solutions, relating them to the original context
Calculator methods
– multiply TU × TU
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
• use a basic calculator effectively.
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
Solving problems
and to:
• understand and use decimal notation and place value
• compare and order decimals in different contexts
• round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 and decimals to the
nearest whole number or one decimal place
• consolidate recall of multiplication to 10 × 10 and quickly derive division
• use mental methods to multiply and divide simple decimals by one-digit
whole numbers, e.g. 0.8 × 6, 2.4 ÷ 3, using jottings as appropriate
• use efficient written methods to:
– add and subtract whole numbers and decimals
– multiply 3-digit by 2-digit whole numbers
• make and justify estimates and approximations of calculations.
3 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Number 3:
Fractions and percentages
(7 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• use fraction notation and the terms ‘numerator’
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
and ‘denominator’
• recognise simple equivalent fractions, including
Fractions, decimals, percentages
(92–101, 110–111)
Solving problems
relating hundredths to tenths
• change an improper fraction to a mixed number,
and vice versa
• find simple fractions of shapes and small whole
• recognise equivalent approaches
• represent problems making correct use of numbers, words and diagrams
• use accurate notation
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as
• check the accuracy of solutions, relating them to the original context
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• use fractions and percentages to describe parts of shapes
• use diagrams to compare two or more simple fractions
• simplify fractions by cancelling and identify equivalent fractions
• understand percentage as the ‘number of parts per 100’ and recognise
equivalent percentages, fractions and decimals
• calculate mentally, on paper and with a calculator, as appropriate, to:
– add and subtract simple fractions and those with common
– multiply a fraction by an integer
– calculate simple fractions and percentage of quantities and
4 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Number 4:
Whole numbers, decimals and
(6 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• suggest suitable metric units and measuring
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
equipment to estimate or measure length, mass
or capacity
• represent problems making correct use of numbers, words and diagrams
• read and interpret simple measuring scales
• manipulate numbers and apply routine algorithms
• divide a 2- or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as
(82–87, 92–103, 104–107,
• round up or down after division, depending on the
Calculator methods
Solving problems
• use a basic calculator effectively
• use all four operations to solve simple word
problems, including time.
• check results by considering whether they are of the right order of
magnitude and by working the problem backwards
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• choose and use units of measurement to measure, estimate, calculate
and solve problems in everyday contexts
• convert one metric unit to another (e.g. grams to kilograms)
• read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments
• use efficient written methods to:
– add and subtract whole numbers and decimals
– multiply and divide 3-digit by 2-digit whole numbers
– multiply and divide decimals with up to two places by single-digit whole
• make and justify estimates and approximations of calculations
• use inverse operations in the context of integers and decimals
• use the memory of a calculator and interpret the display in different
5 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Number 5:
Percentages, ratio and
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• find simple fractions and percentages of quantities
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
and measurements.
• solve simple problems using ideas of ratio and
Fractions, decimals, percentages,
proportion (‘one for every …’ or ‘one to every …’
ratio and proportion
and ‘one in every …’).
• represent problems making correct use of numbers, words and diagrams
• use accurate notation
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as
• check the accuracy of solutions, relating them to the original context
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
• discuss, compare and evaluate approaches and results with others
• recognise equivalent approaches
and to:
• find equivalent percentages, fractions and decimals
• express a smaller number as a fraction or percentage of a larger one
• use percentages to compare simple proportions
• calculate simple fractions and percentages of quantities and
• understand the relationship between ratio and proportion
• use direct proportion in simple contexts
• use ratio notation, simplify ratios and divide a quantity into two parts in a
given ratio
• solve simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion using informal
6 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Number 6:
Solving number problems
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• add and subtract mentally pairs of 2-digit numbers
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a problem
• recall multiplication facts to 10 × 10and derive
• represent problems mathematically
quickly corresponding division facts
(88–107, 110–111)
Calculator methods
Fractions and percentages
• multiply pairs of 2-digit whole numbers and divide
a 3-digit by 1-digit whole number
• find simple fractions and percentages of quantities
and measurements
• round up or down after division, depending on the
• interpret information from a mathematical representation or context
• use accurate notation
• use appropriate procedures and tools, including ICT
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as
• make and justify estimates and approximations of calculations
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
Solving problems
• explain and justify methods and conclusions
• discuss, compare and evaluate approaches and results with others
• recognise equivalent approaches
and to:
• find equivalent percentages, fractions and decimals
• calculate with whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages
• carry out calculations with more than one step.
