SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 4 La forme! Unité 1 pp60-61 Tu gardes la forme? no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2–4 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing Asking someone what they do to keep fit Saying what you do to keep fit, how often, and why you do it using time expressions en 1a sounds and writing 1a 1c use a range of vocabulary / structures 2d 3c use knowledge of English / another language 1a, 1d Everyday activities, personal and social life AT3/4 Understand what people do to keep fit, how often and why Say what people do to keep fit, how often and why; carry out survey Understand what someone does to keep fit AT4/4–5 Write about you do to keep fit and why 1a, 1b, 2a 1c, 2b, 2c 1d 2d Key language Que fais-tu pour garder la forme? Je fais du jogging / de la musculation / du cyclisme / de la danse / de l’aérobic / de la natation/du yoga / du taï-chi. Je ne fais rien. J’en fais de temps en temps / tous les jours / souvent / une fois par semaine / deux fois par semaine. Pourquoi? / Parce que ça détend / c’est bon pour la santé / mon ami(e) en fait / j’aime bien. ICT Opportunities Using a spread sheet: enter the results of a class survey about how often people do sport onto a spread sheet and produce a labelled pie chart to show the results. Rouge workbook, p33 À toi!, p120 En plus, PB pp72–75 Reinforcement Extension Resources Homework Notes Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 10 R & A File: worksheet 1, p69; grammar 1, p72 SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 4 Tu gardes la forme? Unité 2 pp62-63 Bougez! no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/2–3 responding Speaking AT2/3 Reading and responding Writing Making up an exercise programme Giving instructions using the tu and vous forms using the imperative: tu and vous forms: touche / touchez, ouvre / ouvrez, ferme / fermez, hausse / haussez reflexive verbs: se lever (lève-toi / levez-vous), s’asseoir (assiedstoi / asseyez-vous), se taire (tais-toi / taisez-vous) 2e vary language for context / audience 2a 5b respond to classroom events in TL 1a, 1c 5h use language for real purposes 1c Everyday activities Understand instructions and instructions for exercise programme Play ‘Jacques a dit’ (‘Simon says’) 1a, 2b 1c AT3/3 Understand written instructions for keep fit 1b AT4/3 Write instructions 2a, 3 Key language (See grammar) ICT Opportunities Using a graphics program: design an illustrated poster containing one or more instructions (positive or negative) and print ready for classroom display. Rouge workbook, p34 À toi!, p120 En plus, PB pp72–75 Reinforcement Extension Resources Homework Notes Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 11 R & A File: grammar 2, p73 SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 4 La forme! Unité 3 pp64-65 Bonne cuisine, bonne mine no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/1–4 responding Speaking AT2/1–5 Reading and responding Writing AT3/3 AT4/1–5 Key language Talking about healthy eating, and about what you eat and drink Saying what you ate and drank yesterday using the perfect tense and present tense together 2a listen for gist and detail 2a 2i summarise main points of text 1d Everyday activities Understand food items and what someone had to eat and drink Ask someone what someone had to eat and drink and give them advice Understand advice on different types of food 1b, 2a 1a, 3a 1d List types of food; write about what you have eaten 1c, 2b, and drunk; give advice on healthy eating 2c, 3b les produits laitiers, les céréales, les viandes, les fruits et légumes, le lait, le jambon, les carottes, la pomme, la pêche, le pain, la confiture Il faut / Il ne faut pas manger... . Reinforcement Exploring the internet: find out the answers to questions about nutrition and healthy lifestyle on: Rouge workbook, p35 Extension À toi!, PB p121 Resources Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 12 R & A File: worksheets 2–3, pp70–71 ICT Opportunities Homework Notes SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 4 La forme! Unité 4 pp66-67 Portrait d’un champion no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/5 responding Speaking AT2/– Talking about what you used to do the imperfect tense 1b apply grammar 1c use a range of vocabulary / structures The world around us Reading and responding Writing Understand written interview about how someone became a basketball champion 1a, 1b Write about what you and someone else used to do and what you do now 1c, 2 J’avais ... . J’étais ... . Je faisais ... . Copying and pasting photos: scan a photo of yourself when you were younger, paste it into a word-processing document and write a paragraph underneath about what you used to do then. Rouge workbook, p36 AT3/5–6 AT4/4-6 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Understand what people used to do when they were younger Extension Resources Homework Notes Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 13 1c 2 1d SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 4 La forme! Unité 5 pp68-69 Dix conseils pour garder la forme no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4–5 responding Speaking AT2/2–4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/3 Talking about keeping fit and giving others advice about healthy eating imperative: mangez, évitez, ne fumez pas, portez, protégez 5f use language creatively 1f, 2c Everyday activities Understand advice about keeping fit; understand publicity about protective clothing Discuss rules on healthy living; talk about protective clothing Understand definitions related to healthy living 1e, 2b 1d, 2a 1a, 1b, 1c Reinforcement Write rules for healthy living and write publicity material for protective clothing 1f, 2c Mangez sainement. Faites du sport. Ne fumez pas. Buvez 2 à 3 litres d’eau par jour. Using a graphics programme: design the advertisement for activity 2c using a computer. The article of protective clothing could be drawn or copied and pasted e.g. from a website. Rouge workbook, p37 Extension En plus, PB pp72–75 Resources Cassette B, side 2 or CD 2, track 14 AT4/3–5 Key language ICT Opportunities Homework Notes