SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2–3 responding Speaking AT2/1–2 Reading and AT3/1, 3 responding Writing AT4/1–4 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Unit 1 pp54-55 Sport Activity no. Asking a friend which sports he / she likes. Saying which sports you like. Reinforcement: 7W1 (Everyday words); 7S5 (Basic negatives); 7L3 (Gist and detail). Starter 1: Sports categories, Framework Pack p.67 (Categorising sportspairwork) Starter 2: Word snakes, Framework Pack p.67 (Copying and punctuating sentences accurately – OHT 32) (Framework Pack p.68) Asking and answering questions about sports and opinions (throw-and-catch game). inversion (Ich finde X ... . or X finde ich … .) word order (verb as second idea) 2.1d work out meaning 1a 4d make links with English 1a 2.2k deal with unfamiliar language 1a 2.2e ask and answer questions 3b 2.2a listen for gist / detail 4 2.2b skim and scan 5 3c apply grammar 6 2.1a identify patterns 6 2.2g write clearly and coherently 7 Personal and social life Identify names of sports and people's personal preferences 1b, 4 Name and express opinions about sports Understand short texts about different sports 2, 3b 1a, 5 Write about opinions of sports 3a, 6, 7 Tennis, Fußball, Schwimmen, Basketball, Rugby, Rollschuhlaufen, Radfahren, Angeln, Leichtathletik, Hockey, Tanzen Magst du [sport]? Ja, das mag ich. Nein, das mag ich nicht. Das ist O.K. Ich finde [sport] [adjective]. [sport] finde ich [adjective]. Text manipulation, TG p91 Word processing, TG p91 ICT Pack: activity 1, opinion phrases, sports activities Workbooks A & B, p. 31 Cassette B, side A or CD 2, track 10 R & A File: Arbeitsblatt 1, p58; Grammatik 5, p67 Flashcards 51–61: sports Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 1 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and AT3/2 responding Writing AT4/2–4 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Unit 2 pp56-57 Hobbys Activity no. Asking a friend about his / her hobbies. Talking about your hobbies. Reinforcement: 7W7 (Learning about words); 7L6 (Improving speech); 7T7 (Improving written work). Starter 3: Be a sport! Framework Pack p.68 (Writing sentences about sport using spielen – Worksheet 33) Starter 4: Right day, right sport, right attitude? Framework Pack p.68 (Saying what activities you do on different days of the week – OHT 34) (Framework Pack p.69) Making positive and negative statements about sports and hobbies – pupils test each other in groups of three. revision of present tense (regular and irregular verbs), including inversion (ich und du) revision of word order 2.2a listen for gist / detail 1b, 4 2.2e ask and answer questions 2 2.2g write clearly and coherently 3a, 8 2.2h redraft to improve writing 3b 3b sounds and writing 3b 3c apply grammar 5, 7 2.1a identify patterns 5, 7 2.1d work out meaning 6 2.2h redraft to improve writing 3b Personal and social life Understand short phrases about hobbies, match them with pictures Talk about own hobbies, ask friend about his/her hobbies Read, match and correct sentences about hobbies 1a, 1b, 4 2, 5 3b, 6 Write sentences about hobbies describing typical week 3a, 7, 8 Was machst du in deiner Freizeit? Ich spiele [sport] Klavier, am Computer. Ich gehe schwimmen. Ich fahre Rad. Ich tanze. Ich höre Musik. Ich sehe fern. Ich lese (Comics / Bücher). Ich faulenze. Ich besuche Freunde. Ich gehe ins Kino. Spielst du ...? Hörst du Musik? Am Sonntag gehe ich ins Kino. Das finde ich ... gut / O.K. / langweilig. Text manipulation, TG p92 ICT Pack: activity 2, week time activities, 1st person, days of week, opinion phrases ICT Pack: activity 3: leisure activities, opinion phrases Workbooks A & B, p32 Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 11 R & A File: Arbeitsblätter 2–3, pp59–60; Arbeitsblatt 5, p62 OHT 12A & 12B: leisure activities Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 2 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 3 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and AT3/4 responding Writing AT4/2 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Unit 3 pp58-59 Familienfreizeit Activity no. Asking what people like / dislike doing. Saying what people like / dislike doing. Reinforcement: 7S2 (Sentence gist); 7T3 (Checking before reading). Starter 5: Magst du das? Framework Pack p.69 (Expressing opiniosn about activities – OHT 34) Starter 6: Liebe Tante Gisela Framework Pack p.70 (Sorting first-and third-person verbs) (Framework Pack p.70) Consider the positioning of gern in the sentence verb + gern and mag + noun singular forms of present tense verbs 2.2b skim and scan 1a 3f compare experiences 1a 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2a 3c apply grammar 2b, 3 2.2e ask and answer questions 4 Personal and social life Understand what various people like doing 2a Ask and answer questions what you like / dislike doin 4 Understand longer text and answer questions about likes / dislikes 1a, 1b Describe what people like / dislike doing 2b, 3 Was macht deine Familie (nicht) gern? Mein Bruder / Meine Schwester sieht (nicht) gern fern. Er / Sie spielt (nicht) gern Fußball. Was machst du (nicht) gern? Ich spiele (nicht) gern Klavier / am Computer. Word processing, TG p95 ICT Pack: activity 4, personal details 1st person, animals, numbers 1 to 31, activities Workbooks A & B, pp32–34 Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 12 R & A File: Grammatik 1–4, pp63–66 OHT 12A & 12B: leisure activities Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 4 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and AT3/3 responding Writing AT4/4 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Unit 4 pp60-61 Brieffreunde Activity