Algebra 1:
Patterns and sequences
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• recognise and extend number sequences formed
• represent problems making correct use of symbols, words and diagrams
by counting in steps of constant size
• recognise simple number patterns.
Sequences and functions
Formulae and identities
Solving problems
• classify and visualise properties and patterns
• understand the significance of a counter-example
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• describe integer sequences
• generate the terms of a simple sequence, given a rule (e.g. finding a term
from the previous term, finding a term given its position in the sequence)
• generate sequences from patterns or practical contexts and describe the
general term in simple cases.
7 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Algebra 2:
Equations and formulae
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• understand and use relationships between
• represent problems making correct use of symbols and words
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
• use brackets in arithmetical expressions.
Equations, formulae and identities
• interpret information from a mathematical representation or context
• manipulate algebraic expressions and equations
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
(112–119, 138–143)
and to:
Solving problems
• use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables
• simplify linear algebraic expressions by collecting like terms
• understand that algebraic operations follow the rules of arithmetic
• multiply a constant over a bracket (integer coefficients)
• substitute positive integers into linear expressions and formulae
• use simple formulae from mathematics and other subjects.
Algebra 3:
Sequences, functions and
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• recognise and extend number sequences by
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
counting in steps of constant size
• read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant
• represent and interpret data in a line graph (e.g.
Sequences, functions and graphs
Solving problems
(2–13, 26–27)
for a multiplication table).
• describe and explain a simple number pattern.
• represent problems making correct use of words, symbols, tables and
• classify and visualise properties and patterns
• manipulate algebraic expressions and equations
• draw accurate graphs, on paper and on screen
• use appropriate procedures and tools, including ICT
• use accurate notation
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
• explain and justify methods and conclusions
and to:
• generate the terms of a simple sequence, given a rule
• generate sequences from patterns and describe the general term in
simple cases
• represent simple functions using words, symbols and mappings
• use coordinates in all four quadrants and identify coordinates of points
determined by geometric information
• generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a simple rule
• plot graphs of simple linear functions (y given explicitly in terms of x), on
paper and using ICT.
8 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Algebra 4:
Using algebra
(8 hours)
Equations, formulae and identities
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• understand and use relationships between
• represent problems making correct use of words, symbols, tables and
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
• use brackets in arithmetical expressions
• classify and visualise properties and patterns
• read and plot coordinates in all four quadrants.
• use appropriate procedures and tools, including ICT
• draw accurate graphs, on paper and on screen
Sequences, functions and graphs
• use appropriate procedures and tools, including ICT
Solving problems
• manipulate algebraic expressions and equations
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• simplify linear expressions by collecting like terms
• multiply a constant over a bracket (integer coefficients)
• substitute positive integers into linear expressions and formulae and, in
simple cases, derive a formula
• construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients
(unknown on one side only)
• generate sequences from patterns or practical contexts and describe the
general term in simple cases
• recognise the first few triangular numbers
• generate coordinate pairs that satisfy a simple rule
• plot graphs of simple linear functions (y given explicitly in terms of x), on
paper and using ICT
• plot and interpret the graphs of simple linear functions arising from real life situations.
9 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Geometry and measures 1:
Area and perimeter
(4 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre.
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
• understand that area is measured in square
centimetres (cm2)
(198–201, 228–231, 234–241)
Solving problems
• understand, measure and calculate perimeters of
simple shapes
• calculate areas of rectangles.
