NHM Matching Chart Year 5 Autumn Term (DOC, 206 KB)

NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Read and write whole numbers in
figures and in words, and know
what each digit represents
TF 39-41
Pupil Activities TF 41
1 Pupil Sheets 4 Sequences using 5and 6- digit numbers
3 Pupil Sheet 6 Sequences using 7and 8-digit numbers
Day 2
Use the language of comparing and
ordering numbers including the
symbols <, >, ,  and =
Give one or more numbers lying
between two others
Develop calculator skills and use a
calculator effectively
TF 48-49
Day 3
Multiply and divide any positive
whole number up to 10 000 by 10
or 100 and understand the effect
Develop calculator skills and use a
calculator effectively
Pupil Activities TF 49-50
2 Ordering 7-digit numbers
Resource Sheet 37
Pupil Activities TF 133-134
1 Multiplication game
Day 4
Day 5
TF 132-134
TF 168-169
Textbook page 35 TF 135
Textbook page 7 TF 52
Textbook page 49 TF 171
Textbook page 3 TF 42
Pupil Activities TF 41
1 Pupil Sheets 4 Sequences using 5and 6- digit numbers
Pupil Activities TF 49-50
1 Ordering 7-digit numbers
Resource Sheet 37
If there are pupils who will struggle
with numbers of this size, use Pupil
Sheet 5 to give further practice of
sequences to 10 000.
Pupil Activities TF 41
4 Pupil Sheet 5 Template
Provide a mixture of sequences
using 5, 6, 7 and 8-digit numbers
and a variety of step sizes.
Pupil Activities TF 49-50
3 Inequality cards
Resource Sheet 37
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
Pupil Activities TF 133-134
1 Multiplication game
Prepare a set of answer cards to
each question. Place the cards face
up on the table. Ask pupils to work
in pairs to match up questions and
Textbook page 49 TF 171
Work with the pupils as a group
before they do the page
independently. For q3, 6 and 9
discuss what multiplication fact
they will use to solve each question.
Write these facts on the board to
support pupils.
Pupil Activities TF 133-134
2 Find my number
Textbook page 49 TF 171
Tell pupils that labels are priced at
3p per letter. Ask them to find the
cost of a label for each of the
people on the page. Ask them to
find the cost of a label for their own
address. How much would 100
labels cost?
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Solve problems involving numbers
based on measures using one or
more steps
Explain methods and reasoning
Choose and use appropriate number
operations to solve problems
Day 2
Read the time on a 24-hour clock
Day 3
Read the time on a 24-hour clock
Choose and use number operations
to solve problems. Use all four
operations to solve simple word
problems, involving numbers and
quantities based on time using one
or more steps
Explain methods and reasoning
Day 4
Suggest suitable units and
measuring equipment to estimate or
measure length
Day 5
Record estimates and measurements
from scales to a suitable degree of
TF 303-304
TF 289-291
TF 289-291
TF 304
TF 311-313
Pupil Activity 1 TF 304
1 Metre/kilometre card game
Pupil Activities TF 291
1 Time card game
2 Digital clock game
Pupil Activities TF 291
3 Pupil Sheet 55 Template
4 Time card game
Textbook page 93
Textbook page 85
Textbook page 86
Pupil Activities TF 313
1 Pupil Sheet 60
Scales with 10g, 20g and 50g
1 Pupil Sheet 61
Scales with 100g and 50g divisions,
Pupil Activity 1 TF 304
1 Metre/kilometre card game
Give pupils just two of the sets of
cards at a time, e.g. the m and km.
Ask them to work in pairs to find
matching cards.
Pupil Activities TF 291
1 Time card game
Pupil Activities TF 291
2 Digital clock game
Pupil Activity 1 TF 304
1 Metre/kilometre card game
Provide pupils with the distance
chart from a road atlas. Ask them to
pick two cities and find the distance
between them in km. They could
then convert the distance to m.
Pupil Activities TF 291
1 Time card game
Ask pupils to lay the shuffled cards
face down and play a Pelmanism
2 Digital clock game
Textbook pages 92
Textbook page 93
Textbook page 95 TF 317
Pupil Activities TF 313
2 Labelled containers
Ask pupils to complete q1
and 2 only
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
Pupil Activities TF 291
4 Time card game
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing a mixture of 24-hour times
and 12-hour times to order.