no. Understanding short texts about others. Finding out information about others. Reinforcement: 7S6 (Compound sentences); 7C4 (Stories and songs). Starter 7: Questions, questions , Framework Pack p.71 (Brainstorm question words and practise by conducting interviews) Starter 8: Brieffreunde, Framework Pack p.71 (Assessing text in penfriend advertisements – OHT 35) (Framework Pack p.72) High-frequency language translation – teams challenge each other to translate a sentence chosen at random from the spread. revision of present tense (er and sie) 2.2b skim and scan 1a, 1b, 2b 2.2e ask and answer questions 1c 2.2g write clearly and coherently 1e 2.1b memorising 2a Personal and social life Understand descriptions of pen friends 2a Ask and answer questions about pen friends Understand personal information and answer questions 1c 1a, 1b, 2b Write about likes / dislikes of family members 1e / Word processing, TG p96 ICT Pack: activity 4, personal details 1st person, animals, numbers 1 to 31, leisure activities Workbooks A & B, p35 Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 13 Song, PB p61 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 5 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and responding Writing Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources AT3/3 AT4/3–4 YEAR: CLASS: Unit 5 pp62-63 Treffpunkt Activity no. Arranging a date with a friend. Launch: 7S7 (Time and tenses). Reinforcement: 7T6 (Texts as prompts); 7L5 (Spontaneous talk). Starter 9: Die Postkarte, Framework Pack p.72 (Looking at present-tense and time phrases in the postcard on OHT 36) Starter 10: Sounds o and ö, u and ü, Framework Pack p.73 (Filling in missing letters – OHT 37) (Framework Pack p.73) Examine the use of the present tense to convey a future event; look at ich möchte. Möchtest du ...? + infinitive at the end 4e use a range of resources 2 2.2a listen for gist / detail 3 2.2e ask and answer questions 4 3c apply grammar 4 2.2g write clearly and coherently 5b Personal and social life Understand dialogues about arranging dates and planning activities Carry out dialogues about arranging dates and planning activities Understand written dialogues about arranging dates and planning activities Write e-mail arranging a date with a friend; fill in an engagement diary Hast du am [day] Zeit? Möchtest du schwimmen gehen? Wann treffen wir uns? (Wir treffen uns) um [time]. ICT Pack: activity 3, leisure activities, opinion phrases Workbooks A & B, p36 1, 3 4, 5a 1 2, 5b Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 14 Flashcards 51–61: sports OHT 13A & 13B: arranging meetings Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 6 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1, 3 responding Speaking AT2/2 Reading and AT3/2 responding Writing AT4/2 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Activity no. Unit 6 pp64-65 Meine Lieblingssachen Asking a friend about his / her favourite things. Talking about your favourite things. Reinforcement: 7T4 (Using resources); 7L2 (Following speech). Starter 11: Lieblingssachen, Framework Pack p.73 (Filling in details of favourite things – Worksheet 38 Starter 12: Odd-one-out, Framework Pack p.74 (Looking at grammatical differences – choosing the odd word out of three) (Framework Pack p.74) Lernzieltest – pupils test each other in pairs. possessive: mein / dein (revision) and sein / ihr (introduction) genders of possessives (mein. meine, mein, meine etc.) 2.2j adapt previously-learnt language 1a 3c apply grammar 1b 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2, 3 2.2b skim and scan 4b 2.2a listen for gist / detail 5a Personal and social life Understand interview about favourite things 1b, 1c, 5a Carry out dialogue about classmates’ favourite things Understand short text about a person’s favourite things 4b 4a Write questions and sentences about favourite things 1a, 2, 3 Was ist dein / deine...? Mein / Meine ..., Sein / Seine ..., Ihr / Ihre … Lieblingsfach, Lieblingshobby, Lieblingstag, Lieblingsmonat, Lieblingskleidungsstück, Lieblingssport, Lieblingsfarbe, Lieblingsfußballmannschaft Presentation, TG p100 ICT Pack: activity 6, animals, colours, sports, asking questions Workbooks A & B, p37 Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 15 R & A File: Grammatik 6, p68 OHT 14A & 14B: favourite things Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Odd-one-out), p.74 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 7 SCHOOL: DATE: Logo! 1 Kapitel 4 Freizeit Learning objectives Framework objectives Starters Plenary Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and AT3/3 responding Writing AT4/2–3 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement (A) Extension (B) Resources YEAR: CLASS: Activity no. Unit 7 pp66-67 Club elf bis sechzehn Consolidation unit: Club 11–16 / / / / 4g use TL in engaging topics 3e different countries’ cultures 2.2a listen for gist / detail 2.2g write clearly and coherently 2.2e ask and answer questions 2.2b skim and scan Personal and social life Understand leisure activities in a youth club programme 1a 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a, 2b, 2c 1b Ask and answer questions about planned leisure activities 1d Understand information from postcards about leisure activities 2a, 2b, 2c Complete sentences about leisure activities; write own postcard about leisure activities 1a, 1c As in Units 1–6 ICT Pack: activity 5, letter writing, time, activities, opinion phrases Extra A & B, PB pp106–7 Cassette B, side B or CD 2, track 16 Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Full weekend), p.75; Writing skills (Text building), p.76 Homework Notes Scheme of Work for Logo! 1 Chapter 4 8