• represent problems making correct use of symbols, words and diagrams
• classify and visualise properties of shapes
• draw accurate mathematical diagrams and constructions
• use appropriate procedures and tools
• check the accuracy of solutions, relating them to the original context
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• know and use the formula for the area of a rectangle
• calculate perimeters and areas of shapes made from rectangles
• visualise 3D shapes and deduce some of their properties
• calculate the surface areas of cubes and cuboids
• choose and use units of measurement to measure, estimate, calculate
and solve problems in everyday contexts.
Geometry and measures 2:
(3 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
the nearest degree.
• calculate angles on a straight line.
• represent problems making correct use of diagrams
Geometrical reasoning: lines, angles
• draw accurate diagrams and constructions
and shapes
• use accurate notation
Measures and mensuration
• use appropriate procedures and tools
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• use correctly the vocabulary, notation and labelling conventions for lines,
angles and shapes
• distinguish between and estimate acute, obtuse and reflex angles and
measure and draw them to the nearest degree
• know and calculate the sum of angles at a point and on a straight line,
and recognise vertically opposite angles.
10 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Geometry and measures 3:
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• draw a line of symmetry in a 2D shape
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
• complete a 2D shape given a line of symmetry
• recognise where a shape will be after a translation
parallel to an axis.
• represent problems making correct use of diagrams
• draw accurate diagrams and constructions on paper and on screen
• classify and visualise properties of shapes
Solving problems
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
(14–17, 32–35)
• use appropriate procedures and tools, including ICT
• take account of feedback and learn from mistakes
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• understand and use the language and notation associated with
reflections, translations and rotations
• recognise and visualise the symmetries of a 2D shape
• transform 2D shapes by:
reflecting in given mirror lines
rotating about a given point
• explore these transformations and symmetries using ICT.
11 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Geometry and measures 4:
Properties of shapes
(6 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• calculate angles in a triangle
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
• recognise lines of symmetry in 2D shapes
• recognise isosceles, equilateral and scalene
Geometrical reasoning: lines, angles
and shapes
• classify and visualise properties of shapes and patterns
• represent problems using words and diagrams
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• understand the significance of a counter-example
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• use correctly the vocabulary, notation and labelling conventions for lines,
angles and shapes
• identify parallel and perpendicular lines
• calculate the sum of angles at a point, on a straight line and in a triangle,
and recognise vertically opposite angles
• identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles and
• explore geometrical problems, explaining reasoning orally, and using
step-by-step deduction supported by diagrams.
12 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Geometry and measures 5:
(6 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or
• estimate, measure and draw acute and obtuse
Geometrical reasoning: lines, angles
and shapes
• identify nets for closed and open cubes.
• classify and visualise properties of shapes
• represent problems by drawing accurate diagrams and constructions, on
paper and on screen
• use appropriate procedures and tools, including ICT
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
• recognise equivalent approaches
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• use a ruler, set square and protractor to:
– estimate, measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre and acute,
obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest degree
– draw parallel and perpendicular lines
– construct squares and rectangles
– construct a triangle given two sides and the included angle (SAS) or
two angles and the included side (ASA)
– draw simple nets of 3D shapes
• use ICT to explore constructions.
13 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Statistics 1:
Grouped data and simple
(3 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• solve a problem by collecting, organising and
• represent problems, making correct use of tables, diagrams and graphs
interpreting data from a simple survey or
• construct and interpret simple bar charts, line
graphs and frequency tables.
• interpret information from a mathematical representation or context
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
• relate findings to the original context
(256–265, 268–271)
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• construct frequency tables for gathering discrete data, grouped where
appropriate in equal class intervals
• find the mode, mean, median and range for a set of discrete data, and the
modal class for grouped discrete data
• construct and interpret graphs and diagrams to represent data, including:
– bar-line graphs
– frequency diagrams for grouped discrete data
interpret simple pie charts.