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Textbook page 93
Ask children to make a chart of
things they would measure in mm,
cm, m and km
Pupil Activities TF 313
2 Labelled containers
Before the children use the scales
ask them to estimate how much
sand/cubes are needed in each
container. Ask them to use the
scales to see how close they were
and fill the containers accurately.
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Find the difference between two
integers by counting up through 10,
100, 1000
Day 2
Partition into H, T and U, adding
the most significant digit first
Use informal pencil and paper
methods to support, record or
explain additions
Extend written methods to column
addition of two integers less than 10
TF 118
TF 85
Day 3
Partition into H, T and U,
subtracting the most significant
digit first
Use informal pencil and paper
methods to support, record or
explain subtractions
Extend written methods to column
subtraction of two integers less than
10 000
Check with the inverse operation
TF 120-122
Textbook page 32 TF 119
Textbook page 20 TF86
Textbook pages 33 TF 123-124
Textbook page 32 TF 119
Before the pupils start read through
the questions as a group and
discuss what calculations are
required in q1, 2 and 4. Allow
pupils to draw number lines to find
their answers.
Textbook page 20 TF86
Ask pupils to work as pairs and
write down the calculations they
think should be carried out in each
question avoiding finding the
answer. Discuss and check their
ideas then ask them to find the
answers together discussing the
best strategies to use in each case.
Textbook pages 33 TF 123-124
Work with the pupils as a group
and decide the calculations
required to answer q1 and 3. Ask
pupils to write down the
calculations and then ask them to
work out the answers independently
using an extended method if
Textbook page 32 TF 119
Provide pupils with two sets of
cards, one showing four digit
numbers slightly over a multiple of
1000, the other four digit numbers
slightly less than a multiple of 1000.
For examples of numbers to use see
Follow-up on TF 119. Pupils take it
in turns to select a card from each
set and find the difference
explaining their strategy to their
Textbook page 20 TF86
For each week, ask pupils to find
out how much was spent by the
three snack bars in total on
Textbook pages 33 TF 123-124
Ask pupils to make up their own
word problems involving
subtraction of two integers less than
10 000. Swap with a partner to
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Day 4
Choose and use appropriate number
operations to solve problems
Day 5
Explain methods and reasoning
Extend written methods to column
+/- of 2 integers less than 10 000
Check calculations using inverse
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Recognise and extend number
sequences formed by counting from
any number in steps of constant
size, extending beyond zero when
counting back
Day 2
Recognise and extend number
sequences formed by counting from
any number in steps of constant
size, extending beyond zero when
counting back
Solve mathematical problems or
puzzles, recognise and explain
patterns and relationships,
generalise and predict
TF 261-263
TF 261-263
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
1 Number sequences
2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns
3 Pupil Sheets 49 Patterns
Ask pupils to make up their own
patterns then ask similar questions
about circles further on in the
Textbook page 79 TF 267
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
1 Number sequences
2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns
Textbook page 79 TF 267
After Pupils have completed q1 Ask
them to generate similar sequences
using a calculator. Each time they
must write down the rule they chose
to follow and the first six numbers
in their sequence. When they have
had further practice look at q2-5 as
a group and discuss them orally.
Pupil Activities TF 262-263
2 Pupil Sheets 48 Grid patterns
Ask pupils to think of their own
patterns to explore in the grids. Ask
them to explain what they chose to
look at and what they found.
3 Pupil Sheets 49 Patterns
4 Pupil Sheets 50
Odd and even numbers
Day 3
Know squares of numbers to at
least 10 x10
Solve mathematical problems or
puzzles, recognise relationships,
generalise and predict
Day 4
Know how to find all the pairs of
factors of any number up to 100
Solve mathematical problems or
puzzles, recognise and explain
patterns and relationships,
generalise and predict
TF 269
TF 265
Day 5
Solve mathematical problems or
puzzles, recognise and explain
patterns and relationships,
generalise and predict
Textbook page 81 TF 268
Textbook page 79 TF 267
Ask pupils to create their own
sequences each with one incorrect
term in them. Swap with a partner
who must find the incorrect term
and the rule for the sequence.
