SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 2 J’arrive Unité 1 pp24-25 La famille de Ludo no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing Talking about your family: saying who they are and what they do future tense (aller + infinitive) masculine and feminine endings 2g deal with the unpredictable 1 3b use clues to interpret meaning 1 3d use dictionaries / reference materials 1 Personal and social life Understand details of future plans 2b Say what jobs people do and are going to do 2a, 2c AT3/3–4 Understand information about a family 1 AT4/3 Write about what job someone will do and where 3 Key language Mon père / Ma mère / Mon frère / Ma soeur s’appelle ... . Il / Elle est grand(e) / petit(e) / brun(e). Il / Elle est étudiant(e) / instituteur (institutrice) / médecin / menuisier / coiffeur (coiffeuse) / infirmier (infirmière). Il / Elle est au chômage. Il / Elle travaille à son compte. Il / Elle travaille dans un bureau / à la poste / sur un chantier. Je vais (faire) ... . Il / Elle va (travailler) ... . ICT Opportunities Using Fun With Texts : Scrambler option, as suggested on TB p42 Reinforcement Extension Rouge workbook, p13 A toi!, PB, p116 En plus, PB pp36–37 Resources Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 10 Homework Notes SCHOOL: DATE: Métro 3 Rouge Module 2 J’arrive YEAR: CLASS: Unité 2 pp26-27 À la maison Activity no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing Talking about your home depuis ordinal numbers: premier / première, deuxième, troisième 1a sounds and writing 1a 2b pronunciation and intonation 1a Everyday activities AT3/3–4 Understand where people live and how long they have been there Talk about your accommodation and that of other people Understand descriptions of houses and key expressions 2a 1a, 1c, 2b, 3 1a, 1b, 2c AT4/3–4 Draw up plan of a house and describe 2d Key language C’est une grande maison / un grand appartement. Au rez-de-chaussée, il y a ... . En bas / Au sous-sol / Au premier étage, il y a ... . la cave, la chambre, la cuisine, la salle de bains, le salon Nous habitons ... depuis ... . ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Using the internet: consult websites giving descriptions of holiday accommodation. Using the Yahoo search engine, select location de vacances, choose a region then click on an individual property: sme/hebergement/ Rouge workbook, p14 Extension A toi!, PB p117 Resources Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 11 R & A File: worksheets 1–4, pp28–31 Homework Notes SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 2 J’arrive Unité 3 pp28-29 Est-ce que je peux ...? no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/3 responding Speaking AT2/3-4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/2 AT4/4 Key language ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Extension Resources Homework Notes Asking if you may do something Saying you are hungry / thirsty / cold / hot etc. expressions with avoir: j’ai faim, j’ai soif, j’ai froid, j’ai chaud, j’ai besoin de .. pouvoir – all forms of present tense Je peux ...? 1b apply grammar 2b, 3b, 3c 2c ask and answer questions 1b, 2b 5b respond to classroom events in TL 1b Everyday activities Understand responses to your requests; understand domestic chores 1a, 3a Make requests; describe the chores that people have done 1b, 3b Understand the links between needs and solutions to them 2a Express your own needs; say what others needed to do / what they did 2b, 3c Est-ce que je peux ... téléphoner à mes parents / manger / boire quelque chose? J’ai faim / soif / froid / chaud. Il / Elle devait ... . vraiment Word processing – using a table: create a table with three columns for activity 3c. 1 = names, 2 = the things they were supposed to do and 3 = the things they were not supposed to do. Rouge workbook, p15 Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 12 R & A File: worksheet 5, p32; grammar 1–2, pp33–34 SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Métro 3 Rouge Module 2 J’arrive Unité 4 pp30-31 La boum. Mettons la table! Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/4 responding Speaking AT2/3–4 Reading and responding Writing AT3/4 AT4/2 Activity no. Helping with the preparation for a party and saying what you need Choosing a menu Setting the table il faut + infinitive it: le, la them: les some of it / them: en 1b apply grammar 1d 5d produce / respond to different types of spoken / 1a, 1c written language Everyday activities Understand what someone needs to get for a party 1c Say what is needed for a party 1d, 2a Understand a party invitation and who will be bringing what Write a menu for a party and list other needs 1a, 1b 2b Key language Je vais apporter des pizzas. Denis va apporter des chips. l’assiette, le bol, le couteau, la cuillère, la fourchette, la paille, le sac en plastique, le sac poubelle, le saladier, les serviettes en papier, le verre ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Using a graphics program: design party invitation using graphics program as suggested on p51 of the TG. Copy and paste clipart and vary the size and colour of the text to add interest. Rouge workbook, p16 Extension En plus, PB p38 Resources Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 13 R & A File: grammar 3, p35 (or save for Unit 5) Homework Notes SCHOOL: YEAR: DATE: CLASS: Activity Métro 3 Rouge Module 2 J’arrive Unité 5 pp32-33 On s’entend bien, ou on s’entend pas? no. Learning objectives Grammar Skills (Programmes of Study) Contexts Learning outcomes … Listening and AT1/5 responding Speaking AT2/3-4 Reading and responding Writing Talking about how you get on with people Saying what you have to do reflexive verbs: s’amuser, se disputer, s’entendre avec, s’énerver, se plaindre devoir: present tense – all forms 2h skim and scan texts 1a, 1b 5c express feelings and opinions 2c, 3 Personal and social life Understand someone talking about their home life 2a AT3/5 Discuss members of the family; discuss aspects of home life Understand text about family relationships 1c, 2b 1a, 1b AT4/4 Write about whether you and others get on with people 2c, 3 Key language Je (ne) m’entends (pas) bien avec ... parce que (qu’) ... Il / Elle (ne) s’entend (pas) bien avec ... parce que (qu’) ... ... il /elle m’aide à faire mes devoirs / est rigolo / me laisse jouer sur son ordinateur (écouter ses disques) / vient dans ma chambre / est gâté(e) /a toujours tout ce qu’il / elle veut / m’empêche de regarder la télé (sortir le soir avant d’avoir fini mes devoirs). Mon frère m’énerve quand ... . ICT Opportunities Reinforcement Rouge workbook, p17 Extension Resources Homework Notes Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 14 R & A File: grammar 3, p35