Statistics 2:
Probability 1
(3 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• discuss events, including those with equally likely
• interpret information from a mathematical representation or context
outcomes, using the language of probability
• place the likelihood of events on a scale from
impossible to certain.
• draw accurate tables, diagrams and graphs on paper and on screen
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
• explain and justify methods and conclusions
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• use the vocabulary and ideas of probability, drawing on experience
• understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1
• find and justify probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple
• identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event.
14 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Statistics 3:
Enquiry 1
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• solve a problem by collecting, organising and
• identify the necessary information to simplify a problem
interpreting data from a simple survey or
(248–255, 262–265, 268–271)
Solving problems
• construct and interpret simple bar charts, line
graphs and frequency tables.
• draw accurate tables, diagrams and graphs, on paper and on screen
• interpret information from a mathematical representation
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• relate findings to the original context
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
• discuss, compare and evaluate approaches and results with others
and to:
• suggest possible answers, given a question that can be addressed by
statistical methods
• decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and possible sources
• design and use a data collection sheet or questionnaire
• construct frequency tables for gathering discrete data, grouped where
appropriate in equal class intervals
• construct, on paper and using ICT, and interpret graphs and diagrams to
represent data, including:
– bar-line graphs
– frequency diagrams for grouped discrete data
– simple pie charts.
15 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Statistics 4:
Enquiry 2
(5 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• solve a problem by collecting, organising and
• identify the necessary information to simplify a problem
interpreting data from a simple survey or
Solving problems
• construct and interpret simple bar charts, line
graphs and frequency tables
• find simple statistics for a set of data.
• draw accurate tables, diagrams and graphs, on paper and on screen
• interpret information from a mathematical representation
• draw simple conclusions and explain reasoning
• relate findings to the original context
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
• discuss, compare and evaluate approaches and results with others
and to:
• suggest possible answers, given a question that can be addressed by
statistical methods
• design and use a data collection sheet or questionnaire
• construct frequency tables for discrete data, grouped where appropriate
in equal class intervals
• construct and interpret bar-line graphs and frequency diagrams for
grouped discrete data, on paper and using ICT
• find the mode, median and range, and the modal class for grouped data,
and calculate the mean, including from a simple frequency table
• compare two simple distributions, using the range and one of the mode or
modal class, median or mean
• write a short report of a statistical enquiry, including appropriate diagrams,
graphs and charts, using ICT as appropriate.
Statistics 5:
Probability 2
(3 hours)
Before they start, pupils should be able to:
In this unit, pupils learn to:
• discuss events, including those with equally likely
• interpret information from a mathematical representation or context
outcomes, using the language of probability
• find the probabilities of events based on equally
likely outcomes in simple contexts.
• draw accurate tables, diagrams and graphs on paper and on screen
• generalise in simple cases by working logically
• discuss and compare approaches and results with others
• explain and justify methods and conclusions
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
and to:
• identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event.
• understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1
• find and justify probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple
• estimate probabilities by collecting data from a simple experiment and
recording in a frequency table
• compare experimental and theoretical probabilities in simple contexts.
16 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)
Revision 1 and 2 - here are the process objectives
Previous learning
Objectives based on NC levels 4 and 5
Pupils should already be able to apply and use
In this unit, pupils consolidate their ability to:
many of the skills shown on the right. This unit
• identify the necessary information to understand or simplify a context or problem
offers is an opportunity to consolidate and refine
these skills.
• use appropriate procedures and tools
• calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or a calculator as appropriate
• manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations, and apply routine algorithms
• draw accurate mathematical diagrams and graphs
• check the accuracy of solutions, relating them to the original context
• communicate own findings effectively, orally and in writing
• discuss, compare and evaluate approaches and results with others
• recognise equivalent approaches
• take account of feedback and learn from mistakes
and to:
content objectives are as in the unit
17 | Exploring mathematics | Tier 3 (green)