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
Textbook page 81 TF 268
Extension Textbook p E11 TF 269
Provide pupils with a multiplication
table to support them in q1 and 2.
For q3 Provide a copy of the Venn
diagram and a set of 1-20 cards.
Ask them to place the cards into the
correct parts of the Venn diagram.
Textbook page 81 TF 268
Extension Textbook page
E12 TF 269-270
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Use doubling or halving, starting
from known facts
Understand and use the principle of
the associative law
Day 2
Use doubling or halving, starting
from known facts
Day 3
Use informal pencil and paper
methods to support, record or
explain multiplications
Approximate first
Day 4
Explain written methods of
multiplication of U.t x U
Approximate first
Day 5
Extend written methods to
multiplication of HTU x U and U.t
Approximate first
TF 145-146
TF 173-175
TF 151-152
TF 228
TF 152-153
Pupil Activity TF 146
2 Pupil Sheet 21
By halving an even number, then
Pupil Activities TF 175
1 Pupil Sheet 28 Halving
2 Pupil Sheet 29 Halving
Pupil Activity TF 152
1 Pupil Sheet 22
A three-digit number by a single
digit, ‘cross’ method
Textbook page 69 TF 229
Pupil Activity TF 153
1 Pupil Sheet 23
A three-digit number by a single
digit, expanded → standard
Textbook p42 TF 149
Pupil Activity TF 146
2 Pupil Sheet 21
By halving an even number, then
Work with the pupils as a group
and discuss how each question will
be turned into a simpler calculation
before pupils find the answers
Pupil Activities TF 175
2 Pupil Sheet 29 Halving
Pupil Activity TF 152
1 Pupil Sheet 22
A three-digit number by a single
digit, ‘cross’ method
Work with the pupils as a group
and complete the grid section of q37. Ask them to complete the
questions independently.
Textbook page 69 TF 229
Provide pupils with a table square
to help them in their calculations.
For q2 and 3 remind the pupils to
multiply the units and tenths
separately then add the answers.
Pupil Activity TF 146
2 Pupil Sheet 21
By halving an even number, then
Provide pupils with a set of 10 –
100 cards. Ask them to work in
pairs and take it in turns to select
two cards. They must find the
product of their numbers explaining
their strategy to their partner.
Pupil Activities TF 175
1 Pupil Sheet 28 Halving
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
cards showing three- and four-digit
even numbers. Ask them to take it in
turns to pick a card and halve the
number explaining their method to
their partner.
Pupil Activity TF 152
1 Pupil Sheet 22
A three-digit number by a single
digit, ‘cross’ method
Ask pupils to decide whether the
method would work for multiplying
four digit numbers or larger. Ask
them to explain why they are sure it
would work, giving examples of
calculations to prove their thinking.
Textbook page 69 TF 229
Extension Textbook page E8
TF 231
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Textbook page 44 TF 156
Pupil Activity TF 153
1 Pupil Sheet 23
A three-digit number by a single
digit, expanded → standard
Put the questions on the board and
allow pupils to continue using the
informal ‘cross’ method to find the
Pupil Activity TF 153
1 Pupil Sheet 23
A three-digit number by a single
digit, expanded → standard
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
three- and four-digit number cards,
a 0-9 die and a calculator. Ask
them to take it in turns to select a
number and roll the die to see what
the number must be multiplied by.
They must find the answer using a
method of their choice whilst their
partner finds the answer using the
calculator. Who is fastest?
