Welcome to the SMT presentation for Go Science! Welcome Welcome to to the the SMT SMT presentation presentation We understand that you may need to speak to you senior management team in order to bid for funds to purchase Go Science! and hope that this presentation will support your dialogue. The presentation is customisable so you can tailor it to suit your requirements, either by editing the text or deleting any irrelevant slides. Where appropriate, we have also provided you with notes to accompany the presentation in case you need further information to explain certain points. Please note that the pricing slide at the end of this presentation will need to be filled in by you once you have received a bespoke quote from your sales consultant. Alternatively, you can simply delete this slide from your presentation if you wish. Please contact your local sales consultant should you require any further information about Go Science! and to find the best deal for you and your school. INTRODUCTORY SLIDE – PLEASE READ THEN DELETE Science for Key Stage 3 A new curriculum from 2008 Key changes to Science at Key Stage 3: A shift towards 'How Science Works'. Developing scientific skills and personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS). A focus on personalisation - a curriculum to enable each pupil to reach his/her potential. These changes are very exciting and are entirely different from anything offered before! Why I would recommend Go Science! Heinemann is the UK's largest educational publisher for primary, secondary, vocational and FE sectors Recognised for the quality of the products it publishes, reflecting up-to-date learning techniques and embracing the latest technology. Recently acquired by the Pearson group, the world's biggest educational publisher. A track record of working closely with QCA and National Strategy team to ensure that schools are provided with timely materials to support curriculum change. Undertakes an extensive trialling programme for all new products with teachers and students before full launch. This ensures that new courses such as Go Science! fully meet customer needs. Go Science! Motivation, Progression, Success Go Science! Will deliver the new KS3 Programme of Study with emphasis on motivation, progression and success Go Science! Course Structure Year 7 Pupil Book Teacher Planning and Resource Pack Online Assessment with editable CD-ROM Year 8 Pupil Book Teacher Planning and Resource Pack Online Assessment with editable CD-ROM Assessing Pupils’ Progress Teacher Pack with editable CD-ROM Year 9 Pupil Book Teacher Planning and Resource Pack with editable CD-ROM LiveText CD-ROM with 35 Pupil LiveText CD-ROMs Online Assessment Video Gallery Pupil Book Stimulating photos and content explain 'How Science Works' and help make Science relevant to pupils' everyday lives. Best Science Lessons Ever' pages have been chosen by well-known scientist Jonathan Hare to really engage pupils and make science memorable. Teacher Pack - Lesson Guide Lesson objectives are levelled to aid progression. The 'How Science Works' aspects of the lesson are highlighted for quick teacher reference. Suggested Starters, Main Activities and Plenaries suit all abilities and provide opportunities to track pupils' progress. Teacher Pack - Practical Activity Sheet and Technician Notes 'How Science Works' skills to look out for are highlighted, so teachers can be confident they're covering them. Clear, easy-to-use activities encourage pupils to work like a real scientist and help them to develop the process skills of 'How Science Works'. LiveText: LiveText is an exciting new interactive tool which brings science lessons to life. Not only does it provide lots of engaging activities, it will also spark whole-class discussion and increase motivation. A CD-ROM for teachers containing all the teacher resources, pupil book and additional activities and questions. A CD-ROM for pupils containing the pupil book, plus additional questions and activities, which pupils can take home. View LiveText Click here to view a LiveText demonstration Go Science! Online Assessment:: A unique online resource to revolutionise teachers' and pupils' ability to track and monitor pupil progress. Gives levelled feedback on individual or class progress – helping to provide key information for parents and senior management reports. Provides individual feedback to pupils so they know what they need to work on in order to improve. Helps teachers to understand and address barriers to learning. Go Science! Online Assessment gives us personalisation, progress, results – and more! Online Assessment Summative and diagnostic testing gives you the ability to track progress against targets and diagnose barriers to learning. Media-rich questions keep pupils engaged. Online Assessment Gives individual feedback to pupis so they know what they need to do in order to progress. Gives levelled feedback on individual or class progress from tests to help you with reporting. 3 good reasons why is the right choice for us: Most imaginative and relevant materials for How Science Works Most powerful suite of assessment for learning tools Brings fun back to science Best science lessons ever! 3 good reasons why our pupils will enjoy using Everything looks great, lots of variety, fun … and their own version of LiveText to explore at home! Learning set at the right level to challenge each pupil to progress Pupils really understand how they are progressing and what to do next Go Science! *PLEASE NOTE Motivation, Progression, Success How Much Will It Cost? Year 7, 8, 9 Pupil Book £11.99 Teacher Planning and Resource Pack with editable CD-ROM £89.99 Teacher LiveText CD-ROM plus 35 FREE pupil CDs £400.00 (+VAT) Pupil LiveText CD-ROM £35.00 (+VAT) Online Assessment £250.00 Assessing Pupils’ Progress £250.00 (+VAT) Teacher Pack with CD-ROM (covers Years 7-9) Video Gallery online subscription (covers Years 7-9) * Prices provisional until publication. £150.00 (+VAT) If you haven't already spoken to your local sales consultant, you may want to contact her/him for a bespoke quote and to find out what is the best deal for you and you school. You can then modify this slide accordingly.