Year 9 equipment list - Unit 3H: Using chemistry (DOC, 95 KB)

Technicians’ lists of equipment
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Catalyst 3, Unit H: Using
Lesson H2: Energy from reactions
Starter activities
Capture interest (2)
 ammeter
 400 cm3 beaker
 copper rod
 lamp
 porous pot
 rheostat
 switch
 voltmeter
 zinc rod
 copper sulphate solution
Main activities
H2a Measuring energy changes
For each group
 polystyrene cup
 polystyrene lid
 –10 to 50°C thermometer
 250 cm3 beaker
 50 cm3 measuring cylinder
 fine iron filings
 magnesium powder
 zinc powder
 copper sulphate solution
The copper sulphate solution should be 0.4 mol/dm3.
Iron filings must be as fine as possible.
Plenary activities
Looking ahead
 mol/dm3 barium nitrate solution
 mol/dm3 sodium sulphate solution
 four boiling tubes
 stand for boiling tubes
 three filter funnels, each with filter paper
 dropping pipette
This list is in Microsoft Word, so it can be customised to fit each school’s requirements.
Technicians’ lists of equipment
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Catalyst 3, Unit H: Using
Lesson H3: Reactions in balance
Starter activities
Problem solving
 1 mol/dm3 barium nitrate solution
 1 mol/dm3 sodium sulphate solution
 2 × 100 cm3 beakers
 top pan balance
Capture interest
 magnesium ribbon
 tongs
 Bunsen burner
 heatproof mat
 watch glass
Main activities
H3a What happens to the mass?
For each group:
 six test tubes
 250 cm3 beaker
 –10 to 50°C thermometer
 sodium sulphate solution
 barium nitrate solution
 citric acid solution
 potassium hydroxide solution
 hydrochloric acid
 sodium hydroxide solution
 phenolphthalein solution
 access to a top pan balance
Normal bench concentrations of reagents may be used (1.0 mol/dm3).
H3b Burning magnesium
For each group:
 magnesium ribbon
 Bunsen burner
 crucible and lid
 heatproof mat
 pipe clay triangle
 tongs
 tripod
This list is in Microsoft Word, so it can be customised to fit each school’s requirements.
Technicians’ lists of equipment
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Catalyst 3, Unit H: Using
access to a top pan balance
Lesson H4: The story of burning
Starter activities
Concrete preparation (1)
 trough
 400 cm3 beaker
 half Petri dish
 candle (about 3 cm high)
Concrete preparation (2)
 candle
 top pan balance
 heatproof mat
Main activities
H4a Combustion of a candle
For the demonstration:
 candle
 glass filter funnel
 U-tube
 side arm tube
 glass connecting tubes
 limewater
 ice
 anhydrous copper sulphate
This list is in Microsoft Word, so it can be customised to fit each school’s requirements.