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Use informal pencil and paper
methods to divide, TU by U and
HTU by U
Day 2
Approximate first
Extend written methods to short
division of HTU by U
Estimate by approximating then
check results
Day 3
Use informal pencil and paper
methods to support, record or
explain divisions
Extend written methods to HTU 
Choose and use appropriate ways of
calculating mental, mental with
jottings, written methods
Day 4
Develop calculator skills and use a
calculator effectively
Choose and use appropriate number
operations to solve word problems
Check with the inverse operation
when using a calculator
TF 179
TF 180-181
TF 182
TF 180-181
TF 182
TF 239
Pupil Activity TF 179
1 Division of three-digit numbers
by single-digits
Textbook pages 53-54 TF184
Textbook page 74 TF 239
Pupil Activity TF 179
1 Division of three-digit numbers
by single-digits
Provide pupils with a tables square
to support them in their
Pupil Activities TF 181
1 Pupil Sheet 33
By 2–9, three-digit quotients
2 Pupil Sheet 34 Template
Textbook pages 53-54 TF 184
Pupil Activities TF 181
1 Pupil Sheet 33
By 2–9, three-digit quotients
Provide pupils with a tables square
to support them in their
Textbook pages 53-54 TF 184
Provide pupils with a tables square
to support them in their
Pupil Activity TF 179
1 Division of three-digit numbers
by single-digits
Provide pairs of pupils with two
sets of questions. Using a set each,
pupils must independently find the
answers. They must then swap their
questions and answers with their
partner who must check them using
Pupil Activities TF 181
2 Pupil Sheet 34 Template
Provide a mixture of questions on
the board including some involving
the division of a four-digit number
by a single digit number and some
which lead to remainders. Pupils
must set the questions out
Textbook pages 53-54 TF 184
Ask the children to choose an
appropriate method for each
calculation and decide how best to
record their workings
Textbook page 74 TF 239
Discuss the questions with the
children as a group and decide
what calculations are required to
answer each question. Ask the
pupils to then work in pairs to find
the answers, deciding together on
the buttons to press on the
Textbook page 74 TF 239
Extension Textbook page E9
TF 243
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Day 5
Use all four operations to solve
simple word problems involving
numbers and quantities
Choose and use appropriate number
operations to solve problems, and
appropriate ways of calculating:
mental, mental with jottings,
written methods and calculator
Develop calculator skills and use a
calculator effectively
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Use fraction notation including
mixed numbers and the vocabulary
numerator and denominator
Change an improper fraction to a
mixed number
Day 2
Change an improper fraction to a
mixed number and vice versa
Day 3
Recognise when two simple
fractions are equivalent
Day 4
Recognise equivalence between
tenths and hundredths. Order tenths
and hundredths.
Day 5
Order a set of fractions such as 2, 2
3/4 , 1 ¾, 1 ½ and position them on
a number line
TF 194-196
TF 194-196
TF 197-199
TF 197-199
TF 199-201
Pupil Activities TF 195-196
1 Modelling proper and improper
2 Pupil Sheet 37
Mixed numbers and improper
Textbook page 56 TF 201
Write some fractions on the board,
e.g. 2/3 3/10
For each fraction, ask pupils to give
three equivalent fractions.
Textbook page 58 TF 201
Pupil Activities TF 195-196
1 Modelling proper and improper
Textbook page 56 TF 201
Provide pupils with a tables square
for support
Pupil Activity TF 199
1 Pupil Sheet 39
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
cards showing tenths and
hundredths fractions they are
familiar with and a set of cards
showing < , > and =. Ask them to
take it in turns to pick two fraction
cards. They must then choose a
comparison card and lay the three
cards out to make a correct
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
cards showing tenths and
hundredths fractions they are
comfortable with and a set of cards
showing < , > and =. Ask them to
take it in turns to pick two fraction
cards. They must then choose a
comparison card and lay the three
cards out to make a correct
statement. Provide pupils with the
equivalent fractions chart for
Pupil Activities TF 195-196
2 Pupil Sheet 37
Mixed numbers and improper
Use Pupil Sheet 27 to make a set of
dominoes of proper and improper
fractions for pupils to play with.
Textbook page 56 TF 201
Ask pupils to make two sets of
cards, one showing mixed numbers
and the other the equivalent
improper fractions. They can use
the cards to play games of snap and
Ask pupils to design a poster
explaining equivalent fractions to
an alien. They could use examples
of equivalent fractions and
strategies for finding them.
Provide pupils with a set of cards
showing tenths and hundredths
fractions they are familiar with less
than 5 and a blank 0-5 number line.
Ask them to work in pairs and take
it in turns to pick a card and label
its position on the number line.
Textbook page 58 TF 201
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
fraction cards and a set of cards
showing < , > and =. Ask them to
take it in turns to pick two fraction
cards. They must then choose a
comparison card and lay the three
cards out to make a correct
Textbook page 57 TF 201
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Textbook page 58 TF 201
Provide pupils with the equivalent
fractions chart (Resource Sheet 38)
for support.
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Use decimal notation for tenths and
Know what each digit represents in
numbers with up to two decimal
Relate fractions to their decimal
Develop calculator skills and use a
calculator effectively
TF 219-221
Day 2
Use decimal notation for tenths and
Know what each digit represents in
numbers with up to two decimal
Relate simple fractions to their
decimal representation
Develop calculator skills and use a
calculator effectively
TF 233-234
Day 3
Begin to understand percentage as
the number of parts in every
Day 4
Solve simple problems using ideas
of ratio
Day 5
Solve simple problems using ideas
of ratio and proportion
TF 247-250
TF 142
TF 142
Pupil Activities TF 221-222
1 Playing snap with decimals
2 Decimal dice games
Pupil Activities TF 234
1 Pupil Sheets 43
2 Pupil Sheet 44
Hundredths, concept
Pupil Activities TF 249
1 Colouring in cubes
Ask pupils to make their own strips
using cubes of different colours and
record the percentage of the strip
which is each colour.
Textbook p39 TF 142
Textbook p39 TF 142
Pupil Activities TF 249
4 Pupil Sheet 45 Concept
5 Pupil Sheet 46 Template
Textbook p39 TF 142
Provide pupils with practical
resources (e.g. cubes) to model
each problem
Textbook p39 TF 142
Provide pupils with practical
resources (e.g. cubes) to model
each problem
Pupil Activities TF 249
2 Percentage pelmanism
3 Card game
Textbook p39 TF 142
Ask pupils to make up their own
ratio problems. Swap with a
partner to solve
Textbook p39 TF 142
Ask pupils to make up their own
ratio problems. Swap with a
partner to solve
Textbook p62 TF 229
Pupil Activities TF 221-222
4 Pupil Sheet 41
Tenths, place value
1 Playing snap with decimals
Pupil Activities TF 221-222
1 Playing snap with decimals
2 Decimal dice games
3 Writing decimals
Textbook page 70 TF 237
Pupil Activities TF 234
1 Pupil Sheets 43
Pupil Activities TF 234
2 Pupil Sheet 44
Hundredths, concept
Provide pupils with a set of cards
made up of matching pairs of
numbers shown in fraction form
and decimal fraction form, e.g.
23.56 and 23 56/100. Pupils can use
the cards to play pelmanism.
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Solve a problem by collecting,
organising, representing, extracting
and interpreting data in tables,
graphs and charts
Day 2
Discuss the chance of likelihood of
particular events in the future
Day 3
Solve a problem by representing
and interpreting data in bar line
Day 4
Find the mode of a set of data
Day 5
Find the mode of a set of data.
Begin to find the range of a set of
TF 377-378
TF 387-389
TF 377-378
TF 380-381
TF 380-381
Textbook page 119 TF 382
Textbook page 123 TF 389
Textbook page 120 TF 382
Pupil Activity TF 381
1 Pupil Sheet 72
Organising and interpreting
Textbook page 119 TF 382
Work with the pupils as a group
and discuss how the bar chart in q4
should be drawn. Before working
independently ensure each child
has drawn and labelled the axes
correctly and understands the scale
they are going to use.
Textbook page 123 TF 389
Give each pair of children a set of
cards showing the events given on
the page and a likelihood line
labelled with the terms. Ask them to
decide together where to place each
event on the line.
Textbook page 120 TF 382
Work with the pupils as a group
and discuss how the bar line chart
in q5 should be drawn. Before
working independently ensure each
child has drawn and labelled the
axes correctly and understands the
scale they are going to use.
Pupil Activity TF 381
1 Pupil Sheet 72
Organising and interpreting
Ask pupils to work in pairs to
complete the tally chart, taking it in
turns to count the letters in a name,
enter it on the chart and cross out
the name.
Textbook page 119 TF 382
Ask pupils to make up some
questions that could be answered
using the bar chart. Swap with
partners to answer.
Textbook page 123 TF 389
Ask pupils to make up two
statements of their own for each
category of chance.
Textbook page 120 TF 382
Ask pupils to make up some
questions that could be answered
using the bar line chart. Swap with
partners to answer.
Pupil Activity TF 381
1 Pupil Sheet 72
Organising and interpreting
Ask pupils to carry out a similar
survey of girls’ names in their class.
Textbook page 122 TF 382
Ask pupils to carry out a study of
the names of children in the class
and design a poster showing the
information they discover. They
may choose to look at first names,
middle names or surnames. They
might consider the number of letters
in a name or the letter a name
starts with. Their posters could
include tables of information,
charts and facts such as modes and
Textbook page 122 TF 382
Ask pupils to carry out a study of
the names of children in the class
and design a poster showing the
information they discover. They
may choose to look at first names,
middle names or surnames. They
might consider the number of letters
in a name or the letter a name
starts with. Their posters could
include tables of information,
charts and facts such as modes and
Textbook page 122 TF 382
Ask pupils to carry out a study of
the names of children in the class
and design a poster showing the
information they discover. They
may choose to look at first names,
middle names or surnames. They
might consider the number of letters
in a name or the letter a name
starts with. Their posters could
include tables of information,
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
charts and facts such as modes and
Day 1
To solve a problem by representing
and interpreting data and tables
Day 2
Begin to select the correct key
sequence to carry out a calculation
involving more than one step
Day 3
Solve problems by representing and
interpreting data in tables and charts
TF 380-381
TF 377-378
Pupil Activity TF 381
1 Pupil Sheet 72
Organising and interpreting
Textbook page 119 TF 382
Pupil Activity TF 381
1 Pupil Sheet 72
Organising and interpreting
Ask pupils to work in pairs to
complete the tally chart, taking it in
turns to count the letters in a name,
enter it on the chart and cross out
the name.
Pupil Activity TF 381
1 Pupil Sheet 72
Organising and interpreting
Ask pupils to carry out a similar
survey of girls’ names in their class.
Textbook page 119 TF 382
Work with the pupils as a group
and discuss how the bar chart in q4
should be drawn. Before working
independently ensure each child
has drawn and labelled the axes
correctly and understands the scale
they are going to use.
Textbook page 119 TF 382
Ask pupils to make up some
questions that could be answered
using the bar chart. Swap with
partners to answer.
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Day 4
Day 5
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
Recognise properties of rectangles
Understand the term bisect
Explain method and reasoning
Day 2
Classify triangles (isosceles,
equilateral, scalene) using criteria
such as equal sides and angles, lines
of symmetry
Day 3
Solve mathematical problems and
Explain method and reasoning
Introduce diagonals of polygons
Day 4
Recognise positions and directions:
read and plot co-ordinates in the
first quadrant
Make shapes with increasing
TF 334-335
TF 336-337
TF 334-335
TF 357
Textbook page 105 TF 337
Pupil Activities TF 337
1 Making triangles
3 Making triangles
Resource Sheet 48
Pupil Activity TF 335
1 Pupil Sheet 64
Pupil Activity TF 357
1 Pupil Sheet 69
Textbook page 112 TF 369
Textbook page 105 TF 337
Make large copies of the shapes on
the page. Work with the pupils as a
group to describe each one in terms
of its sides, angles and diagonals.
Ask pupils to work in pairs to try
and find which shapes fit the
Pupil Activity TF 335
1 Pupil Sheet 64
On the sheet highlight the vertices
on each shape with a coloured
marker and remind pupils all
diagonals must join up vertices so
must start and end at a coloured
Pupil Activity TF 357
1 Pupil Sheet 69
Provide pupils with sheets giving a
separate set of axes for each shape
to be drawn.
Textbook page 112 TF 369
Provide pupils with squared paper.
Ask them to copy the axes and lines
onto the paper and draw in the
missing sides of the shapes or, in
q2, the parallel lines. They can then
read off the coordinates required.
Textbook page 105 TF 337
Ask pupils to make up some other
descriptions for shapes and swap
with a partner to draw shapes that
match them.
Pupil Activity TF 335
1 Pupil Sheet 64
Provide pairs of pupils with a set of
other 2D shapes. For each one ask
them to say how many diagonals
there are without drawing them.
They can then check their answer
by drawing.
Pupil Activity TF 357
1 Pupil Sheet 69
Ask pupils to write their own lists of
coordinates which if followed
would make a shape. Swap with a
partner who has to follow the
instructions to draw the shape.
Textbook page 112 TF 369
On squared paper ask pupils to
draw a set of axes and a simple
picture, e.g. a robot face. They must
then record all the coordinates that
are at a vertex of the picture. Swap
the coordinates with a partner who
must follow them to recreate the
Textbook page 106 TF 338
Pupil Activities TF 337
2 Pupil Sheet 65 Triangles
Copy the sheet onto card and cut
out the triangles or provide pupils
with a mixture of readymade
triangles. Put flashcards on the
table labelled equilateral, isosceles,
right-angled and scalene. Ask
pupils to work in pairs and place
each triangle next to the right card.
Pupil Activities TF 337
1 Making triangles
3 Making triangles
Resource Sheet 48
Is there a way of knowing that all
the triangles possible have been
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Day 5
Recognise positions and directions:
read and plot co-ordinates in the
first quadrant
Solve mathematical problems and
Explain method and reasoning
TF 358-359
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NHM & the Unit Plans Matching Chart
Day 1
To use, read and write standard
metric units of length, including
their abbreviations and relationships
between them
To convert larger to smaller units of
To know imperial units (mile)
Day 2
Estimate, measure and draw lines to
the nearest mm
Day 3
Understand, measure and calculate
perimeter of polygons
Express the formula for the
perimeter of a rectangle as ‘twice
length, twice breadth’
TF 303-304
TF 303
TF 304-305
Pupil Activity 1 TF 304
1 Metre/kilometre card game
Textbook page 91 TF 306
Pupil Activities TF 305
1 Pupil Sheet 58
Textbook page 94 TF 307
Textbook page 91 TF 306
Before doing the page give pupils
two sets of cards, one showing
measurements in cm, e.g. 16 ½ cm
and the other as mm, e.g. 165mm.
Ask pupils to spread the cards out
face up on the table and work in
pairs to find matching cards.
Textbook page 91 TF 306
Ask pupils to find items in the
classroom that it would be sensible
to measure in mm. Ask them to
estimate then measure these items.
Pupil Activities TF 305
1 Pupil Sheet 58
Work with pupils as a group and
measure and label each section of
each shape. Ask them to then work
in pairs to find the perimeters.
Textbook page 94 TF 307
Discuss each shape with the pupils
as a group and decide which
calculations are needed to find the
perimeter. Then ask the pupils to
work in pairs to find the
Pupil Activities TF 305
1 Pupil Sheet 58
Ask pupils to draw some irregular
shapes and swap with a partner to
find the perimeter
Textbook page 94 TF 307
Ask the children to find the
perimeter of various objects in the
room, e.g. the door, a desktop, etc.
The children must choose
appropriate measuring instruments
and make as few measurements as
Day 4
Understand, measure and calculate
perimeter of rectangles and regular
Measure lines to the nearest
Use, read and write standard metric
units of length, including
abbreviations and relationships
TF 304-305
Day 5
Use knowledge of perimeter and
area to investigate and solve a given
Explain methods and reasoning
Textbook pages 92-93 TF 306
Pupil Activity 1 TF 304
1 Metre/kilometre card game
Give pupils just two of the sets of
cards at a time, e.g. the m and km.
Ask them to work in pairs to find
matching cards.
Pupil Activity 1 TF 304
1 Metre/kilometre card game
Provide pupils with the distance
chart from a road atlas. Ask them to
pick two cities and find the distance
between them in km. They could
then convert the distance to m.
NHM Unit Plans Matching Chart – Written by Stef Sullivan
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Extension Textbook page E13 TF
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